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I've been looking forward to this week's release for some time. Today, our first eventure--Four Nights at the Orc's Head--slithers into the world! I've already run part of Four Nights at the Orc's Head in my own game. I hope your players (and you) have as much fun as we did! 

Four Nights at the Orc's Head comes in three editions--5e, Pathfinder and System Neutral so we've got you covered no matter what game you play! And, this week we also release Monstrous Lair #24: Roper's Cave, because who doesn't enjoy exploring a roper's lair? (I've loved ropers ever since I first read Forge of Fury).

As our eventures are so new, I'm very keen to find out what you think about the idea (and its execution). Feel free to leave a comment here or shoot me an email with your thoughts!

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Daily NPC Poll

Yesterday, I posted up a poll for February's Daily NPC theme. If you haven't voted please head over and let me know what theme you'd prefer.

And Finally...

As is traditional, I'd like to welcome our new members--Jerry Stephens, crath87, Frans Verhoef, Arthur Mark Isola, Andy Dowland, Jason Kramer, Bradley A. Johnson, Jim Farrell and Mike Mudgett--who joined us this week. I hope you'll all enjoy the books you get through our campaign.

And, of course, thank you to everyone who supports Raging Swan Press on Patreon. It means the world to me and enables us to do what we do. Thank you. 

Have a great weekend, and good luck with your campaigns!


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