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We've got another bumper release week for you with no less than four books! Everyone at the $2 level and up gets the Pathfinder, 5e and System Neutral editions of Places of Power: Dreamden by Jeff Gomez as well as Monstrous Lair #4: Goblin Raiding Camp in (by a bizarre twist of fate) Jeff Gomez. 

It's a Jeff Gomez week! Deploy the flags and bunting!


Dreamden is debauchery disguised as enlightenment. Here, wealthy aristocrats exchange gold for false visions, misplaced purpose and distorted truth. In return, they invariably go mad.

Promoted as a rustic resort, Dreamden provides rich city-dwellers the opportunity to get in touch with their more primitive side. Here, the wealthy aristocracy feign connection with their ancestors and, after smoking a range of exorbitant narcotics, go on self-aggrandizing sprit quests. The whole thing is a scam, run by an enchanting elf named Dreamer. As customers stumble about in a stupor, Dreamer syphons their mental energies to feed the demon-king to whom he is indebted. Dreamer guides the dreams of his clients, introducing them to highly addictive substances and securing their life-long annual patronage.

Goblin Raiders

And let's not forget the goblin raiders! If you are going to use goblins in your campaign this short release will help you add flavour and depth to any raiding camp the PCs discover. 

Monstrous Lair #4: Goblin Raiding Camp is system neutral so you can use it with virtually any fantasy game!

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

As always, I wanted to thank you for your support. While we blitzkrieg on hurling new products into the world it might not look like anything changes for us here at Global HQ--but it does. Your support allows me to enact long-term plots (and sometimes schemes); the archive re-ordering I announced yesterday is just one of those things. It's a minor thing in the grand scheme of things, but hopefully larger changes will follow soon!

Finally, welcome to Perry Smith, Kary Williams, Bill Jaimez, Brexton and Jamie Just who have all joined us this week. 

Have an excellent weekend everyone and, if you are gaming I hope you roll better than I normally roll!


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