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A Level 2. With how he conducted battle I thought Airmaster was a Level 3. He was more than I gave him credit for. Given time, he might grow into a splendid Pathseeker but that future belongs in the realm of What If now.

Viers stowed Monus’ soul for later use. He looted the corpse for anything of value before stowing the body in his storage item.

And my spark shards shoot up like a rocket.

With Airmaster’s death, Viers gained all of his spark shards. It was great but according to his calculation, Anne’s spark shards were still greater.

Viers had two plans to take Anne’s top spot. The first was to absorb the other player’s spark shards and end the whole Stage 5 early when he was leading. The second was to kill Anne herself.

Let’s see how it goes from here. Before thinking about that I must unite the Blacklands first.

As Viers reached the land after a fresh swimming session, two people awaited him.

“Another enemy falls before your might, Master Chief,” Zerrigan communicated using a Shredder as her mouthpiece.

“Congratulations, Lord Tanael,” Farley was floating a few inches above ground beside Xel Doggo, still in her ghost-state.

“Thank you both,” Viers already covered his naked body using Water Cloth Arte before presenting himself. “Zerrigan, how’s the battle?”

He wasn't really worried; from the initial clash, it was clear the Tyra Xerg were stronger and possessed superior numbers. The effect of Viers’ sacrifices was evident.

“Ah, and you don't have to worry about her. She’s a friend of mine. Zerrigan, meet Farley.”

Viers added because the two looked uneasy.

“Nice to meet you, spirit. I hope for a cordial relationship.”

“Likewise, Queen of the Tyra Xerg. I’m loyal to Lord Tanael so you don't have to worry. Our positions are similar.”

The two exchanged short business--like greetings then Zerrigan answered Viers’ question.

“After the crystal was destroyed, all manner of resistance disappeared. Only 128 fell in battle. The stone constructs stopped in their tracks and the casters became unable to use spells, my children made short work of them. May we-”

“Fill their bellies, Zerri. Don't waste food. But we can't stay long. Other feasts await,” Viers smiled.

“We will be ready to move at your command. The heavily injured shall be taken care off. I’ll be here if you need me.”

The glimmer of intelligence in Xel Doggo’s eye receded, signaling the Queen was no longer riding its mind but Viers knew she was always there, always watching. To Zerrigan, her children were as intimate as her own limbs.

Limbs that she can create unceasingly.

She means the Shredders will eat the ones that are too injured. How… efficient.

Far from being disgusted, Viers praised Tyra Xerg’s way of recycling resources.

I have about 750 Xerg left in my army. Let’s hope it’s enough.

“You’ve done well too,” Viers said to Farley.

“It is my duty as your left arm, Lord Tanael.” Since they were on the outside, Farley used Viers' alias. “But I have something to inform you.”

“Our water Artes were weaker. The activation was sluggish and needed more control. I felt it too while battling Monus.”

He knew the consequences of sacrificing a tier of his water affinity but feeling it first hand made it hit home.

There were 5 tiers of affinity. The difference between affinity 4 and 5 was not a simple twenty percent increase in power. It signified a closer distance from the source of magic. By having a soul 5 and a water 3 affinity at the same time, Viers could compare the difference between the two more starkly.

“I fear my ability to assist you has diminished even less,” Farley said forlornly.

Viers touched her chin and raised it up. “Chin up. Don't worry about such a small thing. We’ll get our affinity back and more.”

“If it all goes well,” Clarissa commented.

“If it doesn't, we’ll make it so,” Viers replied with determination. “Once again, good job.”

The petite, neck-length brunette nodded and went back to Viers’ soul space.

“The world doesn't always give what you want, Viers,” Paina warned.

Viers smiled.

“That's what my power is for. To bend the world to my liking.”

“The world will resist your attempts,” the lamia princess said.

“Whether they are people, demons, gods, or all of Creation… They can try.”


“So demons with blood-colored skin are that way, and-” Viers pointed and moved his fingers to another direction. “Human barbarians that way.”

Still at the site of Airmaster’s fallen base, Viers was planning where to lead his army next. Along with his super eyes, he also spread out the Shredders in all directions, the hope was to find foes but also allies. The barbarians he found on his own but the hive-minded Zerrigan informed him about the demons.

“Blood demons… must be Izabella,” Clarissa said.

“Same thought here,” Paina muttered. “No other people have the likelihood to command that faction. As for human barbarians…”

“Sakuya and Green Scorpion are unlikely. Jaime is possible. The other remaining candidates are Dark Zero, Oscar, and Outcast.”

With Airmaster dead, the people Farley mentioned were the remaining black spark holders left. Outcast was someone Viers designated as prey from way back in Stage 1. His battle strength was nothing special, above average but nowhere close to threatening Viers. However, he was resilient. He somehow survived until Stage 5.

Just like Boram. I hope he’s okay with the goodie goodie people.

“Dark Zero or Outcast then,” Clarissa concurred.

“Zerrigan, send a couple of messengers to the blood demons’ place. If Iz is there, we can coordinate our movement. Meanwhile, we’re gonna attack the barbarians. Since Oscar is a prideful highborn, it is unlikely he received barbarians as his faction. Can't be sure though. Well, we’re gonna bring them down nonetheless. Let’s move out.”

“By your will,” Xel Doggo telephoned Zerrigan’s response.

The army moved with speed and efficiency. Viers knew marching an army had many complications but his army was an army of one thanks to the hive mind. In a few hours, he reached the periphery of his target.

“That’s Dark Zero… and he’s going somewhere?” Viers spied from atop his mount. They had arrived moments before a retinue of warriors accompanied Dark Zero to sallying forth from the palisade of his base.

