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 Hello guys, it's have been a while. A lot of stuff happened and I'm sorry we disappeared for so long. I will quickly explain our current situation with Rozarin and then we will talk about what is the most important for you : The game. 

 Regarding my situation, I lost my computer three weeks ago with a lot of work... That was really discouraging and I had the first part of my final exams at the same time... Next week will be my last exam week, after that, I'll have my degree and I would be done with my studies . The game is not dead, as soon as my studies are over, it'll be my only way to earn money and live. I just want to catch up the delay and start doing a satisfying monthly update again. 

 Rozarin had health problems and wasn't able to give a consistant work for ADR, as she had to deal with her job in order to pay her rent.  Happily, a friend of hers has been hosting her recently, so she will be able to work temporarily at full time for ADR. She knows I will be able to focus full time on the projetct soon and managed to do the same... 

 As I always told you, we will give the rewards to every people that pledged even if it's really delayed. Making a break without charging would have been wiser, but it was impossible since we invested a lot in expensive equipment for better artworks without knowing we will have to stop for some time and we had to reimburse it. 

 Here is what we are planning in some points...: 

- Next update is short but almost over. I will focus on my last week of exams and then finish it, so there will be a release in the first half of the month.

- Here is how will work our patrons-only releases: Early access will be sent to people that pledged the month the update should have been released (next update early access will be for people that pledged in February 2017...) and 1 week later we will post it on patreon for all of our current patrons. If you want to play the release, you need to be a patron (until we catch up and start doing public releases again). 

-Rozarin already started working on the next update's CGs, so expect some WIPs to pop on the feed again ! (Nami Paizuri incoming ;) ) 

-We would like to do two updates in July and three in August (3 a month seems really hard though). We will keep you in touch of our progress this time, and readjust the calendar as we progress. We should be done with our postponed updates in september. As soon as I'm working on the project again, I'll try to get back on patreon and Twitter too !  

 We deeply apologize for the current status of the project, but I promess you it's not dead. We will soon be able to work full time on the project and I hope you'll still be here to support us so we can continue to work full time on a project we really like !




It's a shame the project is over :/ Had hope for it, but now it's more then a year from the last post. Thank you for the hard work and effort Mole Games


Oh, nevermind, there twitters active and there working, sorry ^^'


We struggle releasing monthly releases atm, that's why everything is patron only for now ^^ But we will get back to public releases asap ! -Gan


That might be easy for me to say since I am not pledging anything yet, but studies take priority. Good luck with that! ^^


Yep but that almost killed Mole Games, that's why I really want to be full time on the project ! I'm really excited to be honest haha :) If you want to have access to the releases of this summer you should pledge (even 1$ is okay) because the releases will be patreon only until we catch up ~ -Gantai


Hey there, just as Veit said... your exams are main priority. I am glad that you are back and I wish you best of luck for the rest of your exams. Also i am happy to hear that her health is better now (realy looking forward to that WIPs) :D Anyway... hang in there!


take the time you need, real life is more important than a game. And, Rozarin, be well soon.


I finally saw a scene post for the first time in 1 year. it took much time. Anyway, I hope that you post more things about game.


Good to know you guys keep going at it, you have a good project here! Cheers


It took some time but we are back, don't worry, more scenes/Wip/polls we be posted soon !


Coming out Soon ?


next couple of weeks ?


So its dead now?


I'm currently deciding if I want to be a patron, so just checking in to see if its still alive or not. Please give me a sign!


we got cucked


No updates in months and there are still people giving money...


So glad I cancelled my pledge months ago, this is bs


Public release for update 3 when?


We won't do any public release until we catch up with our late updates, so it'll be patron-only for some time sorry. We will try to catch up as soon as possible though and so start doing public release again :) -Gantai


how much to get the release? =c i was waiting this for so long i don't wanna wait anymore >_<


I'm sorry, this is because patrons waited for so long even though they were pledging that we decided to keep the updates patrons-only :/ You can pledge the amount you want if you want early access but even 1$ patrons have access to the releases at the moment ^^ -Gantai


Keep this cool work up!


when is the next public release?? i have been waiting for soooooooo long