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Magic items are a subject very close to my heart. As both a player and a GM, I love magic items. I hate, however, the commoditisation of magic items prevalent in games since 3rd edition. How can magic items be so wondrous and special if they are for sale all over the place?

In the past, we've released products such as So What's For Sale, Anyway? to try and mollify this state of play. Finally, it seems more recent games such as 5e and Pathfinder 2 are moving away from the magic item marketplace and back towards a more old-school approach to magic items.

That doesn't mean--however--magic items are never for sale. To the contrary, I recall an adventure in a very old DUNGEON magazine (somewhere around issue 13) that was basically a magic item auction. I've always loved that idea and now Raging Swan Press has it's very own magic item auction! Behold: Raisa's Auction Most Wondrous!

About Raisa’s Auction Most Wondrous

Raisa Ojanen, of Raisa’s Curios fame (or perhaps notoriety if you believe the rumours), has secured another batch of wondrous magical items for sale at another of her famous auctions! Only the great, the good or the wealthy are admitted to these exclusive gatherings during which thousands of gold crowns reputedly change hands in exchange for items normally money literally cannot buy. Will Raisa grant you admittance or will she find you lacking?  

About Eventures

An eventure is akin to a normal adventure, but does not (normally) feature violence or physical challenges. Instead, an eventure focuses on the use of social skills and role-play to resolve the challenges, or events, therein. Most eventures take places in a settlement or on the road. Few occur in traditional adventure locales such as dungeons, ruined castles and so on.

Eventures are an excellent change of pace and can be used as filler between adventures or as situations in which PCs who have invested in social skills can shine. They are also perfect for players who enjoy role-playing.

Raisa's Auction Most Wondrous is available in 5e, Pathfinder 1, Pathfinder 2 and OSR/System Neutral editions. Patrons at the $2 and up levels get all four editions as a thank you for their awesome support!

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

What Replaces Monstrous Lairs?

I posted a poll yesterday about the end of the Monstrous Lair line and its replacement. If you want to have a say it would replaces Monstrous Lair, please vote in the poll!

Thank You!

As always, thank you so very much for being a part of Raging Swan Press. This Patreon campaign is Raging Swan Press's bedrock, and your support enables us to continue publishing the products we all love and use in our campaigns. Specifically, in this book we were able to order extra art and maps specifically through your support. Thank you. 

Have an excellent weekend, and good luck with your games!


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