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“The Shredders are doing well.”

Viers commented while watching the first battle unfold. He named his Zergling equivalent to that; Shredders. With enough numbers, this basic form of Tyra Xerg shall shred any armies like paper.

“So Aletro gave you information that we can build a superweapon after conquering all the other black spark trial takers?”

“Yes, Chief. You don't have to crush them. Making an alliance with the other trial takers is also fine. As long as they acknowledge you as the leader of that alliance. Beware, the other side also has something similar.”

Zerrigan’s voice was conveyed to his mind from Xel Doggo’s hisses.

Hearing the word ‘superweapon’, Viers’ interest was piqued.

What kind of Evil Overlord am I if I don't have a villainous superweapon? I wonder what it will be, a Death Star?

“The white spark holders, huh? There are seventeen of them so I doubt they would unite so quickly, but if they knew of the confusion here they might launch an invasion. All the more reason to unite the whole Blacklands as soon as possible.”

Viers named the black spark tyrants’ territories the Blacklands and the white spark heroes’ territories the Whitelands. Simple names because his sense of good names had been used up naming the Tyra Xerg and their Queen.

“The resource gathering process?”

“The drones have started mining and hauling them back to the Nest. I’ve also started constructing the necessary buildings to make other types of Tyra Xerg as you asked, Chief.”

From his hidden position, Viers watched Airmaster Monus valiantly defending the walls from the onslaught of the Shredders.

“Let’s end this, Zerrigan. Initiate the backdoor plan. I’ll keep that windmill busy.”

“Good hunting, Master Chief,” Zerrigan replied.

“Good hunting, Queen of Living Blades,” Viers returned the favor.

Viers touched his missing arm. He still hadn't gotten used to it. Thankfully, he possessed an alternative.

“Farley, be my left arm.”

The soul inside Viers spoke.

“It would be my pleasure, Lord Viers.”


Tanael showed himself after monus spent quite a bit of his Victa and stamina, intervening just before the mage from another land unleashed his big move.

Monus’ faction was quite interesting, very different from his bio-focused Tyra Xerg. Desert style buildings with similarities to Arabian architectures and he had two unit types: golem and wizard.

I only have one type for now but it will soon change.

After saying his style of welcome, Monus didn't look pleased.

“Meatbag… You’ve become known to throw that word around when you’ve got a thirst for blood. But do you think I will be an easy prey like the others?”

“It matters not,” Tanael shook his head. “I am Death… and I have come.”

In a moment where every second was precious, Monus still replied to his words. Tanael was glad for his idiocy. The longer he kept Airmaster not killing his Xergs, the closer to victory Tanael became.


Monus threw a ball of solid air with a tornado swirling inside it at Tanael. It looked very similar to his Vortex Nova. In response, Tanael held out his hand.

The wind blew everything nearby in all directions. Xel Doggo was knocked back from the raging wind that leaked from the orb of air.

At ground zero of the sea of fierce wind, Tanael stopped the attack with one hand. The Arte was raging like a caged animal, the force inside was not meant to be stopped. Gusts of air were blasting everywhere. His clothes and hair were swaying wildy.

If Monus had to pick the thing that he hated the most about Tanael it  was that confident face of his.

That faint smile, that light behind his eyes. Tanael’s expression conveyed his unwavering trust in himself.

It drove Monus crazy.

“My friends are hungry, you see,” Tanael said. “So you’re on the menu.”

“Your lust for blood has blinded you. Defeating me would hurt your chances in the overall war effort against the Aberrants.”

“Incorrect. I don't need hostile allies like you on the board. I’ll raise an army that shakes the continent from the bones of your kingdom. Silently accept that your name shall be etched into history as the vanquished.”

Tanael’s hand was shining with sickly pale light, stopping Monus’ Storm Sphere with the composure of a higher-level Pathseeker. Even while defending, Tanael’s killing intent pricked Monus’ body like a thousand sharp needles.

Monus gritted his teeth, intensifying his effort of pushing his Arte to break Tanael’s defense and shatter his perfect teeth but Tanael was unmoveable.

“Hump! What bravado. Lightning Lance!”

“Vengeful Spirit!”

Tanael faced Monus’ Ixi Arte head-on. The soul and lightning canceled each other. The two began a high-speed battle, both shooting Artes at mid-range.

The Shredders resumed their fight with the golems and wizards. The scene was very chaotic as the two leaders maneuvered through places. Sowing destruction at the areas they found themselves in.

“Hhmm… You’re actually a good fighter despite being a student. I thought people like you would be lacking in combat experience while the only reason you got this far is just because you got superior skills. It seems I was wrong.”

“I’ve had a good teacher. Tornado Punch!”

Seeing his opponent's lack of left arm, Monus began close-quarter combat in the hopes to gain the upper hand.

“Desolate Dive!”

The punch was knocked away by Tanael’s kick but his posture was unsteady as a result. Monus shot a fast wind arrow at the opening but Tanael grabbed the arrow and threw it right back at Airmaster.

