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As you know by now, Patreon has changed the way they collect their fees.

In the past, it was the creators who paid the fees. Now, the patrons pay. There’s a lot of anger about the change among creators and patrons. As an example, Raging Swan Press has lost 3% of our patrons in the last 24 hours as a direct result of the change. Behold:

While the change might be better for Patreon and Raging Swan Press, it doesn't seem to be better for you (our patrons). Clearly, something must be done. But, here’s the thing: I can’t control Patreon or their actions. They have decided this is the best course of action for their business. They’ve also gone on record as saying the new way will be better for creators. 

While I can’t control Patreon, I can control how I react to their decision. Getting angry or running around panicking that the sky is falling isn’t going to do Raging Swan Press a lot of good. Both are a waste of time.  

So, instead, I’m choosing to be positive and see the change as an opportunity. I have a plan. 

The Plan

Patreon says I’ll have more money as a result of this change. I’m not sure that’s true in the short-term. It may be true in the long-term. We’ll see. 

In any event, I’m going to use the (theoretical/actual) extra revenue to create even more content for you, and then I’m going to give it to you for free. (After all, if you are paying more every month you should get more every month). 

Starting in February 2018, the monthly 20 Things instalment will grow from five to seven pages of content. That’s a 40% increase in gaming goodness. Patrons pledging at **any level** will get the 20 Things release for free as a thank you for their awesomely epic ongoing support. Hopefully, the added content will offset the extra costs you incur and—more importantly—make your games easier and more fun to run.

The Final Word

I hope you think supporting Raging Swan Press on Patreon is still worth it. If, however, you are unable to continue supporting us, I totally understand. Whatever you decide, thank you so much for your support to date. You have helped Raging Swan Press grow and expand, and I’m tremendously grateful. 

Please let me know what you think, by leaving a note in the comments below.


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