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As November hurtles to a close, we've got our last two releases of the month. Next week, we burst into December with 20 Things #44: Alchemist's Laboratory but this week we've got Dungeon Dressing: Chests and Monstrous Lair #44: Chimera's Den to add to your GM's folder. 

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

This week, everyone at the $2 and up levels gets both new releases--and in the case of Dungeon Dressing: Chests this includes the 5e, OSR, Pathfinder1 and Pathfinder 2 editions! Check your inbox now, and if you don't have a message from me let me know.

What Replaces Monstrous Lair?

Last week, I asked you what should release the Monstrous Lair line when it ends next month. In total, 150 votes were cast and the result was very, very close. With 29% of the votes, Mini Eventures just pipped the two Urban Locales options to the post. 

Given this, I'm going to give serious thought to how I can combine Urban Locale Option #1 with Mini Eventures. On the face of it, it should be relatively easy to present a designed locale along with a Mini Eventure set in that locale. Look for a sample soon!

As Always...

Thank you for your awesome support. I say it every week, but your support is the backbone of Raging Swan Press. Your support directly enables us to keep producing the kind of detail-rich supplements we all use to add depth, flavour and verisimilitude to our games. Tonight, I will raise of glass of bourbon in your honour!

Have an excellent weekend, and good luck with your games!


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