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As January stampedes to a close, my thoughts have moved to February. As you know, in January, we've been posting system neutral daily NPCs designed to be inserted into your campaign with minimal fuss. 

January's theme was townsfolk, and I'm wondering what I should tackle in February. I've got two ideas and I'd love to know what you'd find most useful in your campaign:

Adventurers About Town

Adventurers about town could be rivals, friends or merely "window dressing" in the local pub. A GM could compile a group of them to form an adventuring party.


These could be men-at-arms, porters, guides and the like--the kind of folk who sometime accompany the PCs on their adventures, but who often fade into the background (until they are killed).

Something Else?

If you've got a suggestion for another monthly theme, please leave a comment below.



A good mix of locals would be ideal. Various types of merchants, wardens, guard, mayor & assistant, Inn keepers, blacksmiths, joiners, etc ... Walts


By all means, adventurers, particularly if there's something inspirational about each.


i'm thinking most hirelings could also double as descriptors for local guards and various muscle (thief's guild toughs, etc). all of the above sounds handy.


Some politicians, organize crime bosses, powerful businesses, banks, pawn shops, black market dealers,


I used the dog walker in my Campaign on Sunday it was fun having rumors being exchanged on the street instead of at the Tavern was a first for me. Thank you Creighton & RSP ♡


Glad you enjoyed using the NPC, Jose! Hope the players noticed the extra effort you are going to.


Here's an idea: Pillars of the Community - NPCs that are upstanding citizens, local loved folk who help the community Sinkholes (need a better name) of the Community - NPCs that are marginally tolerated but cause trouble and disruption, or divide the townsfolk

Jeremy Suiter

Many of my games involve traveling through wilderness, and a set of NPCs that were specifically designed to add realism, color, and interest to journeys would be fantastic! You could even make multiple sets meant for fellow passengers on a sea/river voyage by ship/boat, fellow travelers on roads, nomads in the desert or on the frozen tundra, and those making their way through forests, over mountains, or slogging through marshes, swamps, or other badlands. These could include quite a variety of people on the move for many reasons, and would fit in any number of fantasy gaming settings.


This is a very interesting idea, Edward. You are right, though, we need a better name that "Sinkholes of the Community"