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We've been snowed in--again--at Global HQ which has meant I've had more time on my hands than I had initially planned. Therefore, I've started the Great Archive Reorganisation I mentioned last week

Phase one is complete. I've created the various sub-pages to better divide out the lists and moved said lists to their destination page. I've also created page graphics and so on. All the new pages are accessible from the main Free Resource page and via the site's main menu.

Phase two is now ongoing. In phase two I'm going to further organise the various lists by sub-type. So--for example--I'll group all the goblin related lists under a Goblin heading and so on. You might find this means lists turn up in more than one place (which isn't a bad thing if it helps people find the material they need).

I suspect Phase two will be ongoing for much of the rest of the month; it's the kind of job you can chip away at in spare moments. 

However, I have completed two of the pages: check them out!

Take a Look! 

So, if you've got a minute head on over to the Free Resources page and have a poke about. Let me know what you think, in the comments below!

(Obviously--this is a free post). See you all on Friday for GM's Miscellany: 20 Things III!


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