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Several months ago, you might recall, I announced the Monstrous Lair line would be ending in December. The Monstrous Lair line has been very popular and we've enjoyed publishing it, but the end is nigh. The main reason for this is that the line is System Neutral, and we are running out of classic monsters that appear in 5e, Pathfinder and OSR games. I'd rather quit while the line is good rather than drag it out until it dies a horrible ignoble death, 

Of course this raises the tricky question of what new line should arise to replace Monstrous Lairs. I thought it best if you decided. Take a look at the poll below and let me know what you'd like to see from Raging Swan Press. Also feel free to leave a comment if you've got an idea which doesn't appear in the poll.

1. Adventures Against [Race]

This line is similar to Monstrous Lair in that it focuses on a single race--for example goblins. Each instalment would focus on a different race and provide detailed NPCs, looting the body tables and more. For example, you could use instalments in this line to breathe life into the various tribal lairs appearing in the Caves of Chaos.

2. Urban Locales (Option 1)

This line would present  fleshed out urban locales ready to be dropped into virtually any town or city. Locales could include chapels, taverns, weaponsmiths, wizard towers and so on.

3. Urban Locales (Option 2)

Similar to Urban Locales (Option 1) this line would focus on urban locales, but instead of focusing on specific locations would present tables designed to help you breathe life into a type of locale. For example, if the characters go looking for a weaponsmith you could use this book to quickly generate details about the weaponsmith, his workshop and so on.

4. NPCs

In the same vein as the Daily NPC, each release would present NPCs ready to drop into your campaign. Each instalment would focus on a different type of NPC (mercenaries, bandits) or races (goblins, orcs etc.)

5. Mini Eventures

Each instalment presents a short social situation (and locale) designed to be dropped into a GM's campaign. For example, the characters need to find out where a renown pirate hides and so visit the Drunken Sailor tavern. The GM whips out this mini-eventure and is good to go!

Final Notes

Exact details on formats, word (and page) counts and release frequency depend on which option wins. There's not much point releasing a product that's not actually useful so if one option requires more words or pages than another this could influence the frequency of releases and so on. 

Whichever options is triumphant, the line will be System Neutral so as many people as possible can use the books.

So--please vote and let me know what you want to see in 2020. (The poll is live until next Thursday).


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