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As you know, March 2020 is Raging Swan Press's 10-year anniversary/birthday. I had big plans for the month--today we were meant to be unleashing Super Secret Project Gelatinous Owlbear into the world. However, global events have overtaken us and now is not the time for Project Gelatinous Owlbear. It must, sadly, for now remain wreathed in shadow and mystery. 

Instead, I thought I'd send you another free mini-eventure. It occurred to me yesterday that with all our face to face gaming cancelled a mini-eventure might be a great way to still do a little bit of role-playing with friends. Given mini-eventures are role-play intensive even an on-line gaming noob like myself should be able to give them a go. Simply fire up Skype, FaceTime or Zoom (or some other platform I've never heard of) and role-play with your friends! No battle mats, initiative rolls or combat required (probably). 

Drinking at the Drunken Sailor was originally scheduled for next month, but by releasing it early I have cunningly given myself an excuse to write another one--Shopping at High Market. Look for it toward the middle of April. 

Where's My Stuff?

All four versions of Drinking at the Drunken Sailor (5e, OSR, Pathfinder 1 and Pathfinder 2) are attached to this post. Simpy download some (or all) of them and you should be good to go. If you have any questions, just drop me a note and I'll leap into action.

Thank You!

As always, thank you for your continued support. Particularly at this time I’d like to  thank you for sticking with Raging Swan Press. Your continued support means we can, in turn, continue paying our freelance designers, cartographers and artists and support them during this uniquely trying time. As our government keeps saying, "We are all in this together" and I'm totally onboard with that message (shockingly given my wife's profession). I hope that your local communities are similarly pulling together, and that you have everything you need to get through the next few months. If Raging Swan Press can help you in someway (although I get gaming supplies aren't critical to life) drop me a line. Or just drop me a line to say "hello!"

As always, good luck with your game and please stay safe and healthy!


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