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“You little metal dumpling, stop bringing bloody heads here! How many heads have you brought here the past month? Cleaning the aftermath is a pain in the butt!”

Adventurer ‘Avel’ and the Regidana Guildmaster whose name was Bert were in a conversation. To other adventurers, Avel the Slayer seemed to finish another quest. In this kind of quest, the proof of completion didn't have to be a whole head but Avel kept doing so.

Berated by the Guildmaster, Boram who was standing behind Avel was bowing and apologizing quite seriously but Avel just made an apologetic smile and a head dip.

“Indeed, sir. Giving a nice girl heads seems to be too extreme… May I be so bold to ask what things your niece is fond of?”

“Keh! Like hell I’m telling a prit-prat youngster like you that. Listen well, you need to be a Copper rank adventurer first before your name wormed its way inside my head. Until then, don’t even dream about it!”

“Wasn't it Iron rank before? ”

“It’s Copper now! Anyway, if you bring another head in here, I’ll make you eat it! Now, shoo.”

“Yes, sir. Good day to you,” Avel turned to a certain guild girl and greeted her too before leaving. “You too, Peanut.”

“Stop calling me that...” The guild girl whose real name was Jean, grumbled.

Bert snuffed a long breath from his nose while crossing his arms, watching until Avel was far enough before whispering to his niece.

“How much stock do you put in him? Want a couple of dinner dates first before marriage?”

“Uncle!” Jean or Peanut, as her colleagues and other adventurers started to call her, snarled. To her dismay, the nickname was starting to stick.

“What? You’re 21. Your mother had you when she was 19. This Slayer kid might be your ‘right one’. Stop being picky and pick a groom already.”

“We’re not having this conversation again, hmph!” Jean went away, irritated.

“Haiz… What am I going to do with her,” he scratched his head. Guildmaster Bert, a Level 4 Pathseeker expert with the moniker Big Bison Berserker, was helpless against his young niece.


This one is too far, this one too troublesome, this one too strong… My pool of choice has run dry.

Viers was standing before the quest board. Although it wasn't every day, Viers kept taking hunting criminals' quests and now he had run out of suitable quests of that nature for him. Needless to say that the main objective of it was to gain human souls for his Myriad Souls in One Arte, not the paltry reward.

“Yet another easy quest, Avel?”

Viers turned towards the voice of contempt behind him and found Khalmar, the Noble Tiger.

“It seems I overestimated you,” the tiger beastfolk chose an Iron rank quest before leaving with his party of four. They were all beastfolk.

“How could he compare with brother Khalmar?”

“Unlike this guy, brother Khalmar has already got promoted.”

“Hmph, he only took easy quests and rumors are he let his slave do his battles for him. What a disgrace for adventurers everywhere. Perhaps Avel only became Obsidian thanks to that little boy?”

Khalmar’s group made snide remarks about Viers. While Viers was like a steady rock in the river, Boram was not able to keep himself calm.

“Master is strong! Don't talk trash about him!”

Khlamar’s teammates paused for a second before breaking into a laugh. They spoke in a more derogatory manner.

“Hiding behind the skirt of your kid-slave? Talk about cowardice.”

Boram was fuming but before he could answer Viers put a hand on his shoulder.

“Enough. Let’s go, fellas,” Khlamar’s voice was firm and so they left. Before the tiger went out of the fluid completely, he gave Viers a disappointed look.

“I expected better of you.”

The exchange was witnessed by other adventurers. This time, a hand landed on Viers’ shoulder. It was Forss.

“What was that about?” Viers asked.

“Come on, let's talk somewhere else.”

Viers, Boram, and Forss went to a nearby park.

It began with word of mouth from an eyewitness that Viers only sat back while actually Boram was the one fighting. Then folk began giving more attention to the details, such as Viers only picked ‘easy’ opponents. Viers and Boram -two Level 2 adventurers- group mainly picked Level 1 criminals with occasional Level 2s. Viers did not ‘pick someone on his own size’ so to speak.

