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Behold my third patreon exclusive AMA for your auditory enjoyment! This one runs roughly twice as long as the first two. I had a rather interesting question from Eric Liberti and I couldn't stop myself rambling. 

I hope you enjoy the AMA. If you have any questions you'd like answered please leave them in the comments below. 

I'll be back tomorrow for Village Backdrop: Brackendale!


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-01 05:34:05 Thank you for this AMA it's the best one yet! I absorbed a lot of information & Inspiration much to think about, as someone who loves World Building and Adventure writing. Developing a style and keeping my writing consistent is a constant struggle but one I enjoy. Thank You for the priceless advice. Three cheers for RAGING SWAN PRESS and 2019!
2019-01-10 19:34:43 Thank you for this AMA it's the best one yet! I absorbed a lot of information & Inspiration much to think about, as someone who loves World Building and Adventure writing. Developing a style and keeping my writing consistent is a constant struggle but one I enjoy. Thank You for the priceless advice. Three cheers for RAGING SWAN PRESS and 2019!

Thank you for this AMA it's the best one yet! I absorbed a lot of information & Inspiration much to think about, as someone who loves World Building and Adventure writing. Developing a style and keeping my writing consistent is a constant struggle but one I enjoy. Thank You for the priceless advice. Three cheers for RAGING SWAN PRESS and 2019!


Hi Creighton! Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to answer my questions in such great detail. I’m actually quite honored, and it was extremely helpful. It’s an idea I’ve been toying with for a while now, and I was starting to get discouraged. Your answer and your experience has somewhat reinvigorated me and I feel more motivated to give writing and publishing a legitimate try. And to speak to your advice on seeking feedback, I had actually sent you a small snippet of something I was working on probably 6 months ago or so, and your feedback was invaluable! It definitely helped me rein in and focus my writing, which has had positive in-game effects for my campaign. So thank you again for your guidance! I’m looking forward to all Raging Swan Press will be bringing to 2019!


I remember the piece, Eric. I'm glad my comments were useful. Good luck with your writing in 2019!