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And we are off! 

Welcome to our first release of 2019--20 Things #33: Red Dragon's Lair! Of all the dragon lairs we've recently detailed, I predict this will be the most used of the bunch. Red dragons are one of the most iconic villains in fantasy gaming and so I hope you get to include one if your campaign soon! (For the players' sake, of course).

This is a free product to you, our heroic patrons. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm tremendously grateful for your support and chuffed beyond words at what we've managed to do together. I hope our books help make your game better. I know they improve mine!

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download code for this books. Just drop it into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 


Welcome to our new members--Douglas Dole, Ben, Steve Fletcher, DM Gloreindl, James Fite, Dan Holdgreiwe, Jack Neller and Amanda Coffey--who have all recently joined us. Welcome all!

AMA #3

I've a hankering to do another AMA. I received a few questions after AMA #2, but if you've got a burning question you want answered leave a comment below and I'll add it to my list. I'll also be including some Raging Swan Press news in the upcoming recording and I'm working on a companion blog piece entitled, "The State of the Swan". I hope to get both out the door next week. 

Thank You!

Again, thank you for your support. Enjoy the book and if you are gaming this weekend--good luck!


Thomas Stump

A possible question for AMA. Actually two. 1) For your Gloamhold campaign, did you create a custom calendar? 2) I've seen a few deities in the "Duchy of Ashlar" 5e products. How large is the pantheon? Will we be getting more as products continue to come out? I just bought Villages of Ashlar and plan on reading it this weekend!


I’ve added the second question to my list, Thomas! Thanks very much for asking it. I have been working on a deities section in an upcoming book, but it is nowhere near finished yet!