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Loads of classic adventures start, end or take place in a rural farming village. It's a classic adventure site. Sadly, because of the tyranny of page count, the designer often can't spend as much time as desired fleshing out the place. That's where 20 Things #34: Farming Village comes in! Chocked full of tables, the book is designed to help you bring a farming village to life in your players' minds. 

Please Read (Downloads)

Normally, I send out codes for the week's releases via RPGNow. As you might be aware, OBS are experiencing some ongoing technical difficulties this week as they migrate to new servers. Both RPGNow and DriveThruRPG have been up and down all week. Thus, at time of writing I'm not 100% confident I can get you your codes (and that you'll be able to download your books) as normal. 

With that in mind, I've uploaded  20 Things #34: Farming Village here so you can "grab it and go." Once OBS have sorted their cloud migration, I'll send out codes like normal with next week's releases.

Thank You!

As always thank you for your awesome support. I truly appreciate it and I hope you are finding our books a boon in your GMing adventure. I'd also like to welcome our new members--Von Recklinghausen, Brice Zickuhr, David Babbitt, David Ricciardi, Allen Billings and Ty in TX--who have all joined us this week. 

And as a final reminder, 20 Things #34: Farming Village is free to you as a thank you for your epic support.

Have a great week, everyone, and good luck with your games!



supremely useful right here, well done.


Can't seem to download the System Neutral edition from here, Creighton. No biggie though! What I've seen in the zip file looks good as always.


Hi Brian. Sorry about the technical trouble. I've uploaded the "raw" uncompressed PDF files here. Can you grab them okay?