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Fair fight?

Viers didn't like fair fights.

If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

When there was a need, such as putting on an appearance, he could do ‘fair fights’, but in real battles?

Fair can go to shit.

Since Ciel wanted a real spar, Viers felt obliged to teach her a lesson.


As Ciel lay defeated, she recalled a remembrance of yesterday night.

Ciel was in her room, drinking a blend of bitter yellow liquid.

“There~” Unem nodded satisfyingly. “Now take a good rest and tomorrow you’ll be as good as new.”

“Thank you, Abbess.”

“Lemon tea with honey, because little Ciel doesn't like bitter medicine,” Wendy offered.

“Wendy! I’m not a kid anymore!”

Ciel might have said that but she still drank it.

“Now the five of us are really reunited,” Damon sighed in relief. After being ambushed by the assassins targeting Ciel and getting separated, the group still came out intact.

Rachel tightly clenched Ciel’s hand from the bedside. She didn't talk about it much but she was really concerned about Ciel’s wellbeing.

“Praise the Goddess,” Bryan made the Estellian religion’s holy mark. The others did the same.

In the company of familiar faces, conversation flowed freely until they were laughing together. Before long, someone knocked on the door and entered. It was the Vestal and Rose.

“Am I interrupting?”

“Vestal! No, not at all,” Damon answered.

Unem and Mita made brief eye contact.

“Then this old lady will take her leave now. Stay safe~” Unem excused herself, closing the door as she left.

“Vestal Mita, once again, thank you for all the difficulties you’ve suffered because of me. I’ll definitely-”

Ciel stood up and bowed, speaking with the highest amount of respect. The Level 4’s bandaged arm made her feel miserable but Mita propped her up.

“There’s no need for such politeness between comrades.”

To Mita’s kind smile, Ciel could only respond with a wry smile. “And Rose,” Ciel hugged. “You look great!”

“Same to you. I’m just glad we made it in time. How’s your body?”

“Aaa-aa, even you are treating me like an invalid? Just a little poison. I’m looking forward to paying the Ravens back when we raid-”

Mita looked into her eyes in silence with a steely gaze.

“...On second thought. It might not be a good idea for the assassin's target to go into the assassins' haunt. Please leave the house sitting to me while you’re uprooting the cultists,” Ciel tried to laugh it off.

“Don't worry. You might not participate in the raid directly but you can still help in other ways,” Mita’s expressions softened.

“If only you were this well behaved with us,” Wendy chuckled.

“To what do we owe the pleasure?” Damon addressed the visitors.

“I’m here to give you an assignment.”

Ciel turned serious. “I’m ready.”

“Together with Rose, the two of you get along with Viers as much as possible.”

Damon and the others thought it was a joke but Mita’s expression conveyed otherwise. Rose also didn't expect her master’s reaction.

“Vestal?” Ciel asked.

“He’s too on guard with me, because I’m a Level 4. The difference in power between us made him put a wall in between, subconsciously or otherwise. Viers needs the warmth of companionship to unravel his thorny heart. You and Rose are the only two capable of doing that.”

“Vesta Mita, forgive me for asking but why are you so partial toward that man? He’s a criminal, a murderer, a villain, a cultist! Former associate or not. The world is better off without the likes of them!”

Bryan let out the pent-up emotions inside him.

“But the reality of the world is, there are always people like him,” Mita calmly replied with clear eyes which unnerved Bryan.

“Even if you killed or imprisoned every single wicked person in this world, there will be others replacing them soon enough.”

“That’s…” Bryan stammered. “B-but why Ciel? If it’s about closeness, aren’t Rose and her two friends more suitable? Viers gets along with the three of them the most.”

“Because Ciel is special to Viers.”

Bryan looked as if Mita just slapped him.

“The fact that he rescued Ciel and didn't leave her for dead shows a degree of fondness. It might be as simple as repaying Ciel’s deed in the past for saving his life, but it is still far better than aggression.”

Ciel’s friends battled Viers in their first meeting. That might not have left a favorable first impression.

“Why I'm trying to work with him and not against him is because he’s strong. His potential, vast. The reason Viers seems at ease staying here is because he doesn't have a shadow of doubt that he can stay alive, escape, or Goddess forbid, defeat me and Unem even should we turn against him. My oath helps but he’s not the type to trust the word of a stranger at face value, especially when his life is on the line.”

Mita paused to let her words sink in.

“Through a stroke of luck, or perhaps, the Goddess’ guidance, he's not openly hostile to us. It was his initiative to help Ciel. The Church must recruit him before the Cults do. He will become a fearsome foe.”

“But his criminal record…” Rachel said.

“The current situation is that we're in a gray area. I don't know what actions the Inquisition Order might take. He might very well be sentenced to death but the little things we do will not be completely in vain. Should Viers and the Church have a complete fallout in the future, let him know in his heart that some people in the Church didn't wish for his death… It might become a path that leads to peace.”

