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Viers was living the cultivator’s life.

Days had come and gone. While the area surrounding Regidana was always tropical thanks to the unique mana in the region, the rest of the continent was welcoming the beginning of summer. But by this time, Viers had already gotten used to the Caribbean climate.

One month was neither short nor quick.

In this period of time, there had been no pursuers thus far. Not the Estellian Church, not the Blood Church, not the Bone Ravens, nada. Viers was glad he gave them the slip. All that planning and work to do things stealthily had paid off. It gave them Viers time to grow. Cultivation was not only about constantly battling and bashing the head of your enemies but also resource acquisition and management.

Viers always regarded his personal power as his number one asset and developing it was his top priority. This meant his Level as a Pathseeker which was growing in an unwavering manner. Now that he no longer spent most of his time on the road, Viers could put more time and effort on his overall cultivation and power progression.

Viers was pleased about his cultivation progress. He had ample mana crystals that he could absorb so the problem was the digesting period. Even though one had a mountain of mana crystals in front of them, that mana needed to be absorbed into their Intio but the Intio’s ability to integrate mana was limited.

Most Pathseekers didn't have this problem because they were lacking in resources. A Level 2 going to Level 3 needed a huge amount of mana. It wasn't uncommon for Level 2 Pathseekers to be in their thirties or forties before they managed to fill their Intio with enough mana for a Level 3 breakthrough.

Thanks to his ‘daring’ activities Viers was as rich as a favored son of a big clan. This month he had been absorbing mana crystals too much so he needed to cease for some time to allow his Intio to do its thing. However, Viers didn't want to wait. He wanted to reach Level 3 as soon as possible. The faster the better.

Thus was one of his reasons to stay in a city, cultivation arrays.

In the past, he used the digesting period to unwind and relax, enjoying life while raising his Horizon but it was too much of a waste for his time in the city. Six hours a day meditating inside one such array became his routine now.

There were many variations of the array but the effect was the same, to help the user’s Intio’s absorption and integration speed.

However, this kind of array was very sophisticated and expensive to make. Even Turfon, the Level 3 array master, couldn't make it. In the Free People Coalition, only cities had them because the smaller towns didn't have the need. Unlike towns, there were many houses and organizations that nurture their young with abundant resources in the cities. With demand, came supply.

Viers’ stay in Regidana allowed him to make use of this cultivation feature, for a price of course. It was quite pricey but that was why Viers went after wealth in the first place. The poor would have a really hard time walking the Path of Power. It was one of the fundamental truths of cultivation which Viers grasped very early, since before his reincarnation in this world.

With the help of the cultivation array, combined with the habit of his burning money, Viers calculated that he would only need two more months and not five until he was able to try a breakthrough to Level 3. By that time he would finally hit the age of seventeen.

Viers' cultivation speed was faster than average but it was still a far cry from the people that lived in the Age of the Gods. Clarissa became a Level 5 at sixteen! The people in this age couldn't compare to that kind of speed at all.

Viers had the mana part of his cultivation covered but there was one more thing he needed to do before he could become a Level 3, practicing his Profound Codex to the degree of small accomplishment. Until he was able to create Unreality Field, Viers would remain a Level 2.

Viers’ Profound Codex came from Clarissa, her own Profound Codex which she taught Viers. Its original name was Immortal’s Snake Death and Life Esoterica which was too long so Viers renamed it Serpentes Renovamen, latin for snake’s rebirth. It was still the best Profound Codex he ever got his hands on, even better than Takju’s Earthborn Amalgam. Not only it was very suitable for him, it also matched Viers’ envisioned Path. Therefore, even if the practitioner would be shouldering a massive risk Viers still chose to practice the Serpentes Renovamen Profound Codex.

There were no shortcuts like the cultivation array for Profound Codex practice, not to Viers’ knowledge at least. It depended solely on the individual. Except for diligently practicing everyday, there was nothing else Viers could do. Still, he was optimistic he would be able to achieve small accomplishment in the months to come.

His soul cultivation was also going smoothly. Viers selectively chose the souls he ate so he didn't lose out and had reached 1000 Soul Power. Viers could feel the effect of his soul getting stronger. His soul search became easier and clearer, his soul Artes became more intense and efficient; there were only benefits and no drawbacks.

On the opposite side, his swordsmanship and Artes experienced stunted growth. Viers’ lack of intense battles of late and more time allocation on cultivation didn't push his martial prowess forward. For his Artes, Viers did what good leaders do.

He delegated.

The three tenants in his head, Paina, farley and Clarissa trio were tasked with improving Viers’s Arte besides improving their own crafts.

Improving, not creating.

