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“Where… am I?”

When Viers opened his eyes he found he was in a fantasy-like place. Viers was floating in a massive space of many colors, like liquid paint of various colors mixed and blended together. Despite the chaos, there was some beauty in it, similar to an abstract painting.

How did I get into the Quantum Realm? Hm? Those are…

The space was empty but there were other things here other than him; hundreds of white silhouettes with human shapes. Viers deduced they are people just like him, only their identity was veiled. He guessed he would also look like that in other people's eyes.

Where’s the hostile Level 3 from earlier? If that pillar of light is the cause, he should be here too. Oh? The masses are starting to awaken.

“...What is the Goddess' name?”

“Ah? I am in the middle of taking a bath, you bastards!”

“What is this magical place?”

“What a strange dream...”

“I’m scared. Mom! Dad! Where are you?”

Their voice was also scrambled to almost unrecognizable. While the others were shaken by the abrupt change, Viers had already calmed down and chose to do something more productive.

“Girls, are you all okay?” Viers communicated with his mind.

“We’re fine, Lord Viers. No problem on our end. I’m ready to Overclock anytime,” Farley replied.

“Glad to hear it. I already have a conjecture about what is happening but don't let your guard down.”

After checking his tenants inside his head were fine Viers checked his conditions and inventory, which had become very simple because he now possessed the super-duper convenient storage item.

Can’t use my storage item moment but it's there. Can't use Arte too. Temporarily while I’m in this place, I assume. All is in order on my end. Come what may, I’m ready!

Amidst the hustle and bustle, a form emerged. It appeared like a mirage, bearing the appearance of a man wearing white garb.

“Welcome, young ones, to this place of opportunity.”

The man’s form was huge, fifteen meters tall. His form was not solid but a bit blurry. His countenance was dignified and calm, eyes containing deep wisdom, very sage-like. The people summarily shut themself up when this being appeared in the colorful space.

“Well now, this is unexpected... Most peculiar,” the huge phantom muttered as he examined the tiny people before him.

“Who are you and what do you want with us?” Someone asked.

“First, allow me to apologize for bringing you all here so abruptly. Be assured that I’m not going to harm you. On the contrary, I’m here to give you a boon,” the man smiled. “As for me, you can call me Aletro.”

Brown hair and face without wrinkles, the man was at the age of his prime but he smiled so austerely like a kindly grandpa.


“Is there a person with that name in Regidana?”

“What do you mean by opportunity?”

The masses went ooh and aah with their questions and remarks, the solemn space became similar to a noisy vegetable market.

“A-Aletro? By the Goddess! I’ve heard of him. He’s an enigmatic figure from a thousand years ago!” Someone shouted. Some people started to pay attention to the shadowed person.

“Legend is Aletro spent most of his life teaching and guiding people to greatness. He has become a teacher of many prominent figures throughout history. He is called the Great Awakener Sage! O great one, this humble junior pays his respect.”

The white shadow who knew Aletro kowtowed.

Ah, thank you, expository guy, Viers thought.

Viers counted on someone to blabber and offer some backstory that he didn't understand, just like in xianxia novels. How nice he got one such guy with him at the moment.

Among the hundreds of people in this space, about half chose to bow to the gigantic phantom of Aletro. The other half was still skeptical and did not bow. It didn't need saying which group Viers was in.

“Get up, there’s no need to bow. I’m not Aletro in person, only his remnant will. A phantom with his consciousness. As this young one said, you’re here so I can bestow some opportunities to you,” Aletro explained.

“A fortuitous encounter!”

“Lucky chance!”

“Golden opportunity!”

They shouted many different things but the meaning was the same. Every one of them had experienced this kind of fortune, although the degree of said fortune differed from individual to individual. Some more than others.

“Sage, what prompted such a blessing to us? And why us?” A voice resounded, not few had the same questions.

“This situation is a bit irregular. My trials are usually aimed at Level 5s and only a few get in at a time, certainly not hundreds. This time, however… is the product of a ritual incomplete and the activator of this event is in your power bracket. That is why those who are here don't have too much difference in your cultivation Level.”

Viers felt the phantom’s gaze upon him for a second before moving on.

Me? Was it that arrow?

Viers was getting a little worried about the attitude of Aletro’s projection.

“Well it doesn't matter, the artifact is functioning without problems. The trial will continue as intended and the difficulty will be adjusted accordingly, be at ease. As for why I choose you people, it’s because you are all seedlings with the most promise among the previously mentioned power bracket. My main body created the artifact to only accept those above certain aptitude and potential.”

“The qualification isn't our cultivation strength?” Someone asked.

