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Hello guys ~

I'm sorry to tell you that we are in a very similar situation as past month. This post is still really relevant regarding what we plan to do for patreon and the game: https://www.patreon.com/posts/when-will-update-8682826

But here are the new things. First of all, I'm not giving a lot of feedback because I was not able to progress lately, but starting next friday, I will give you a feedback every friday. If I did a lot of stuff, I will tell you and if I did nothing I will tell you too. With this Friday feedback, there should be a poll or a thread to help me developping the game in a good direction.

Secondly, I'm slowly getting back into development and you can expect an update soon, every update will be smaller but patreon exclusive until we catch up with our delay.  I will give you a date next friday, I should be almost done.

Thirdly, I'm very sorry for charging but putting your rewards on hold. That's why I want to offer some bonus rewards. As soon as your rewards are late, we will add  some Sona's splasharts Rozarin did for A night with Sona that we never used. On top of that every release will be patreon only until we are done with the late updates. If you have any other idea of bonus reward just say it :) By the way, we might use one month to rework ANWS and add scene and new text, if we do, we will send every old CGs of ANWS as bonus rewards   !

I'm really sorry for being so late, I hope you will still enjoy the game as soon it's ready. I think I will stop my studies to work full time on the game after that year, because doing both is way too hard to manage. Thank you for your support, that means a lot to us. I will try to give you more feedback instead of hiding because I feel bad as I did only a little progress.

PS: Yes you meet Lebatar again in next update, what would you like to do ? XD



(No title)



I am realy excited on what you have in plan for us! I guess regular feedback (friday) is a great idea.. this way we know what you guys are up to and also we can give you some "life" feedback. Keep up the good work! ;)


Thank you Xeranon ! This feedback will be really useful for us too because we will understand what you are expecting of the game ! So it's a win win :) -Gantai


The third public update for a demacian rising when be available?


I wanna hit him :< Edit: And then probably run away. x)


When we catch up with the patreon releases, I can't tell you at the moment :/ -Gantai


personally im with Merte on this ill also hit him then run ,but ill go to ionia and probably end up trying to charm syndra .lucky me zed have his hand full with rakan and xayah


welp when a guy have ambition ... please dont crush my dream so soon


i know that this is late but based off that screenshot I would like to look alternatingly between lebatar and garen and then run.


I'm really starting to think that this project died months ago