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Foulfae Swamp, Black Lake.

A youth stepped on the black water, making a light splash. A few meters before him the water started to bubble. Before long, a rotting corpse rose again as if it had awakened from a decade of slumber.

The humanoid dead thing was wearing a tattered black robe, the same undead that fought Viers and the others two days ago. However, the undead was currently being engulfed in patches of white flames. Even though it had just submerged itself in black water, the flames didn't go out.

The thing shrieked, a mix of threat, anger, and pain.

“Finally came out to die, abomination? Running away no longer?” Max said coldly while unsheathing his sword. “I don't have anything against you but if you block my way, you’ll die. Permanently this time.”

The undead did not run away this time and summoned armored skeletons to fight on its side. The remaining intellect inside its maggot-filled brain knew it must kill the youth or the flames would eternally torment it.

“Arte - Soul-Burning White Flame. I’ve made this Arte for a different soul user but to think it’s this effective against beings like you… Come on!”

Max dashed forward into the congregation of more than one hundred skeletons without fear, white flames decimating the lesser undead with impunity.

Max swung his blazing sword, loaded with a wide area Arte.


Scorching Summer Wind!


“-once you deactivate the second defensive ward node, watch out for…”

Viers was explaining the layout of the assassins’ base’s security layers and other juicy intel. There was Mita, Unem, and the rest of the Legion. A young Level 2 priest was taking notes.

“Thank you for sharing this with us. We’ll incorporate the information into our plan of attack,” Mita said.

“Take it as my payment for the free food,” Viers waved it off.

The night where he saved Ciel, there was a cultist that she had already killed before Viers arrived at the scene. The body and soul of that assassin were in Viers’ possession. The Level 3 cultist’s mind was protected -a more common occurrence the higher level the Pathseeker was- but the mental defense wasn't a problem for Viers. Aletro’s soul attainment allowed him to bypass or break the flimsy protection with ease.

“Wait a moment,” Viers halted the conversation as if his smartphone rang. “Farley volunteered to give info on Dumuzin cult, including four bases and multiple hidden infiltrators in other towns and cities, as a sign she’s no longer affiliated with them. Though, some things might've change during her absence and what happened in Luxore.”

“You know a lot,” Unem asked the unsaid question in the Church people’s heads. How?

“I have my ways. Considering you people have your mental defenses up, you know the answer already.”

“Disgusting breach of privacy,” Bryan commented while leaning on a wall, arms crossed.

I’m the soul version of Zorian. Flicker minds are fair game, according to the Araneas, and I agree wholeheartedly. It’s their fault to have their mind read.

Viers smiled. “I shall neither confirm nor deny that statement. Anywho… I’m no friend of the Cults. The more damage you deal to them, the better. I’ve had unpleasant encounters with them in my travels.”

“Oh yeah?” Wendy raised an eyebrow.

“There’s Dumuzin; I learned the name during the whole Luxore thing. The patron of the murderous Bone Ravens, Banbenxi. The icy demoness Isidaris, and one other that is connected with war. His name eluded me. These four.”

“You shouldn't use their name lightly. It’s a taboo,” Damon warned.

Out of the four Devil Gods, the last two existences Viers had learned from soul searching other people. He’d never met their cultists.


Viers didn't say anything about the Blood Church’s Yasterah and Teorph worshipers, the Gardeners of Perfection that Green Scorpion Fajrin belonged to, for camouflage. Why exposed more connections to his Tanael identity?

Almost filled the names of all seven in my database. Only two more, Viers thought. Once I've done that, will I get an achievement?


“Hold on, show that again,” Rose said.

“Eh? Okay.”

Paina cast a water Arte again, a distinct magic circle was created on her palm. A twister of water appeared magnificently on the training ground.

“The casting time is so fast! It packed a punch too!” Conn showed his surprise.

“Magic circles are usually used in ritual-type Artes but some people have been known to use them in direct combat. What’s unusual is how advanced yours are. The casting speed, the Victa-to-power ratio, yet simple in execution… Is this part of some Pathseeker inheritance? A mage’s core technique perhaps?” June was excited.

“Is it really that amazing?” Paina seemed hesitant. “You Silver Legionaries don't have a better technique?”