“Correct. My main body has his own objective for doing what he does. At any rate, the trial has already begun and you’re all the chosen participants. You’re all currently inside a book my true self created but unlike me, you possess your own flesh and blood. There will be five stages of opportunity. Whether you will be able to grasp it or not is up to you.”

Although they were brought here against their will, they were all Pathseekers. They knew a golden opportunity that might never come again in their lives was right in front of them. The young Pathseekrs were all eager, their heart danced in anticipation.

“However, power without purpose is meaningless. Those with great power are also burdened with great responsibility. The powerful have a duty to take care of those weaker than themself. Understanding and cooperation will lead to a better tomorrow for all. I do not wish to aid those with petty and selfish ambition in their heart. Only those with virtuous heart and the willingness to serve the greater good shall partake in the following opportunity.”

The dignified voice of Aletro resounded and it felt like a bucket of ice-cold water had just been poured on top of him. Viers was not alone in this.

Another trial for the goody two shoes? Damn it! Viers had been burned by such a trial before and experienced failure.

“Not so fast!”

With the thunderous voice, space twisted, and a humongous presence appeared.


“Another Aletro?”

“How could this be?”

The new arrival was very similar to the original Aletro. Their faces were the same like identical twins. However, they gave different impressions. The first Aletro was grand and sage-like while the second Aletro was wild and seemed more sinister. One was wearing white and the other was wearing black clothes.

“You...” The White Aletro frowned.

“Bwahaha! This party won’t start without me!” The Black Aletro guffawed.

The clear hostility between two phantoms as big as a building made the tiny Viers and the other nervous.

“So the legend is true… In his youth, to progress further in the Path of Power Aletro tried to purge the dark and negative part of him. It was a success and failure at the same time. There have been two personalities inside him ever since. Good and noble on one side, evil and wicked on the other.

The exposition guy strikes again! Viers thought.

“Hehe, you’re quite knowledgeable, kid. To know things from so many years ago. I’ll give you a small reward later,” Black Aletro's attitude and manner of speaking were different from his other self. “Listen up, kiddos! I reject this pathetic version of me and all the things he stands for.”

Black Aletro declared loudly and proudly!

“Responsibility? Protecting the weak? Greater good? Bah! That is not how a man is supposed to live. You reduce yourself to being a servant of others. I do not agree! Life is about freedom! About chasing your passions and goals. Why should you care about others? Sure, take care of your close friends and families but be honest with yourself, how much do you really care for those you never know or meet that live at the other end of the world? The weak die and the strong survive. That is the natural order of things, survival of the worthy!”

White Aletro disgust was not hidden.

I like this guy, Viers gave a mental thumbs up.

“Of course you did,” Paina rolled her eyes.

“...There! I’ve opened a new path for those with a different ideology than this naive guy,” Black Aletro fierily said. “Regardless of your moral compass, the worthy shall rise!”

“...Although this deviant intervened, the trial itself will undoubtedly be fair. This is an iron-clad rule made by our true self. I stand by what I said. Good is better than evil. It is a harsher and thornier path, that is true, but the reward is far greater than the other side’s… and a much meaningful life to have.

“Hmph, you and your blabbering. Enough talk!”

Black and White Aletro created a majestic sun above their head. One black, one white.

“Life is a choice.”

“You who wish to live a virtuous life choose the white spark.”

“You who wish to live an unrestrained life choose the black spark.”

There was a silent pause after the white giant and black giant spoke their piece. In this opening, Viers struck.

“Chacha! Chacha comes home! Choose the one you believe in! Aletro, I chose the black spark!”

Viers shouted loudly and all the other participants heard him. Because his voice and form were obscured nobody knew who he was, just like Viers didn't know who the shadow not a meter beside him was.

A piece of light from the black sun split off from the main body and floated towards Viers.

It didn't take long until the others came to a realization and shouted their own message.

“Brothers and sisters of the Righteous Brave School, we will choose the white spark!”

“Fellow students of Luvicas, the black one is more interesting. That is what I, the prefect, pick.”

“Red door and black horse! Follow what your heart tells you.”

Among the intense shouting match, one small figure came to a realization.

...Master? Oooh, he speaks in tongues! As expected of Master! ...For what though? No one will recognize him except me, right? Why not call me directly? Boram was confused. Anyway, I’ll do what Master asks. I’ll do my best and make him proud.

A white spark came above Boram’s palm. It was a tiny flame thing, even smaller than candlelight.

The other recipient also understood the message.

Yeah, of course he’s here. He also addressed me with that sentence… Choose what I believe in, huh?

A black glimmer came towards Izabella.

As the other several hundred made their choice, Viers was enjoying the unexpectedness of life.

Another trial of fire, this time with proper rival competitors! Five stages of competitions with the good and evil flavor mixed in, hm? How interesting… Time for my evil side to shine!


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