“Doesn't seem he’s realized our presence,” Paina said.

Viers smiled. “The defenses are very concentrated around the base. Too little map awareness. Newbie mistake, not enough micromanagement. I bet the fog of war clouded a lot of his minimap still.”

“Map awareness? Micromanagement? Fog of war?”

“Don't mind, Paina. How far are Izabella’s reinforcements?”

“They should be here in about an hour, Chief. The vanguard consists of fast-moving demons only.”

“Then we wait a bit. I’d rather not waste the lives of our troops. And it raises the chance to kill him.”

Viers would not allow Dark Zero Volod to live. He definitely bore a grudge against Viers since Stage 1, where he got kicked out of the top 10 because Viers challenged him at the last moment. Viers would not suffer a guy with such a bad karma with him loose.

Must tie loose ends before they become a problem.

“If Volod is about to return to his base before that, we’ve got no choice but to attack on our own.”


“Haah… haah…”

Volod was sweating bullets, watching the people under his command die from fangs and claws.

“Haah… haah…”

His breath was heavy, the ambush came suddenly and he was trapped in the middle of blood and screams. The buffer between him and those things that meant to kill him was growing thinner by the second.


Insects and demons joined hands to murder him. He wasn't an idiot; he knew other trial takers were behind this.

And a single name was the most likely among the bunch.

Like hell I’m gonna die here! Not to that fucker’s hands!

Before they got to him, Volod's last act before his doom was taking out his spark and saying “I give up!” loudly.

The giving up feature existed since Stage 3. Although each stage had some differences in how the bailout worked, it could save one’s life in the face of overwhelming adversaries.

In Stage 5, giving up would not result in spark shard reduction. Volod would keep his life despite no longer being able to participate in the war against the aberrants.

Eat shit, Tanael. You, won't, get, a single shard of mine!

It was a disgrace, Volod knew. He was outed in less than 24 hours before the last trial began. But it was substantially better than losing his life.



Volod didn't get teleported to safety.

“Where are you going, Volod? You’re the star of this party.”

That male voice was bringing hate and dread to Volod’s heart in equal measure.

“Tanael! Did you-”

“Attack you and your base at the same time? Why, I so hate for you to miss this wonderful reception so I must insist you stay. Thank me later.”

If the kingdom was in the middle of an attack, the leader of the defending faction couldn’t bailout.

Either the player committed to the defenses or took the chicken way out and left the base ripe for the enemies to pluck.

Once the kingdom fell they could give up but they needed to have the ability to survive or run away from the attackers first.

“I’m willing to be your subordinate!”

Before Tanael could launch his infamous sudden attack in the middle of talking, Volod knelt on the ground decisively. As the escape plan had failed, Volod offered Tanael his service for survival.

Tanael looked intrigued.

“To survive, you’re willing to put aside your pride and bow your head. I can respect that.”

Hope returned to his eyes.


Volod found there was a knife in his chest. The woman that stood on Tanael’s side, Black Cat, a member of Tanael’s group, struck. The blade was glowing blue from the enchantment; although it was unseen, for the blade had sunk entirely into the man’s chest.

“Unfortunately, the Gloomsiders will be the only power block among the black spark side. We’ll make it quick,” Tanael spoke callously.

Volod sank into the feeling of self-mockery and clarity. “He he heh… Cough… You pitiful lackey,” Volod spoke with blood-soaked mouth to Izabella, grabbing her hand. “He cares not about you. Tanael only cared about himself. Stupid woman, he will hug the best benefits for himself.”

Realizing he was at the end, a vicious glint emerged from the depths of Dark Zero’ eyes. He should have done this from the start.

His body glowed as his Victa rampaged all over his body. Black Cat finally realized what he was about to do and tried to get away but Volod held her hand with no intention of letting go.

“I’m taking you down with me!!”

Arte - Intio Destruction!

Two things happened almost at the same time.

Izabella swished her hand and a red needle penetrated the chest of Volod.

Tanael jumped and from above shot a pinpoint Vengeful Spirit Arte right at the crown of Volod’s head so as to not injure Izabella.

The suicide bomb was diffused before it could explode. Volod fell as his soul suffered extreme injuries and his Victa leaked.

“...That was close,” Izabella wiped the sweat on her brows. She was close to death or fatal injuries a moment ago.

“A bit overkill by using your needle but excellent survival instinct,” Tanael commented. “Not trusting me to protect you?”

“...I’d rather not place my life in the hands of others,” Iz warily replied.

“That’s good and I respect that. I really do. I prefer the same,” Tanael checked Volod’s situation. “And he’s not wrong, you know. I’ll hug the best benefits for myself.”

“We have a contract,” Izabella replied with uneasiness in her voice.

“Allow me to explain. Even though I’ll take the best food, there’s plenty of delicious food left on the table. I won't be mean to the people who are useful to me. What’s the point? Come on. Let’s clean up the rest and find the rest of the Gloomsiders.”


“Found you!”

Oscar’s expression was like a kid receiving a Christmas gift. He looked at the giant lump of flesh on a crater from afar.

While Tanael was traveling with his army, Oscar caught his trail and followed their tracks. Oscar saw the insects and demons’ assault against Dark Zero and who their masters were but he didn't participate.

Instead, Oscar went in the direction Tanael came from and found his base.

Tanael brought the army with him. The castle defenses are thin. This is my chance!

“Summon the army,” Oscar spoke to the armored high-orc beside him. “We’ll destroy Tanael’s base while he’s strutting about like a cocky peacock.”


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