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Blimey. We've reached the end--our last release of 2017! This year, we've released in the region of 50 different products (more if you count the multiple editions of the Village Backdrop and Places of Power lines). That's a hell of an achievement and we couldn't have done it without you. Thank you.

I've been plotting some changes to our release schedule for next year. While we'll stick to the same number of releases, we'll be mixing up the content a bit. I've seen several requests in recent weeks for more adventures and suchlike, and that's something I'll be looking to create next year. More news in January!

Anyway, I've rambled enough. Without further ado, here is our last release of 2017!


The Strait of Tibol-Korrin provides seafaring merchants a relatively safe and easy way to reach the otherwise hard-to-reach, landlocked rival baronies of Tibol and Korrin. A decade ago, the strategically important strait became the focal point of a war between the two rival baronies when a dispute over equitable distribution of tariffs dramatically escalated when a Tibolian ship mysteriously sank (allegedly through the actions of Korrin saboteurs). The war brought shipping through the strait to a halt, as no captains dared to venture into range of the many siege weapons covering the strait and its approaches. A recent truce borne of economic necessity, and a blossoming romance between opposing, high-ranking commanders, allows ships to once again safely traverse the strait. However, unbeknownst to almost all, the fighting dislodged ancient and dark relics, portending the return of things best left forgotten.

Patreon Changes Their Mind

In rather marvellous news, Patreon have decided to return to the old ways of doing things. Everything is back to normal. I wanted to thank everyone who send me kind messages last week; it made the situation much more bearable. 

Thank you as well to everyone who signed up, or who re-signed up last week.  You are all more than welcome. And--even more marvellously--yesterday we reached a decent milestone--300 patrons! I've been looking forward to reaching 300 for some time (I suspect mainly because of the film of the same name).

So, welcome to es, Nick, Blaine Conner, Mason Kortz, Steve Collin, Aaron Askam, Timothy P Elliot, Mathew Sanders, Richard Sorden, Scott E Nash, 2-Minute Table Top, Pascal "Necral" Daniel and Clyde Clark who have all joined (or re-joined) since last week.

Where's My Stuff?

As always, by the time you get this you should have a message from me containing the special secret download codes for these books. Just drop them into your browser and you should be good to go. If you have any problems, just drop me a line and I'll sort it out for you. 


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