The three did not make a book’s worth of new Artes because quality is more important than quantity and Viers had enough Arte as it is. From offense, defense, speed, support, finishing moves, Viers had no blind spots in his battle style; top-notch Artes for every aspect. It wasn't a coincidence, Viers had been constructing his battle style since the start of his cultivation journey.

Viers might be focusing on cultivation almost bordering on closed cultivation but he still took the time to explore the city in whatever free time he could spare.

As expected of a big city that served as a center of trade, Viers had found many rare and good things, such as items to heal a wounded soul for Gwen. Alas, each time Viers tried to get them the price was sky high and immediately got bought by a powerhouse or a superforce. Viers couldn't compete with them at all, in terms of might or financially.

Thankfully for Viers, Farley took the disappointment well. She was certain Viers would be a Level 3 in a few months and he should be able to improve Gwen’s condition as his power went up significantly. On the other note, there was no progress about getting a body for the girls, both in Viers and Izabella’s front.

Viers had a thought that he might need to cultivate his soul magic to such a degree that he could turn soul into corporeal but it was a thought for the future him, when he was at least a Level 5. But for now, he couldn't do anything to solve the ‘lack of body’ problems of his tenants.

About Izabella, their partnership which began with a rocky start was stabilizing. After getting assurance that Alan’s soul wasn't mistreated, her relationship with Viers was starting to mend little by little. The reason she accepted the situation so easily was that she found out about precedents from the Blood Church’s archive. If the soul was intact, someone could be brought back to life.

Boram was also growing nicely.

Last but not least, his Horizon unceasingly improved his power by the second.

121.77%… God, I love the prospect of unlimited growth.

One more week until the Plant Gate was fully grown and he could be reunited with Dia. By then, he could begin developing the Dia’s Biome and selling the abundance of high quality materials inside the Biome for his cultivation resources. Viers was anticipating the profit very much.


On a luxurious terrace in a no less luxurious mansion, there were two youths. They both were topless, showing their perfectly toned muscles and abs, beads of sweat glistening their torso. The maids serving refreshments stole glances towards those manly youth with red faces and quick breaths. The two of them had just finished sparing and speaking cordially.

“Brother Troy, you've grown much since our last spar. The Righteous Brave School’s reputation is not unfounded, each generation producing geniuses such as you.”

“What are you saying, brother Oscar? If you use your full strength, how could I win? As expected from someone from the house of Regisea.”

The two continued their talk of praising each other for a while until Roy, the younger of the two, changed the topic.

“By the way, I’ve heard interesting rumors about the adventurers recently. There are some interesting rookies that have made a name for themselves. Ivory Flame, Noble Tiger, Backlasher, and the newest one, Slayer. Super Rookies, people say about them.”

“Bah, just commoners who got lucky. Not worth mentioning.”

“Well, people have been saying the lot of them might be better than schoolers and housers,” Troy grinned as he wiped his sweat with a towel.

“Hmph, what do the masses know? Let them say whatever they want. Next month, they will all know the difference between the commoners and the elites.”

“Oh? You’re going to compete this year, brother Oscar? Then perhaps I should too...”

“Hahaha, let us meet at the finals then, brother Troy. This year’s Regidana U-18 Tournament should be somewhat interesting at least.”


At Regidana airport, a flying carriage had just landed. From a small carriage that should be just enough for four people, eleven people came out. Ten of them were young people wearing green and gold uniforms except one.

“So this is the Free People Coalition, huh… What a dump. I have some expectations because they said this is one of the most prosperous places in the nation… Consider me disappointed.”

“What do you expect, Prefect Monus? Of course they don't have flying landmarks like in our cities. Don't blame the backwater apes for their lack of innovation.”

The ten laughed mockingly.

“That’s enough, students. No more insults. Remember that you're here because of the Governor-King's hospitality. Mind your manners or the Level 5 might reduce you to dust. I won't be lifting a finger should that happen, nor can I prevent it.”

“Yes, Dean Carlo,” the ten of them replied before the most senior of the ten, the one called Monus spoke.

“Guys, shall we see what passes for a saloon around here?”

Dean Carlo massaged the bridge of his nose as he saw the students were running away towards the city. He was already feeling the stress of being their overseer.

“I should have stayed in Zetel. Goddess… it will be a long month until the tournament comes.”

The dean went after them slowly.


A slender and beautiful young woman wearing foreign clothes walked out from a merchant ship. She bid the captain and the crew who had been helping her and ferrying her to this city goodbye. The black-haired girl looked towards the city with determination.

I finally arrived on the continent. Otou-sama, please hang on. This unfilial daughter will definitely find the cure.


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