It wasn't as if it was not allowed, only held in contempt, especially for new rising stars. In contrast, Noble Tiger and Ivory Fire -which Viers had yet to meet- kept taking ‘difficult’ quests and magnificently accomplished them. Their opponents were high-end Level 2s and sometimes even Level 3 monsters or people.

Noble Tiger had become an Iron ranked adventurer, Ivory Flame was also close to promotion but Slayer was nowhere close.

Rumors began to spread: Avel of Javia’s strength was fake. The Slayer was actually a coward.

With the rookie adventurer award approaching, one of the hot candidates might be a sham. It naturally drew derision from some.

“I see,” Viers only nodded.

“Also, your flirting with the guild girl is one of the factors,” Forss informed.


“Well, she’s a cute girl. She only just arrived from another city right? Some people are jealous of you. She is cold to everyone except you, they say.”

“If you’re paying attention, you know that’s not true,” Viers said. “She’s cold to me too.”

“Either way, that’s what people say.”

The negative rumors about him didn't really matter to Viers. Avel of Javia was just Viers’ fake identity, an above-average adventurer. It was Viers’ face as he interacted with other normal people. As long as he maintained that identity clean of criminal records then all was fine.

But Viers was a bit irked about the matter of Peanut. The girl was somewhat interesting and Viers wanted to befriend her. Since he was always going from place to place, a familiar face was something precious. Since she was only a Level 0, Viers also didn't have to be so tense and on guard in front of her, unlike when he was dealing with other Pathseekers.

With the negative rumors about them, Peanut would also become implicated which would disturb his befriending efforts in turn. Viers hated the ones who started spreading this rumor.

Can a man not be friends with another woman? Damned virgins! I hope they died as virgins!

As for any matter romantical in nature, Viers didn't have them. Not even one bit.

If I have a girlfriend, it would be a painful thing for the girl. My way of life is not good for a healthy relationship. My enemies might, nay, WILL aim at her to get to me. So many xianxia novels with that subplot, I won't make the same mistake. I’ll only think about love after I become strong enough to protect the ones I love. I guess I should keep my distance from Peanut then. Shame. I still haven't found out her name.

“I see,” Viers nodded deeper this time. “Thank you for telling me. I’ll keep that in mind.”

“No prob, bud.”

Viers appreciated the friendly fellow. He was a bit older than Viers but his ability was pretty average. He was still in Glass rank, the lowest one.

“By the way, it seems the city is getting merrier. Is there some kind of event approaching?”

There were efforts to beautify the city. Flags and accessories were starting to get put up. Viers passed by more people of ‘not simple origin’ on the road. Viers thought something must be up.

“You don't know? Regidana U-18 Tournament is starting next month. You aren't 18-years-old yet, right? You should join.”

“Ooohhh… a tournament, is it? Hmph!” Viers scoffed with disdain. Viers had an unnatural dislike of the word 'tournament'.

Forss didn't get why Viers seemed to be upset.

“Thanks for the talk. Let's go back. Looks like it will rain. Bye, man.”

They bid goodbyes and went their separate ways.

It was 3 o’clock and the sky was starting to show signs of incoming rain. Black clouds were gathering, winds blowing stronger than usual. Viers was glad he would reach his home before water started falling from the sky.

When Viers was just about to unlock the front gate to his house, someone appeared from thin air just a few steps away from him.

“Whoa!” Viers was surprised. He had already half-drawn his sword until he realized the identity of the person.

It was Harry, the son of the GK. His face was already at half-cry before breaking into a full bawl.

“Mister Knight! Please help me. I don't know what to do. Uweeehhh…”

“Calm yourself. What happened?”

“It’s my friends, Mister Knight, Marc and Milly. They were kidnapped!” Harry spoke amidst the intense sobbing.

“Kidnapped?” Viers raised his brows.

“No!” Boram was aghast. He had become friends with them too.

Viers had a bad premonition.

“Well, tell the city guards then. Why did you come to me?”

“I can’t!”

“Your parents then. They’re Level 5!”

“They’ll kill them if I tell Mom and Dad or the guards! You’re my only hope, uweehhh...”

Chilly winds blew, carrying dead leaves with them. Their chill was incomparable to the one Viers felt under his skin right now.

Gah! So troublesome.


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