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Viers didn't like this. Viers didn't like this at all.

“Sigh… Let’s get inside and tell me about it.”

In front of the house was hardly the place to have this kind of conversation so Viers invited him inside. It was not like Viers could shoo him away. Vier also found out Harry's sudden appearance trick as they went inside.

Invisibility cloak? And his name is Harry? Wow, the coincidence…

Once inside, Harry started to talk.

Yesterday Harry was approached by a stranger. The stranger wanted Harry to bring him a specific book from the Governor-King’s treasury. Naturally, Harry refused but then the stranger gave Harry something that changed his mind.

“He gave me this...” Harry said dejectedly.

Harry showed Viers two fingers, human fingers.

“Milly and Marc’s finger, that guy said. Refuse and there will be more Milly and Marc to follow. He warned that if I speak to my parents or the authorities, they will kill my friends immediately...”

Viers got a massive headache.

Dazed and desperate, Harry stole the book successfully. He had to act because they put a time limit. Harry needed to give them the book today. But after he got the book in his hand, Harry was afraid they would not make good of their promise. Harry was also concerned these people would do bad things with the book so he wanted to find help. This help must not be related to his parents or city officials. It was then Harry thought of a certain knight that had saved him before.

Viers’ head almost exploded by the plot holes in Harry’s story.

Where are Harry’s chaperones? No one thinks Harry's condition and actions are suspicious for a whole day? Can the GK's vault be so easily broken into? A couple of mighty Level 5s allows their only child roaming with so little protection? If you’re gonna take a risk anyway then just tell your parents, damn it!

“They must have agents among Father’s men,” Harry speculated. Eyes still red.

“Or, you’re being watched,” Viers said grimly.

Viers bolted out of the house immediately. Harry was surprised by the abrupt action. He wasn't alone in this, Boram was the same. They were stunned for a few seconds before going after Viers.

Viers, eyes already shining green like a snake eyeing for prey, scanned the perimeter and immediately attacked three suspicious people in different areas.

Arte - Black Out Down!

Viers made physical contact with them and each felt a loud sound resounding in their heads before falling into the unknownness of the dark abyss.

“Come on, bring them back before anyone sees,” Viers said to Boram who’d just arrived.

Viers immediately soul-searched them after returning home. The first one was just a Level 1 normal guy. The second person, not so much.


I cannot see her memories?

This never happened before. Even when he was soul-searching someone stronger than himself there was still feedback. In the case of this woman, it was like her memories were protected by a wall. Time was pressing so Viers didn't probe any further. Just finding a suspect was enough.

The third person also turned out to be a normal civilian.

“Boram, secure this woman as we practiced. Remember, she’s a Level 2. Be thorough,” Viers’ sudden ambush didn't give any chance for her to act. There was nothing odd on her belongings, as Viers expected.

While Boram did what was instructed, Viers was feeling bitter. Supposed the woman was connected to the ones blackmailing Harry, chances were they already found out about his involvement. The woman might have informed the rest of her group before she got taken down; she also might not be the only one following the kid.

Viers was in a bind.

He didn’t want to act because it would put himself in danger for nothing but he already got implicated even if he refused.

There was also Avel of Javia’s reputation; he needed to have a 'not stinky' reputation for Viers’ future projects. At least not in Regidana, the place where he was building his base.

This is the chain of society. Damn it! This identity is starting to become more trouble than it's worth.

In the Marakkus Incident, Viers had a war mindset. It was personal and he wanted paybacks. He considered many angles and had weighed the potential risk and benefit. This time, Viers got no personal stake in this and there was no clear reward for doing this rescue mission.

Also, refusing the call of help from the son of a Level 5 isn't wise. Now that it has come to this, I must help Harry and his friend. At least, Harry must see me already putting in a great effort.

Viers recalled the faces of Marc and Milly for a split second before steeling his heart.

Even for innocent children, Viers was not willing to trade his life for them. Let alone two children, even if there were a thousand of them Viers still wouldn't trade his life!

Viers was not a hero. He never was.

“Alright, I’ll help you. Show me this oh-so-important book.”

Harry’s face went beyond happy and showed the book to his hero figure.

It was a book in white and black leather bindings with a unique symbol on the front. It was as thick as a dictionary. The book was visibly very old, the title on the cover was all but unreadable by the erosion of time. Viers opened the book and only saw empty pages on yellowed paper.

Viers’ Euryale Sight gave him nothing new. Clarissa also didn't know anything. Failing to find a new angle of approach, Viers picked his course of action.

“Alright, I have a plan,” Viers told Harry. “Remember, you must follow my instructions.”


A man was watching three people leave a house from far away. All three went in different directions. If he hadn't been informed about the subject using invisible methods he might have missed them. He just didn't think there would be two people using invisibility.

“Fajrin, the boy is coming to you. Alone,” he communicated.

“Did he have the book?”


“Good. Complications?”

“None,” the Level 4 said without hesitation.

“Got it. Follow the rich boy until he arrives here.”

“Acknowledged,” the man said before cutting the transmission and made a fearful expression.

“I’ve done what you asked,” he nervously looked at the person behind him. “No no, wait wait-”

“Thank you, dear,” the Level 5 made him unconscious with a slap in a heartbeat. The man couldn't even mount any sort of resistance.

