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Hello guys,

Finally giving some news. Same as past month,  a lot to do at the moment  besides the game because I'm having my exams. We are not giving up at all, just late, every pledge will have their rewards as soon as it's ready. However, there won't be any public release until we catch up with our delay, we can only make it patreon exclusive until that point in order to apologize for being late.

About the upfront payement system, if you pledged on the 1st march or later your pledge counts for the late February release and regardless the date of your march pledge, you were charged again the 1st of april for March release. After I'm done with my exams, we will try to speed up the rythm of the updates (each one should be a bit lighter than the two first updates) :
Update 3: As soon as possible
Update 4: in April
Update 5 : Late April

And we will send the reward by PM to every patron that pledged fo the corresponding month. After that we should be able to continue a normal paced release and we will try to avoid doing it again in the futur. Still hoping to be able to quit our studies/job to make it possible more easily though.  

Regarding the pinup, it's on hold until we catch up but if you pledged 25$+ I will add a pinup to the waiting list for next polls.

Thank you for your trust and support guys we hope the updates' content will not disappoint you even if it's very late. We will try to work really hard to catch up with the updates and I will try to do more polls on patreon too, because I have still a lot to decide for the game's future.   




Take your time, I will wait for it. However, I have a question. After this situation, if everything goes right (hope it does), there will still be public updates, right? Just asking to know if I understand all right, because I love your game and I'm still hype for it ^^.


Yep don't worry, in a normal situation it should be a early patreon release and a PR each month !


Do your exams... its better when u focus on one important thing instead of two... one of them would suffer... so take ur time.... we trust :D


Yup, I should have focused on one before because I was unable to be efficient in any of the two :/ I just finished my exams so I will try to focus in the game in every free time I have :)


Sorry for my English. I know my English skill is bad :P I just became your supporter in last month. This is the first time I use this website and I don't know too much about how to use this. How can I get my Elite Soldier reward per month?


No problem, mine is bad too haha :p As I said in this post we are really late, but we will send it by PM when it's ready :) -Gantai


Hi, when will public be available ?


Heelo ?


@Matthew They are busy with real life things currently so even the patreons are waiting for the next update. Just wait for it to get published and keep an eye on the page.


I don't know yet sorry. But there won't be any public release until we catch up with our late patrons' releases :/ -Gantai


hello :< are you here ?