In Monus’ eyes, it was clear that Tanael wasn't a skilled pugilist but he managed to cope through his attacks almost flawlessly and constantly.

What incredible battle sense. It is even better than mine! It can only be possible after accruing massive battle experience. How many scenes of carnage had he gone through? Shit!

The Grid provided Tanael with a plethora of opponents. Those battle experiences honed his skills and kept them razor sharp.

“Let’s see how you deal with my consummate skill! Arte - Airless!”

In an instant, Tanael became unable to breathe.

“Hurhg!?” Tanael gasped for air. After a split second of panic passed. He realized that the Arte Monus used was similar to his own: denying the enemy’s ability to breathe.

Tanael ran, adding more distance between him and Airmaster. The farther he got, the less control Monus would have. The idea was good but Monus went after him, keeping Tanael in the effective range of his Airless Arte.

His face became a bit blue. Tanael was about to change tactics but it was unnecessary. A Shredder attacked Monus from the side. It was his faithful steed, Xel Doggo. Zerrigan came to his aid.

Fending off Xel Doggo broke Monus’ concentration and the Arte prematurely ended. Xel Doggo was just the first, many and many more came from all sides, drowning Monus.

The small hill of flesh Monus got buried in was cracked open by a bolt blue lighting let loose by Monus’ vizier.

“Lord Airmaster, emergency! The enemy has-”

“Later! Help me finish this bastard first!” Monus cut his assistant’s warning mid-sentence. Defeating Tanael was priority number one.

“Yes sir!”

The two were synchronizing their technique to let loose a combination Arte at Tanael who was in the middle of a dire need for respirations. A rare moment of vulnerability!

“Atmosphere- KKAAAAHHH!?”

The Airmaster screamed. Someone stabbed him in the back and a spectral spearhead came out from his chest.

Farley fulfilled her role as Tanael’s left hand.

Monus managed to avoid a lethal stab at the very last second but a gaping hole had been open in his chest. He blasted the ghost away and drank a vial of potion.

“Lord Airmaster, RU-”

Meanwhile, Tanael executed the female vizier, by crushing her neck with an iron grip.

With heavy breaths, Monus gave Tanael a hateful look. The ghost that stabbed him floated to Tanael’s side.

“You vile, honorless, cheating scumbag-”

“Well, since you said it that way. I’ll play that role. Look behind you.”

“Hah! You think I’ll fa-”

A ring of light along with the sound of something shattering spread out from Airmater’s palace. The building itself was in the middle of crashing down.


“While you’re busy with me, a contingent of Shredders broke their way through the unguarded walls on the opposite side. They carved a bloody path into your palace and destroyed the crystal. It’s called backdooring strategy. Savor it.”

Instead of replying, Monus flew away in a hurry.

“This isn't over! I’ll have my revenge!”

“Shit! He can fly too? After him!”

Astride Xel Doggo, Tanael and his army chased after the wind-cloaked Airmaster. It must be a life-saving method of his. Although he was only ten meters high and didn’t seem able to go higher, the flying speed was considerable. Tanael frowned. He hoped Airmaster’s wind would be spent before he could get away.

This direction… So that’s his plan.

Airmaster flew over a big lake. It must be generated by Aletro close to Monus’ kingdom as a source of water. The Shredders weren't able to run on water. Monus was close to getting away.

Monus smirked and looked behind him. He raised his brows in surprise. Before he went too far from land, Tanael jumped high, arm almost catching his foot.

“Air Hammer!”

A heavy strike from above smashed Tanael into the lake, creating a massive water geyser.

Tanael’s insect army shrieked but they didn't seem to be able to swim and remained on land. After the massive loss he suffered today, a small sense of victory was like a balm to his soul.

Monus turned his body to continue flying away. His condition was not good. To the surprise of his rational mind, he saw something that shouldn't exist.

He was sent rotating down and crashed into the lake right after Tanael.

Monus used every mite of his brain cell to make sense of what just happened. He was bitch-slapped by the tail of a whale. While airborne no less! Monus’ mind was spinning by the impact and the absurd happening that challenged his sanity.


Whatever the case, staying underwater was bad. Airmaster propelled himself upward using Rising Gust Arte.

The monster followed him out, jumping high from the lake.

Devadom Orca!!

Monus’ leg was caught by the deadly assortment of sharp teeth inside the whale’s mighty jaw. While letting out a desperate, girly scream -Tanael did not blame him- Monus was brought back into the underwater territory of the Deva-class monster.

The mage was taken onto a special, deadly underwater jet coaster ride as the orca dragged him at full speed. The monster was twisting, turning, spiraling, and even a couple jumps from the water only to smack the feeble human back down with greater force.

The magical barrier of Monus became increasingly brittle.

In the end, while Monus was at the edge of awareness, he saw the mysterious orca open its mouth wide and shoot a blast of highly pressurized water.

Arte - Hydro Pump!

The attack came from above, surging to the bottom of the lake.

Monus didn't rise back up.

Airmaster Monus, expert of air magic… You have been H2Owned!


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