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“-and so gold is required to hire more troops, Lord Monus,” a beautiful female vizier explained.

“Gold that I can get directly by mining it from a mine without any processing whatsoever…” Airmaster Monus massaged his temple.

“So let me get this straight. There’s an unlimited amount of wizards in this building,” he pointed to a building that looked like an academy in Zetel. “But they will not help me or come out at all unless I have the gold to ‘hire’ them.”

“Correct, Lord Monus,” the girl who was the NPC assistant of Airmaster said.

“They know there are enemies who will be coming to destroy this city, right? There’s not even a single merchant here to buy or sell things. What use is gold to them? And you said they won't come out even if the city is on the verge of falling? Do these wizards have a brain!?”

“Perhaps they have more important things to do, Lord Monus.”

“Such as?”

“Unclear. Even I don't know.”

Monus’ long exhale of disbelief might be able to topple a thick dictionary.

“Watch. I’ll talk some sense into them.”

Monus tried to open the gate to the wizard academy but it wouldn't open.

“This and any other buildings that produce troops cannot be entered, Lord Monus.”

The mageling Pathseeker from Zetel could only grunt and follow the law of the world, no matter how unwilling he was. Monus and his assistant continued to tour the city.

The place that Monus teleported to was similar to his homeland. The arid climate, dry wind, surrounded by sand dunes. He felt at home here.

Monus walked near a couple of palm trees. There were no streets and there were a lot of empty places to build on. The two walked past simple houses, which Monus stopped to observe for a short while.

The castle was grand but the city was pretty much empty. There were many simple dwellings that his assistant said housed residents of the city but Monus didn't see any signs of anyone living in those places. Enchanted ‘simple’ wooden walls protected the area. The most basic kind, his vizier said. They wouldn't be enough against the aberrants but Monus thought it didn't matter.

He still had a lot of time.

Except for his troops, who would do the fighting, and workers, whose role was to gather resources and build buildings, there were no other types of citizenry.

This felt like a military camp rather than a city. Without direction, his troops and workers wouldn't even move on their own. Which was pretty unnatural because the wizards and workers looked very much like human beings, except they were not.

When Monus tried to talk to them, they only replied with a limited amount of response. It was as if those sentences were the only words they knew.


“-there’s also the matter of upkeep needed to keep them in your service,” his assistant kept explaining how things ran around here. Monus knew he would need to understand them so he could utilize his force effectively.

“Without food to feed your troops, they will die. Housing for your forces is also necessary.”

“Food… Housing…” Monus repeated.

“Indeed. To field a large number of troops at once, many housing units would be necessary.”

Monus pointed at the stone golems that were his main melee troops.

“These guys also need housing and food? Are you kidding me!?”

“It is so, Lord Monus,” she replied in a very calm and composed manner while Monus’ agitation rose.

“By the Magi’s name, why? Stone! Don’t! Eat! Food!”

His beautiful vizier explained that while the inorganic units such as the golems wouldn't need food, they needed ‘sustenance’ or ‘maintenance’ to function. Monus simply needed to procure ‘food’ and the city would -somehow- turn those into usable things for his troops.

After finishing his tour, Monus gazed upon his grand palace from the outside. He took a moment to set his thoughts in order.

This is the last step. I’ll emerge from Aletro’s trial as an extraordinary, high-potential Pathseeker. I must keep my wits about me so as not to stumble in the last stretch.

Airmaster Monus was the only one left from the Luvicas Magic School. Two of his schoolmates retired. At first, the others, including him, chided the retirees for cowardice.

Then the cruel trial extinguished their lives. His schoolmates ended up getting killed one by one.

Monus was a bit worried; the remaining enemies were strong. Especially that Tanael, who managed to kill one of his good friends despite his best effort to prevent it.

And the butcher absorbed his soul! Fuck! The Church definitely will not allow such a taboo practice! They would send inquisitors if this was happening in the real world but they’re not here!

The youth’s expression turned dark.

Would that be my fate too? Did I overestimate my capabilities? Monus hesitated.

No. I can do it. Definitely! If I play my cards right, I have the potential to be the second coming of the legendary Sultan, Aariz al Zetel. He too triumphed in a dimensional trial of fire in his younger days.

Amidst the beautiful dreams, Monus was yoked back to reality. He heard some noises from the walls. He wondered what was up.

“Lord, emergency! There’s a beast horde coming straight at us. They will arrive here very soon,” the vizier suddenly said as if she knew what was happening despite being nowhere near the walls.

“What!? Are they the aberrants? They shouldn't be attacking this early!” Monus shouted, full of emotion. “What the hell is happening!!”

“Not the aberrants, sire.” Her tone was grim. “They are… something we’ve never seen before.”

Monus heard the sound of conflict, his wizards in the area were letting loose fireballs.