“Sigh,” Madeline sighed as she watched her son go towards the port under churning dark clouds.

Oh, my poor boy. He might have our methods and isn't in any mortal danger but what a horrible experience for him. You better be protecting him properly, Slayer, or I’ll give you a special slap myself.


“No, this is what you promised! You said you’ll release my friends!” Harry said indignantly from inside a cage of magic alongside Marc and Milly.

“I lied,” the stranger who made contact with Harry before said. “Stay there until all is over.”


Marc and Milly, both losing a finger, looked at him with despair. Harry hugged them tightly.

“Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine. It’s going to be fine, definitely.”

The black and white book was given to a hooded figure with the nicest cloak. The figure examined it a bit before speaking with a satisfied voice.

“It’s the real deal. Prepare the ritual. We will leave immediately once everyone has arrived.”

“Yes, sir!”

A dozen or so people replied.


The rain had started falling. In no time at all the trickle became a downpour. Flashes of lightning and the rumble of thunder accompanied the rain’s arrival.

Lightning’s flash revealed the silhouette of a person on the warehouse's roof. The man was watching the ongoing play stealthily.

Viers had changed his gear so it wasn't obvious it was Avel the adventurer in one glance. Expecting a serious battle, he equipped his Dragonweave Gloves.

Phew… they didn't harm Harry. Good.

Viers’ plan was simple. Let Harry give the book as intended then he would serve as a hidden protector until the city guards that Boram called arrived. Viers gambled that Harry definitely had life-saving treasures or the like from his parents. As long as the son of the GK didn't die, Viers would be able to avoid the worst-case scenario.

Now I just need to mess things up so their ploy does not succeed.

The people that threatened Boram appeared to be members of the same organization. There were no Level 4 or above but there were ten or so Level 3s, above Viers’ capability to handle.

C’mon… where’s the diversion?

Viers was waiting for the next stage of his ploy but the people below him were doing something strange.

...They’re using some kind of ritual on the book? Tsk.

Viers stayed still under the Fade in Shadow Arte as the ritual progressed. Viers hoped the signal would go off before the ritual was finished but it seemed it won't be going as he wished.

Biting the inside of his lip, Viers took out a bow and arrow.

Must disturb whatever was going on down there. Okay Viers, you got this. You definitely can shoot it.

Viers was as still as an archer statue while the rain was hitting his body. The book was in the center of a circle of ten men chanting gibberish. Lightshow emerged befitting a magical ritual. The book was stationary but the target was quite small from where Viers was. He didn't dare to get too close.

This must be a one in a million shot…

A crisp air entered his lungs after a deep inhalation.

“Use the Force, Viers.”

He softly muttered, imagining it was said by a wise old ghost.

Viers’ concentration rose to the limit.

“Use the Force...”

The ritual was almost complete, it was the perfect moment to strike. Viers didn't let the opportunity go and released the arrow.

The arrow became an eagle and pierced through the air like the very bird itself but with much faster speed. Viers was using the Bow of Four Beasts’ wind arrow to deliver the swiftest ranged attack at his disposal.

The attack undeniably hit the book dead center.

“Yes!” Viers clenched his fist.

Remember, the Force will be with you, always.

Viers paused before adding more.

Even after the cash grab trilogy sequel. Hmn?

Due to the unexpected happening, the ritual was disturbed. The ten circling the book tried to stabilize the ritual but it failed and gave a mighty magical explosion!

Almost instantly, another explosion went off in another warehouse. A fireball went up high into the air despite the intense rain and wind.

Great timing!

The blackmailer wanted Harry to bring the book to one of the warehouses in the port district. Since Boram’s call for help might not be taken seriously by the city guards, Viers decided to rig an explosion in one of the warehouses not too far nor too close using a candle and exploding beads.

It would definitely send the city guards running.

The book exploding was not within his expectation but it was a welcome one. The warehouse was filled with smoke and mana residue. The blackmailers were scattered and injured. Viers dashed to the cage where the kidnapped trio released them.

“Run, NOW!”

Harry helped his friends and they ran as fast as they could. Meanwhile, Viers was taking the rearguard, preparing for the certain retaliation.

“You!” The leader angrily said. The strongest Level 3! “You have ruined everything!!”

Oh boy, Viers grimaced. Reinforcement is coming. I just need to not die for a few moments!

The leader with a now tattered cloak chased with terrifying speed. His body radiated power as on the cusp of releasing an Arte. The intensity of power was above Alan’s.

Shit, this is gonna hurt…

However, before Viers and the leader traded blows, a massive surge of power enveloped both of them. It was so fast and immediately drowned them in it. No, not only them. The surge was so wide it went on to other districts, to the city limits, to miles beyond Regidana!

What the hell is happening!?

Viers was confused while the blackmailer leader went ballistic.

“NO! No, no, no! Damn you! Lowly scum, I’ll make you beg for death!”

Viers felt some manner of magic on his body and its want because of the hostile Level 3.

“Clarissa! What is happening?”

“This is… teleportation? No, something’s different. Vie-”

Viers saw that the Level 3 got sucked into the direction they both came from while still screaming words of hate.

Not a second later, Viers also got sucked in. He tried to resist but nothing he could do had any effect. Before his vision got interrupted, Viers saw a majestic pillar of white and black light piercing the clouds.

That day, hundreds of people disappeared from Regidana.


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