“There are many in our technique reservoir but to learn them we must have the qualification or enough merit. That’s why we’re doing jobs, like patrolling a region or removing monster threats. If I remember correctly, you need the merit of defeating ten Rank 3 monsters or something similar,” Rose said. “Paina, this is really some skill you got. How did you get it?”

“Well,” Paina hesitated a bit. “Viers taught me. Three, four months ago, he showed me a dozen techniques and asked which one I liked.”

“I. Am. Envious!”

Conn held back his tears. Seeing his reaction, Paina had a thought.

“This is unexpected. I thought you Silver Legion people can learn the greatest of Artes whenever you want, pick the most super Profound Codex, the best training…”

“That might be true for special cases,” June tried her best to not glance at Rose. “But for new recruits like us, we have to climb from the bottom. To be fair, the Legion’s environment is much better than other organizations in the Human Dominion but to succeed, we have to put in the effort ourselves.”

“Oh… Can't you just learn great techniques from a senior or a friend?”

“It’s complicated,” Rose sighed. “Basically, the spread of techniques must be through official channels.”

Just like Viers said, Paina pondered. The rules and regulations of an organization. While good as a whole, they are chains for the individuals. That’s why he doesn't like them.

The four looked at Viers who was exchanging opinions with Damon a bit away from them.

“A dozen…” Conn gulped. “If I can learn one or two- YEOWCH!!”

June slapped Conn’s back so hard it sounded like thunder.

“Don't you get any ideas!”


Fufufu… Now they have some idea that knowledge is power, hm? Why did I bother to soul search each and every one of my kills for any scrap of useful memories? Imagine how many yottabytes of data I’ll hoard in a century or two. Power overwhelming!

Viers’ sharp ears heard them all but outwardly, he was discussing martial arts with Damon. Wendy and Bryan were sparring. In the corner, Rachel was meditating while four orbs were circling her.

“Hey guys,” sounded a chipper voice. “Hope I’m not interrupting.”

Eyes darted to Ciel who entered the training hall.

“How are you feeling?” Damon asked.

“I’m fully healed. Thanks to all of you.”

Ciel was wearing a sporty outfit. Her long blonde hair was tied back. She gave her thanks to each person personally. It wasn't just a simple thank you either. From her words and gaze, she really meant it. First she thanked Damon and her other teammates, then Rose, Conn, and June.

Lastly, Viers.

“And you,” Ciel’s green eyes met Viers’ brown eyes.

Viers was seventeen years old and 174 centimeters tall. Ciel was four years older and 170 centimeters in height.

“Just seeing a job to the end,” Viers said.

“I owe you a lot. There’s the instance when you used your life force, and-”

Remembering the part where she woke up almost naked during the fight, Ciel blushed. Wendy told her later that it wasn't Viers but Farley and Paina that were changing her clothes. Still, Viers was in the room and might have seen her bare body.

“A-a-anyway! Thank you very much!” She sounded embarrassed at first, to Viers’ confusion, but her voice gradually returned to normal. “Kindness received will be paid back in full and more. I swear it in my honor as a Knightess of Latias.”

“Really?” The villain smiled. Things were unfolding just like he'd hoped. “I might hold you to that.”

“Yes. For now, how about a spar? My body is feeling rusty after not moving it for so long. Wendy, Bryan, can you give us the ring?”


Ciel went into the ring while stretching. “I heard you’re strong. It would be a shame to not trade pointers with a rare opponent. Do you accept?”

Viers caught a whiff of a scheme.

“...Very well. When we first met last year I couldn't even fathom your strength. Let’s see how I compare from back then,” Viers stepped up.

There was a flash of yellow light on each hand and Ciel was holding a silver sword and kite shield. Different from weapons created using Arte, those were real things.

“Oooh, fancy.”

It was either some sort of personal space arsenal or an inventory item’s feature. Viers’ couldn't do that. He ordinarily put his hand inside the Thousand Treasures Casket and pulled out a sword.

“I request a serious spar,” Ciel’s expression belonged to a warrior. “But without the intention of seriously harming each other.”


Left foot forward, knees slightly bent. Holding the one-handed sword with both hands at eye level with the sharp end pointed forward.