Monus realized the attackers were already here and it felt like there was a pit opening in his stomach.

He got caught fatally unaware. His troops were currently spread out in four directions.

“Have all troops muster at the point of attack!” Monus commanded his vizier before rushing to the walls. He levitated and flew like the wind.

Monus arrived on the battlements in a hurry and managed to arrive before the wooden walls were breached. He didn't arrive late but the situation didn't look promising.

What were those things?

Bugs? Dogs?

A monster species that Monus had never seen were gnashing, clawing, and pushing at his walls. Most striking about them was the numbers: a living current of fang and frenzy. So unrelenting in their charge that the ones already attacking the wall were heaped upon. Again and again, until the creatures made some kind of towering platform from the mound of bodies.

A single creature climbed the walls, the first of many. It opened its toothed-mouth wide as it wanted to tear Monus’ face off.

The Pathseeker declined the rude kiss with a sharp gust of wind that separated the creature in half. Furthermore, Monus unleashed a mighty air force to break the living tower to prevent these things from jumping over the wall.

He was successful, the tower broke and the five meters high wall wasn't jumpable anymore.

But what Monus destroyed was just one among many. Four more ‘towers’ were being created. The wizards blasted them with their magic but the creatures were just too many. The wizards were not killing the creatures fast enough. Not only were the wizards too few, but the insectoid beasts were also quite resilient. They could take two direct fireball hits from the wizards before they died.

And that was only one of them.

Monus was being attacked by hundreds!


They are too fuckin’ many of them!

Monus let loose AoE Artes as often and as many as he could with no regard to the cost. It was the only way. He had to hold long enough until his reinforcements arrived at this place.

Ten minutes of being human artillery had strained his body. Ten minutes of intensive activities that didn't let Monus think and strategize. His joints felt like rusted door hinges and his Victa was moving like sludge on clogged pipes. In a moment of carelessness, he almost exploded his Arte early and suffered the accidental self-attack.

The wall broke before Monus’ will did. The creatures were pouring in from the gap like malevolent water.


The moving rocks were ready at the moment of the breach and blocked the invaders using their sturdy bodies, creating a plug.

Unlike his two types of troops: golems and wizards, the creatures seemed to be of singular origin. All were similar, there was no other variety.

“Hold! Hold the line!”

Monus raised his hand and created a sphere that compressed the air in its surroundings. While he was charging the Arte to inflict significant damage on the clustered monsters, Monus frowned.

The claws and fangs of these beasts were able to damage the golems made of stone. He had hoped the golems would be able to battle unaffected but sadly that didn't seem to be the case.

But Monus still held hope. His troops were trickling into this place. His vizier lent her strength in exterminating the unwelcome critters, raining arcs of lighting on them.

Monus smiled as he finished charging.

“Air Pressure-”

Another sphere hit his sphere before he could shoot it and the compressed air and magic broke, engulfing the area in a great magical detonation.

Monus raised his magical shielding in time so he only suffered minor damage but the true loss was the breach. Monus stood on the wooden wall, close to the gaping wound in his defensive line. With no ranged attackers from the creature’s side, he thought he would be safe even in the open but that was a mistake. An even greater opening was created as a result.

“I’m afraid I cannot let you do that and kill my friends. By the way, that’s an impressive collection of wind Artes, Airmaster. As rumored, Zetel is truly a land with the most advancement in magical arts.”

Monus didn't even get the chance to feel the weight of his mistake before the main perpetrator showed himself. Tanael was riding on one of the strange beasts. It didn't take a genius to figure it out.

“Tanael, I should have known. And there is no wind element, it is air! Based on the numbers… you brought most of your troops to attack me did you not? Leaving your base thin.”

Monus recomposed himself. The war in the area near the two Pathseekers was coming to a halt as the troops from both sides paused, giving both leaders time to converse. However, tens of meters away the battle still continued.

“This recklessness… is so you. What happened to your arm?”

Tanael had unmounted his ride while Monus was talking. Tanael’s brow rose from the question and his expression softened.

“This?” Tanael grabbed the stump on his shoulder. “I bet this on the new age.”

It was the word of a certain red-haired emperor of the seas. Which, of course, Airmaster was unable to comprehend.

“Enough about me. This is about you. I’m here to welcome you, Airmaster.”

“Welcome? This?” Monus pointed at the battle. “This is an unprovoked act of war!”

Tanael didn't even fake an expression of care. He extended his remaining right arm as if asking for something.

“Welcome to Stage 5, Airmaster Monus. Identification and travel papers, please. You don't have those? Very well, fret not. These gentlebeasts will help you complete the necessary procedures. Normally it would be a cause for deportation but we’re in the most unusual of places. Please don't resist during the meatbag processing. It will only make it hurt more and last longer.”


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