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As you might recall, a few days ago I shared some sample NPCs with you here on Patreon. Rather marvellously, they were well received and I've decided to hurl myself into the project with the speed of a striking panther.


I've also decided to do something a little different with the NPCs. For the month of January, I'm going to post up one new NPC every day over at The Daily NPC. At the end of the month, I'll compile them all into a free (and exclusive) PDF and every patron will get a copy! (At some point, the NPCs will find their way into the big Languard book I'm working on, but that isn't even on the schedule yet).  I hope you'll find the exclusive NPC book useful. 

Anyway, the first NPC--now proofed--is up for your enjoyment. Behold:

  • Aapro Jutikka (CN middle-aged male human) Craven, luckless clothier on the verge of bankruptcy. Read more.

I've also set up a Daily NPC email list so interested folk will be among the first to read--and perhaps use--the NPCs. If you'd like to sign up for daily emails head to this link (or any of the others in this post) and sign up using the link at the bottom of the page. 

And finally, if all goes well I'll look into what Daily NPCs we can feature in February; I'm thinking a theme of "Adventurers About Town" could be fun.

As always, thank you for your support...and happy new year!

(Just to be clear, this is a free post).


Matthew J. Hunter

Creighton, the "Adventurers About Town" idea sounds GREAT! it would be nice to have a reference for competing parties, as well as descriptions of hapless solo adventurers that have gone missing (or fallen victim to the nearby dark forces)...


woohoo! what fantastic news! you are the BEST, Crieghton!


Super job what a great tool for World Building Homebrewing Campaigns or adding style to a one shot Adventure Module thank you I'll be using this immediately


Question What would Aapro "Ideals" be? His Personality - scared for the future, he is distracted by looming debt. Flaw - is terrible with money or betting on Grayhounds. Bond is to creditors and loan sharks. Ideals? Family Man, Loyalty to the community? Make cheap products or high quality products


This is definitely what I was needing. Thanks!