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This is an epic week! Not only have I completed the archive reorganisation, but we are also releasing GM’s Miscellany: 20 Things III

Every year, this is the book that takes me the longest to write as I start in April and finish the following February. I hope you enjoy GM’s Miscellany: 20 Things III and that you find the lists therein useful. Use them in your campaign to add depth and verisimilitude to your game!

Where's My Stuff?

By the time you get, this patrons at the $5 level and above should have a message from me containing the special secret download code for this book. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 

Thank You!

Thank you so much for your support this year. I love building books like these organically over the year and I couldn't do it without your support. 

I'd also like to welcome everyone who has joined us recently: Henrik Sebring, Satheian, Kevin Murphy, Kody Christopffer, Felix, Étienne De Sloover, KG, Alex Hoggett, Caleb Billman, birdpls, Rick Schrand, Mike Felber, Daniel Way, Michael L. Lippert, Cody Daigle, Dawn Randall, Michael Frank and Jim Gould. I hope you stick with us and enjoy our books!

Have an excellent weekend, and if you are gaming, I hope you roll better than me!



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