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Viers and Paina were sitting on a park bench on a nice, autumn morning. They looked as if they were relaxing. In truth, they were scouting the Wrights whose mansion was nearby.

I need to soul search Paina’s twin, but how? After the incident with Russ where I snatched the lucky item and the scuffle with Paina’s dad, the security is very tight. What to do…

“Ah, there you are,” a familiar voice made Viers stop thinking about his next crime-to-be.

What the-

Ciel and Rose were here. He was perplexed looking at the two ladies.

“What are you two doing here? Especially the assassination target coming out in the open? And undisguised. Have you lost your mind?”

“How rude. This is a strategy. If they attack, the strike team will attack their base,” Ciel informed and whispered for the next part. “And got two level 4 guarding me in the background.”


“Is that Paina?” Rose asked, looking at the unfamiliar girl beside Viers who was scattering bird feed. The birdies had gathered as a result.

“Hi,” Paina waved. Her face was different. Viers, on the other hand, was using his true face.

“Aren't you thinking something similar, wanting to bait a reaction from them?”

Ciel was right. Viers wanted to know if he was on the Bone Ravens’ list after their disagreement. He was unsure of his standing in their eyes. As for the fear of getting attacked, Level 3s didn’t worry him too much. Even against Level 4s, he was confident in getting out of the debacle intact.

“So, what are you up to? You left without saying anything after breakfast. Are you up to no good?” Rose said as she sat beside Paina.

“I’m a Big Bad Wolf. So-” Viers interrupted himself. Ah, there she is. She came here today too.

Viers stood up and exchanged greetings with the old blind woman. She thanked Viers for the precious musical instrument and Viers helped her set up, then the old woman started playing her music.

“How is it?” Viers talked to Paina using mind talk.

“...Yes. I can learn better now. She’s amazing. The inspiration keeps on coming.”

While Paina could hear the old woman’s music while inside Viers, he thought it might be more effective if she heard it directly so he allowed her to come out.

To Viers, it was just nice music but to Paina it might be something else.

“Aww, aren't you nice? See, you can be nice,” Ciel was pleased.

Of course I can be nice. But this is nothing. It proves nothing.

“That reminds me,” Viers changed the topic. “Mita is a sound Pathseeker, right? Why is she in charge of you, a wood Pathseeker?”

“Master Mita teaches me general skills. The specialization comes later.”

“Does she play music?”

“I don't think so. Sound Pathseekers aren't always bards.”

Viers engaged in small talks with the two Legionaries while a nice BGM was gracing the park. Paina stayed quiet and Rose knew it wasn't proper to disturb her. Some park goers were giving glances at the group, giving looks of envy because Viers was surrounded by three beauties.

“You’re doing this for her, right?” Ciel said to Viers while looking at Paina. The corporeal ghost was too distracted to realize.

“This is as good a journey as any. Why not help someone that needs it in the process?”

Viers’ answer pleased Ciel.

As I thought. He’s redeemable. Now that I checked again, it’s unmistakable. His aura is not black… He’s a bit cocky but it’s a sign of his insecurities. I must make him feel accepted.

While Ciel was thinking about how to (sort of) seduce Viers, a youth stumbled upon the scene by chance. He was stunned, at a loss, then his emotions erupted.

Viers, in his vigilance for assassins, picked up his presence shortly but showed no such thing on the surface.

I can tell what he’s thinking. ‘Is that Viers!? It is! What is he doing here? And he’s next to Ciel, my first love. Uwoooh! I AM ANGERYY!’

When the red-haired youth was close enough, Viers made a convincing startled face, as if he was seeing a ghost.


“Clench your teeth!”

Max punched Viers on the cheek. Viers had to stop his reflex to counter, then he felt confused. To Max, Viers was a criminal that destroyed his hometown, a hated enemy. If so, why in the world would he give Viers a non-lethal punch? The first strike was crucial. If their positions were reversed, Viers would have given Max a Rasengan in the face, no questions asked.

Then he would have shot twelve bullets into his chest before burning the body to ashes.

Must be a hero thing. It’s so in the movies. If they’re that ruthless, they’ll not be a hero. At any rate, I can make use of this. Welcome to Valkut, Max. I’ve been waiting for you.

So were the thoughts inside Viers’ beautiful mind while he was nursing his bleeding mouth as he lay on the ground. The punch had that much force and Viers gave zero resistance to make his shock seem real.

