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“Look, kid. We promise we'll look into it. I just need to make some calls and gather a few people...”

“No, you don't understand. This is an emergency! We must go now, there are lives at stake!”

Boram was talking aggressively to a lazy-looking guard. As per his master's instruction, he went to a guard post near the port district and reported there was a kidnapping incident.

The guard did not dismiss Boram’s report but he didn't take him seriously either. Boram was a kid, there was a storm outside, he had just finished patrols, there were only three people beside him in this post… In short, the guard felt it was a chore and wanted to do the bare minimum according to the books.

But how could Viers not foresee this when sending Boram?

An explosion from one of the warehouses could be heard even amidst the heavy rain. While the guard was shocked and snapped in that direction, another blast followed. There was a fireball rising ten meters into the air.

One more explosion than Viers predicted but he had successfully kicked the butt of the lazy guard into action.

“Dave, you stay here. Gion, come with me. Boy, you-”

While the guard was hurrying and giving out orders, a pillar of light went up to the heavens and a wave of light washed over them.

When the guard opened his eyes, Boram had disappeared.


“Phew… finally I finished this enchantment. The twelfth assignment is complete,” Izabella wiped the sweat from her brows.

After coming to Regidana she’d taken many assignments from the Blood Church like a woman on a mission. From hunting monsters, enchanting items, repairing old magic circles, to killing rats in the Blood Church’s secret cellars.

Don't worry Little Iz, your big sister will handle it.

Izabella had heard her sister say that many times and remembered her voice nostalgically. She didn't realize how much she had lost until she had lost them.

Without Ursula’s presence, Izabella had a tougher time making a living among the cultists of Yasterah.

But hardships make hardy people. Izabella, who was always protected by a loving Level 4, did what must be done with much zeal and without complaints.

I will save my sister, whatever it takes.

Without the overprotective doting sister, Izabella became more mature and independent. A few months ago, all inside her head was how to avoid marriage with Irkun Marakkus. Now more mature, she also had more worries.

Even if I worked like a mule, at this rate I won't be able to rise to the BC’s top.

Izabella clenched her fist, imagining Ursula and Alan’s visage.

On top of that, she had another dilemma: marriage offers, four of them.

As if I don't have enough on my plate already… Well, I’m the last of house Thyris. It’s enough bait for some.

The Blood Church was an organization with a heavy emphasis on ties between houses. Izabella was young, beautiful, talented, and the last member of a house with a long history within the church. She was the hottest bachelorette in BC’s Regidana branch right now.

None of these people are easy to deal with, even ignoring them has consequences. Sigh… I’m just too weak at the moment.

The next moment, a magical wave of black and white swept through her room, ignoring every security enchantment she had.

Izabella’s figure was nowhere to be found.


“Rest well, dear friend.”

A handsome blonde youth wearing light armor was standing before a tombstone on a hill not far from Regidana.

“It’s been a long journey that takes me far from home but I’m glad I made the trip.”

The youth placed his hand on the newly erected stone.

“May you find peace, in the land of your birth.”

There was no body under the grave, only a lock of hair. The youth went through a great deal of trouble to bring that simple thing to this place.

Thunder grumbled from above. The sky was dark. A storm was coming. All of these didn't bother the youth in the slightest. The youth stood there for some time, reminiscing of time gone by.


A white horse nudged the youth on the back. The beast was tall and regal. A very fine horse.

“I know, Baster… We should return to Latias. Good grief, it is really chaotic back home with the war of succession and all. I prefer to not get involved but as a squire, I have my duty.”

The youth’s face was pensive as he looked to the heavens as the first drops of rain fell.

“For king and country… There is a king no more and the country is in shambles. What would become of Latias?”

“Neigh!” Another nudged, with more force this time.

“Hehehe. Yes, you’re right. I can always count on you. Let’s go back then.”

The squire wore his helmet and rode his white horse, giving one last look to the grave before making his way down the hill.


It wasn't long until he saw a magnificent spectacle from the city, a majestic pillar of light. From his higher elevation, he could see a tidal wave of light coming towards him like a rising sea.

“Neigh!” Baster was agitated.

Not good. It’s too fast!

Powerless to do anything, the squire and the horse were whisked away.


“You cowardly piece of shit! I’ll pay you back for this. I swear!”

“Resorting to something as underhanded as poison, have you no shame?”

Rain and wind battered the window. In a private room in a restaurant, there were four teens. Three were on the ground, poisoned and paralyzed, one male and two females. The girls shouted anger at the one who poisoned them.

“...Is this about Piera?” The poisoned youth said. He was handsome and lean and tall. Despite being unable to move a muscle, he showed no fear.

“She’s my fiance and you took her away from me!” The other youth said. He wore nice clothes depicting his well-off background but his formerly handsome face was now distorted by ugly expressions.

