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One of my players has a legendary fear of adventures on boats. I have no idea why, as at least one of the adventures I've run on boats hasn't involved kraken, storms or mysterious islands rising from the depths. 

This week's eventure by Bart Wynants provides the tools for you to add depth, flavour and interest into an ocean-going adventure. There's even a  mystery for them to solve, if they are of a mind.

About Sailing Aboard the Willow

A single mast thrusts skyward like a proud lance, assailing the grey heavens as the good ship Widow ploughs through the waves. The storm-blasted sail billows in the wind, dragging the ship across the seething sea which readily cleaves before its grim figurehead. Standing at the helm is sullen-faced Saamo Hilhaarja, captain of Widow and master of the sea. Despite their advanced age and a reputation far from untarnished, there are no mariners more accomplished than Saamo and his crew. No matter the weather or the dangers of the journey, Widow always sails.

An Eventure by Bart Wynants. Cartography by Dyson Logos and Bart Wynants

This eventure is suitable for any level PCs and can be used with any size group. It has also been designed to be easily adapted to virtually any GM’s campaign.

Sailing Aboard the Widow is set in and around the Duchy of Ashlar but is easily adaptable to almost any fantasy setting.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems,  drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

The Willow's map is attached to this post, for your convenience. 

Nominate a GM!

Earlier this week, I asked you to Nominate a GM, and many of you have—thank you! 

I just wanted to remind you that I’ll be taking a detailed look at the nominations on Sunday, when nominations close. If you know a GM whose day could be brightened with a gift card for the Raging Swan Press store take a look at the post I've linked above.

Thank You for Your Support

As always, thank you for your support. Your efforts are instrumental in keeping Raging Swan Press pushing onwards during this most tricky time. I hope  you are also pushing onwards and that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. I also hope you are getting in a bit of gaming or at least able to work on your campaign. 



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