It was Viers’ way of greeting an old acquaintance.


Messy, was the word that came to mind when Viers recalled what happened next. Max was enraged but lacked the decisiveness to end Viers in cold blood so they made a scene. Ciel tried to break them up but it was no use. Rose and Max were strangers although they came from the same town. It was Paina who showed her identity that made Max calm down slightly, enough to make him listen. Paina, just like Viers and Farley, were classmates of Max.

Since the park was not a suitable place, they all went to the abbey. On the way, Max was eyeing Viers like a hawk. He wasn't about to let viers get away from his grasp.

In the abbey, Mita was visibly super busy making preparations to attack a cult base but she still made time to elucidate the avenger to the truth. Viers shook his head. Good people had it tough.

During the retelling of Viers’ story, Mita, Ciel, Rose, and Paina were present. Viers and Farley, two important figures of the Luxore Calamity, were not in the room.

Because he had more important things to do than hours of accompanying Max. Why waste his time? He’d already foreseen how things would go. Either Max would try to kill him, which Viers would kill him for, as he had no intention of dying, or Max would tolerate Viers.

After knowing the truth, it took Max until sunset before he confronted Viers.

He found Viers on a rooftop, meditating, training his Victa usage. Even now Viers strived to get stronger whenever he could.

“Hello, Max,” Viers opened his eyes after sensing the youth’s presence and stood up. The greeting was said in the tone of Hannibal Lecter. It was the same smile too.

Paina was beside Max. The other members of the Church seemed to be giving them some privacy.

“Paina and the others told me your story. Farley, you’re here too aren't you? Come out,” Max's tone was not to the degree of commanding but it was only a tiny bit short.

Viers wanted to humor him so he sacrificed a bit of his Victa to conjure Farley.

“Max… You look well,” Farley said.

Paina and Farley were forbidden by Viers to mention they had seen Max during Aletro’s trial.

Four students of Luxore town’s Adventurers Training Center were reunited under the light of Valkut’s red sunset.

From her voice and gait, Farley showed sympathy for Max. “I’m sorry for what happened.”

Max said nothing, only maintaining a stern gaze.

“I thought you two were dead. Viers too, until I saw his wanted poster a while ago… Paina aside, I never thought you two were in bed with the cultists. I lost all my family last winter… Do you have any idea what it feels like?”

Max’s voice was quivering from anger and hate.

“Your family did this,” Max accused Farley. “It might not be by your hand but you are complicit! I’m sorry? I have no use for your pity! And you!”

Max pointed his finger at Viers who was listening with a neutral face. Farley was showing a guilt-filled expression. However, Viers sensed from the soul connection that Farley was not feeling guilt whatsoever. The girl was a good actor. Farley’s priority was saving her sister, Gwen. She was prepared to make the world her enemy if that was what it took.

Viers liked her conviction.

“You could have stopped Farley’s father but you didn't!”

Max spoke the truth. The circumstances back then were dangerous. Viers acted only after he was sure he was safe, which was after Benjamin extracted every soul from everyone in Luxore. Farley, Gwen, and Paina included.

“And then, you used their souls as a sacrifice to become a soul Pathseeker! Fuck your reasoning that they were already dead! Don't you realize how messed up that is?”

Max gritted his teeth so hard they drew blood. The two accused still said nothing.

“...Do you regret any of it?”

This was, Viers realized, the core of the conversion. The thing that Max wanted to hear the most. Every emotion, every pain, culminated at this moment.

Viers weighed his answer in microseconds.


Viers and Farley spoke almost simultaneously.

He could lie, but what was the point?

Max did not have enough value to be worth cajoling.

Farley was also telling the truth. Paina frowned hearing their answer but she knew them well enough to expect that answer. Max, on the other hand, looked as if he was stabbed.

“...I’ll never forgive you two. Do you hear me? I’ll never forgive you!

It was a raw, primal roar from the depths of Max’s soul.

“Will you kill me then? To avenge your family?” Viers asked with an eerie calm.

“No. I hate you but I'm different from you. Mita told me about your future trial. I’ll make sure you get the full justice of the Church’s tribunal! That's my revenge!”

Max turned his back and walked away.

“...What happened to the souls you sacrificed at Luxore?” Max stopped and asked with his back still turned, concerned about the ultimate fate of the people dear to him.

“They safely went to the afterlife,” Viers said truthfully.

This time Max really left, jumping down from the roof, leaving Viers and the two souls tethered to him.