Mita turned to Rose.

“You believe there’s good in him.”

“I do,” she said without hesitation.

“I’ve always admired that part about you,” Mita caressed Rose’s cheek. “To believe there’s goodness in every heart… But I fear your belief will face its true test soon.”


She turned to Ciel and her friends again.

“I don't know how long he will stay with us. Mayhaps only until the Bone Ravens are dealt with, which is an operation we cannot delay. It will happen this week. Until then, I hope the two of you can make him realize there’s a place in the Estellian Church, even for people like him.”

“...I understand.”


“Basically, this is recruiting a neutral party -slightly evil- to our side, yes? I’ll do it. Besides,” Ciel looked at Rose.

“I feel the same as Rose. There’s good in him,” she smiled, showing her pearly teeth.

“Lady Valentine…” Rose remembered their first meeting a year ago when she was just a lowly orphan while the other was a noble and heroic Silver Legionnaire.

“None of that, Rose. Call me Ciel!”


“I thank you both for agreeing to my selfishness,” Mita dipped her head. “I believe this will be a good learning experience for the two of you as well. Viers is very practical. His way of doing things might surprise you but discern its usefulness. You might learn something invaluable. As for the rest of you, I hope you all lend them your support.”

“Say no more, Vestal Mita. We’ll do as you asked,” Damon said.

“The broadness of your heart has widened my horizons. Thank you, Vestal,” Wendy smiled.

“Indeed. You act for the good of the Church as a whole. I’m in awe,” Rachel’s eyes sparkled.

Bryan said nothing, wearing a complicated face

Mita didn't miss it but said nothing to the young Pathseeker.

“Lastly, I will make it clear that this request of mine is not about forming a romantic relationship with him.”



Ciel and Rose were perplexed by the sudden change of topic.

“I will not dictate someone’s feelings. However, let me give you a warning. Choosing someone like Viers as your partner will bring you  uncountable suffering…”

Mita’s melancholic gaze was as if she was speaking from personal experience.

“Then again, the feeling of love is similar to spring thunder, unpredictable. Take heed of what I said and think clearly before you decide.”

After some uncomfortable silence, Rachel broke the ice.

“Then it’s over for Ciel. She's only ever fallen for bad guys.”

“Rachel!?” Ciel felt betrayed.

“Ahhh,” Damon hummed in agreement. “How many times has it been? Three people?”

“Four and a half,” Wendy chuckled.

“Wendy! You traitor!”

“Four and a half? What’s that mean?”

“It’s complicated. Ufufu.”

The mood turned softer.

“I do not only fall for bad men,” Ciel insisted with a puff.

“The Nikopolis incident.”

“Urk…” Ciel grimaced when Rachel mentioned a dark past she didn't want to recall.

“Despite seeing the guy’s black aura, you doubted your gift. A very deep digging was needed to unearth his buried skeletons,” Rachel said.

“...That was a mess,” Bryan sighed.

Seeing all four of her friends in agreement, Ciel sounded a tactical retreat.

“W-well, those were an immature girl’s fantasy. No bonds were formed. I’ve grown up since then. Now I prefer older, more mature, and dependable men. Yes, men like Paladin Orlando.”

Ciel was speaking fast, showing her agitation.

“Oooh,” Wendy hooted. “Someone’s feeling ambitious, going after the number one bachelor of the Legion.”

Sensing it wasn't a battleground she could win, Ciel maneuvered.

“Besides, even in the one in a million chance I do, which I won't, this time it will be different. Viers’ aura is not black!”

“There’s that… Does it mean he’s really a good person at his core?” Damon pondered.

“Vestal Mita, I’ll be alright. Rose, you be careful, okay?” Ciel tossed the ball to the other court.

“Eh!? M-matters about love or relationships are too early for me. My time is full doing my duties. I don't-”

A visage of a man, a friend that had returned to the Goddess’ side briefly came to Rose’s mind. A love that had ended before it began, staying as a sweet and bitter taste in her mouth. The change in her expression was not missed by Ciel and the others. They made sleazy smiles at the younger girl.

“I-I’ve got some training to do, excuse me!” Rose dashed to the door.

The laughter that followed echoed as Ciel’s remembrance ended.

Truthfully, even without Mita’s warning, Ciel didn't look at Viers as boyfriend material at all. She thought of him as a big kid in his rebellious phase. In Mita’s task, she wanted to become an older sister figure that straightened up her little brother’s waywardness.

Therefore she wanted to win against Viers in the sparring match to establish her ‘older sister’ superiority so the little brother would depend on her.

But she lost, defeated by someone younger, someone that she treated like a kid.

And that face that he’d made after he pushed her down!

Ciel was a duke's daughter. She was beautiful. She was used to guys chasing over her but Viers was impertinent!

This little brother is not cute at all!

Let alone liking him, Ciel was starting to dislike Viers.


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