“Engagement from a time when she wasn't even born by your parents!” One of the girls said. She was a wolf beastfolk with silver fur.

“You lost the contest to Aravin fair and square. The engagement is no longer valid. Piera is free!” The other girls said. She was a pretty girl wearing religious garb.

The poisoner was livid. After he got defeated by Aravin, he experienced the worst humiliation. Every gaze he received seemed to mock him, saying: ‘Look, that’s Jaime. It's the young master of house Sigley that lost to a commoner and also lost her fiance. The girl went into the arms of the one who he lost to. He got cuckolded! Hehehe, what a loser.’

“Naya, Sabine, enough. Let me do the talking,” Aravin said serenely to his companion before addressing the person with too much enmity between them. “After you kill me, please don't harm Naya, Sabine, Piera, and my parents.”

Hearing his nemesis request, Jaime clenched his teeth in anger.

“A mere talentless commoner… became so strong in the blink of an eye and defeated me like it was a bad joke… DIE!!!”



The girls screamed but Aravin simply closed his eyes, calmly waiting for death’s embrace.

Before the young master’s Arte was released, light washed over through walls like it wasn’t there, leaving an empty room in its wake.


The sky was crying.

Similarly, there was a girl weeping while watching the raging seas, gazing eastward. Her white kimono with flower motifs were drenched by the rain as she despaired.

There is no more medicine. All the stores had run out. It was rare to begin with. Even if I go further inland, I won't have enough time to make it back. Otou-sama won't last that long. Oh heavens, gods, what should I do…

As if answering her prayer, a phenomenon that changed the heavens itself appeared. It was the grandest sight she had ever seen in her life and she was witnessing it from close range no less.

A pillar of black and white? What is the meaning of this? Khh!?

She saw the coming tide of light emerging from the pillar. Swiftly, she took out an ofuda -paper charm- from inside her kimono and created a protective barrier.

Alas, her efforts were useless. The girl was like a leaf on a river, carried by the currents.


“Aa~aaah... wrong again.”

A black-haired girl jumped on the bed of an inn. She’d just returned from a quest, following a rumor hoping it was the one he sought but it was a dud.

The girl was very cute, with eyes like the brightest onyx and lips like the freshest cherry. Her skin was very smooth like the silkiest satin without a single blemish or imperfection.

After returning to her room, she disrobed her armor, letting them fall messily on the room before relaxing with comfortable light clothing.

It’s been a year… Mother, where are you?

Hearing the pitter-patter of rain made her relaxed, slowly drifting into sleep, recalling the happy memories she had with her dear mother.

Suddenly, she was jolted awake.

Mother’s aura!?

Like everyone else, the girl was gone the next moment.


Regidana was in uproar.

In the span of seconds, hundreds of people had disappeared as they evaporated into thin air.

Craig Regisea, the Governor-King of Regidana landed on the warehouse, the base of the now-gone pillar of light.

“Father!” Harry gave his father a hug.

“Son, I’m glad you’re okay.”


“Madeline,” the plump governor greeted back.

It began with a simple ploy. An organization was making a move on an artifact in his belongings, the old book. Craig always felt it was hiding something extraordinary but he didn't manage to unravel its secret even after spending a lot of time and effort.

So he let the organization steal it with him and Madeline watching closely.

Even when the organization used his son, the Level 5s didn't make a move. Craig wanted his son to experience some tempering because Harry was too kind of a person. It wasn't easy convincing his wife.

“Father, mister knight helped me but he disappeared. He didn't die, right? He helped us so please, please save him.”

“It will be okay, son.”

Craig hugged his son then went to his spouse. Harry’s friends who were standing beside Madeline, children of his old buddies, were already healed of any injury, including their finger.

“I’m sorry you two got injured. I’ll definitely make it up to you both. Madeline, what have you learned?”

The Governor-King and his wife watched the levitating book inside the half-ruined warehouse. Three more Level 5s were coming. One was Marlin, Craig’s brother. The other two were Level 5s who reside in the city with their own organization. Craig greeted them all before gesturing to Madeline to continue.

“I deduced they either got teleported to an unknown place… or got sucked into the book itself. The one who made this book is more powerful than any of us,” Madeline said.

“Why does such a powerful artifact only take Pathseekers Level 3 and below? Shouldn't it be for Level 5, normally?” One of the Level 5 said.

“What should we do, brother? I saw Oscar disappear in front of me and there’s nothing I can do.”

“I see, your son too...” Craig muttered.

From the initial report, hundreds of Level 3 and below Pathseeker were gone from Regidana and its surroundings. Young Pathseekers with much promise and potential.

The ordinary book he had examined hundreds of times in the past was now radiating power even higher than himself. They couldn't move the book, open, damage, or do anything to it.

“This is beyond me, beyond us. I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do. Their fate is in their own hands now.”


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