“Not gonna go with him?” Viers asked Paina.

“You know I cannot go against you so why ask a pointless question?”

Paina and Farley went back into Viers’ soul space.

Pheew… Finally, the drama is over.

In the end, Max chose to tolerate me. Quite the heroic choice. He’s got that shonen protagonist spark since the first time I met him. So you’re still going down with the hero route, hm? You said you’ll make sure I get judged by a court but I’ll make sure to do everything in my power for the opposite, so I won't get dragged into the trial. I amass power precisely to unchain myself from the world's limitations and norms.

Viers looked at the last light of the day.

As an evil person, I’ll reach the apex of my Fable… This is my justice!


Two moons were shining in the night sky.

Viers didn't go to the mess hall afterward. He had had enough drama for the day.

I should give Max some space. Seeing my face might cause another confrontation. Food is not an issue; I have plenty of supplies.

Because of the venue, Viers once again delayed training his Profound Codex. He couldn't afford to be powerless with so many hostile parties around him. One of the reasons he wanted to quickly finish his business in Valkut and return to a place where he could spend his night in peace.


“Boy, we’ve got another guest. Since when did our tour become so lively?”

“Never, actually. It's just us five, minus or plus some. Putting down bushfire this, sudden crisis that… The hectic part still hasn't changed though.”

Viers heard the voices of Bryan and Ciel. Viers, with his habit of erasing his presence which made the two not realize he was around, hiding on the rooftop. His enhanced hearing mutation made spying on conversations easy.

“Rose and others first, then Viers and Paina. Now Max. All good kids,” Ciel said.

“Except one?”

“He’s just in his rebellious phase. He’s not rotten to the core, Bryan. Try to get along.”

“We’re like oil and water. I don't get what you're all seeing in him. I like the new guy. Max, right? I’m sure he’ll do great in the Legion,” Bryan gave his opinion.


“I didn't think we'd get to meet Fire Sage Barakal, a Saint’s successor. Life is truly mysterious,” Ciel added.

Interesting… Max’s white fire has that kind of back story?

“His help in the cultist base raid would be a great boon,” Bryan said.

“Tomorrow’s the day… I’m sorry I cannot help. Mita and Unem won't let me. Be careful, okay? Take care of Damon and the others for me.”

“Leave it to me!”

There was a pause in the conversation.


“Eh? W-what’s wrong, suddenly?”

Viers couldn't see them, only hear. He didn't know what happened, only that Bryan’s heartbeat was racing.

“When you got separated from the group, I thought I lost you.”

The voice was soft and intimate, like a whisper in one's ear.

“A-ahahah. W-who do you think you’re talking to? I’m fine. I will always be, see?”

Ciel’s heartbeat also quickened. And her breath… She was nervous.

“Ciel, I love you!”


Oh wow! A confession!

Bryan followed through with his pursuit.

“I know my status is incomparable to a duke’s daughter but my love for you will not lose to anyone! Will you… give me a chance?”

Silence again for a few seconds.

“Bryan, I thank you for your feelings. You’re a really really nice guy, but-”

Bryan’s heart skipped a beat. Viers heard.

“-I… I cannot return your feelings. I love you but as a brother, as a friend… Forgive me.”

The silence was deafening.

“...Forgive what? Did you do something wrong?” Bryan spoke normally. “Aa-aah~ I got rejected as expected. Aww, shucks.”

“I am sorry, I truly am… C-can we stay as friends?”

Ouch, Ciel. Ouch. That's cruel.

“Are you saying we’re not friends anymore? Of course we’re friends… Now excuse me. I’m gonna cry my sorrows out. Tomorrow I’ll be back to normal. See ya.”

Bryan ran.

“B-Bryan, wait!”

He didn't.

“Oh… Dammit, Ciel! Can't you do it better? Bloody hell… It will be so awkward after this. What should I do…”

Viers imagined Ciel was squatting and covering her face with both hands and left the college girl equivalent alone.

Welcome, Bryan, to the vaunted friend zone! Let me introduce you to a fellow resident, Jorah Mormont. Get used to that heartache, boy!

Inadvertently, Viers grinned. He put his hands on the back of his head and softly reclined, lying down facing the night sky.

He saw someone behind him from his position. Viers was not surprised.

“It’s not nice to eavesdrop,” Mita said.

“Since you're here too, your words lack persuasion,” Viers riposted.


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