Against Ciel’s Royal Gryphon sword style, Viers was using his self-created Suiten Mitrsurugi-ryuu, First Stance: Flowing Water.

The spectators felt the seriousness of both people.

“Let's have a fair match,” Ciel said.


There was no signal to start but the two acted simultaneously, activating movement Artes to raise their speed before locking horns in combat.

“So I heard you’ve become a villain since then? Bad boy!”

Ciel’s sword was received and flowed by Viers’ water-like defense.

“I want to be strong.”

“There are other ways to be strong, through devotion and discipline. Yaaah!”

Ciel pushed him back using her shield then released a slash that became an eagle of light, flying at Viers.

Viers dodged but the eagle homed in from behind, chasing him relentlessly. After evading a few more times, Viers’ answer to the Shining Eagle Arte was to slash his own left arm. His red liquid of life gathered on his sword.

“Blood Moon Fang!”

Viers positioned himself between the eagle and Ciel. A red crescent cleaved the eagle of light. Ciel put her kite shield to the front, grunting a bit while defending against the slash of blood. Once the slash’s energy was spent, there was a fleeting respite as the two circled one another.

“You’re correct,” Viers tapped his sword on his shoulder. The bleeding had already stopped. “But that’s not enough. You need resources and opportunities. These, I grasp using my own hands. Forcefully from others if I must.”

“My late mother taught me that power is a dangerous thing. It emboldened the wielder’s ambitions and recklessness. Therefore, as Pathseekers, we must use our powers responsibly. We must have a code. I fight for justice and peace!”

Uff, tough choice. In a world such as this, each is mutually exclusive.

Viers built his defenses in response to the imminent attack.

Ciel dashed forward like a rocket, the sword turned into a spear of hard light.

Arte - Flash Steps, Brilliant Lance!

Ciel pierced five layers of Viers’ Water Shield and would have reached his chest if her rush was not stopped by multiple Water Chains.

“...Do you have one?” Ciel asked.

“Code, is it?”

Food chain… Nope. They might think of me as a savage. Need an alternative. Oh I know, might makes right! Wait, still too aggressive. Need to be coated with a sugar coating so it’s more palatable to the sensitive masses like a corporate publicity stunt.


Ciel released her victa and dispelled the chains. “You’ve committed evil and criminal acts. After the tribunal, you’ll be sentenced as guilty for sure.”

Viers didn't answer out loud. What makes you think I’ll accept your Church's sentence?

“But it’s not too late. If you’re willing to live by walking the proper path, we’ll help you! I… will help you!”

There was a glint of savagery in Viers' eyes that was gone in an instant, resubmerged in his consciousness.

“Arte - Opened Hell’s Gates!”

Viers unleashed a series of powerful soul affinity sword strikes. Ciel felt she was facing a stream of frenzied souls that came out from the gates of the underworld, all wanting to tear her to pieces.

“Arte - Stars in the Sky!”

Ciel matched Viers blow by blow. It was like hundreds of small fireworks exploding between the two. One second, two seconds, three seconds, the balance held. Neither was giving an inch. Rose and the rest were watching without blinking.

Ciel suddenly felt danger from her back and her eyes widened in surprise. Viers knocked away her sword and grabbed her shield arm. In a swift movement, he forcefully pushed Ciel down.

Viers was on top of Ciel, both were panting heavily from the exertion. From there, Ciel could see Farley being held at sword point by her friends. Viers must have summoned her behind her back somehow.

Bryan was talking, knowing him, he was harshly berating Viers no doubt, but it was only an indescribable noise to Ciel’s ear. Similarly, Farley didn't seem to mind, nor did Viers. Currently, the youth had her entire attention.

“You cheated,” Ciel spoke, chest thumping up and down. Her sweating face looked very sexy.

“You said this was a serious spar, as if it was a real fight. You can't say that to the opponent once you're dead.”

Their faces were so close they could feel each other’s breath.

Viers sword was pressed against her neck. Neither of them moved. After a span of time that seemed long and short at the same time, Viers finally stood up.

“You have beautiful ideals… but first, you have to win.”

Viers looked down at her with a condescending expression and smile.

Her head blanked for a few seconds. But after her brain finished processing his words and countenance, her face reddened like a boiled crab.

Anya Forger’s smug face had that effect on people.


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