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Dear Irene.

I hope this letter reaches you just fine… actually, I’m pretty sure this piece of paper will most definitely reach you. The reason for it you’ll know later if not so already.

Let’s begin by saying that Cain of Ur is not my real name. I cannot tell you my real name because knowing my true name will jeopardize the time-space continuum so don't hate me too much, kay?

We met by chance, during the time I still roam this plane of existence. Our time together with Lena, Paul, Oliver, and you were truly short but I had lots of fun.

Anyway, you once asked me about a monster that killed your family. Should your desire for revenge is still unchanged, then to Regidana city and you’ll find a clue about what you seek. Whether you can grasp this thread of destiny and follow it to the source will be up to you. There will be danger waiting for you so take precautions. I cannot and will not intervene even should the worst happen to you. I’m pretty busy, you see, making sure the world still exists in the next millennium.

Oh, I understand the confusion. A shady guy that you’ve met just for a few days telling you some grandiose crap. You’re right to be wary.

Whether you come to Regidana or not is your choice.

Farewell for now. Should the stars align, we might meet again. Say hi to the rest of the party for me if you can.


Not Cain of Ur.


To the voyeur people of the Estellian Church, shame on you. Reading a letter meant for a young girl, huh? Awesome perversion of power and authority. I’m feeling magnanimous today so I’ll let it slide but give this to the intended recipient.

Well, you can keep chasing my tail if you’ve got nothing better to do. No, really, do your worst, I dare ya. It is like watching an ant colony marching towards a volcano. It is pretty entertaining.


Religious zealots of the Estellian Church, harm a single hair on the people that had been good to me in the past and I’ll have a stern word with Estelle. Test this on your peril, Freya.


Freya and Gregory read the copy of the letter that had been passed on by scrying from thousands of miles away. The cost of this single connection would be enough to make a non-Pathseeker skipped Level 0 and become a Level 1 Pathseeker but it was like pocket change to a super organization like the Silver Legions.

The master and disciple duo were at a small town near the Zetel Kingdom and the Coalition’s border. The very opposite of Regidana.

“...Your opinion, Master?” The young girl said after reading the letter thrice.

“What is your opinion about this? You make the call to any incident related to Viers Isuel.” The old man replied back.

“Absolute bogus and sacrilegious,” Freya’s tone was serene.

“Mmm, and? What are your actions?”

“...My mission is to go to Zetel. I’ll obey the order from my commander,” Freya turned to the priest in the mirror. “Pass the letter to Irene normally. Tell the others to not do anything impolite towards Viers Isuel’s family and friends. Not because of the threat but because it is right… I doubt Viers is still in Regidana but alert our brothers and sisters there just in case.”

The priest on the other end of the magical communication bowed before the mirror returned to normal.

Freya returned to her meditation, her body emitting a faint glow.

Viers Isuel… There’s no escaping justice. We’re bound by Fate. Sooner or later you’ll face the Radiant Lady’s judgment.


Meanwhile, the wanted man was in a state of euphoria.

“Hahaha! Open up, you bad boys!”

Viers laughed to the ceiling after recalling Turfon’s spirit back and recovered from his possessed state.

Two inventory rings from the leader and vice-leader of the Cult of Dumuzin from the Luxore town, the reason he went to Marakkus, had been successfully opened. The inventory rings were no longer functional and broke apart because of the forceful access, thus the riches inside were strewn all over the room.

“Congratulations, Lord Viers,” unconcerned that all the riches originally belonging to her father and family were falling into Viers’ hands.

“Thank you, Farley.”

Viers’ immediately searched for the Arkenstone equivalent among the riches of Smaug’s hoard -divided by one thousand- and he found it shortly. A blue crystal of immense beauty the size of a heart radiating power more than anything he had ever seen. It was the main reason he persistently tried to open the rings.

“Is that really what I think it is?” Clarissa was in awe.

“...So beautiful,” paina was enchanted by the blue crystal.

“Yes, the core of a sentient monster above rank 5,” Viers spoke. “Can you see its specific Rank?”

“No, but it’s above Level 5 for sure. Possibly Rank 6 but it might be higher. How did they get their hands on something like this?” The lamia princess asked.

“It was originally mine. I witnessed a fight between the monster bull and three flying cultivators who were also above Level 5. They struck each other down. I was just Level 0 at the time, just by watching the battle I was seriously injured. Long story short, I killed the only survivor among the three -the woman was already dying you see- then refused the bull’s request to latch his soul onto mine then ate the bull’s flesh raw.”

“...Goddess Holy Mother...” Paina muttered.

“So I got many benefits such as lifespan, some artifacts from the foreign female cultivator and the bull. And then, Farley’s family stole them from me before forcing me to join their cult. In a few months, I got everything back after arson, murder, and jaywalking.”

“I’m sorry,” Farley said.

“All water under the bridge, girl. Come on, let's tally the loot. Fingers crossed we’ll find something to help Gwen.”

Viers and the girls started sorting the treasures inside the room protected by a double-layered barrier.

An hour later, Viers listed the newest addition to his material wealth.

Viers didn't even bother to count the gold, gems, mana crystals, and other monetary valuables. He simply jammed them into the Casket and went to the next item.

There were many knick-knacks and trinkets. They were not bad since it was the accumulated wealth of an organization with a century of history behind them but Viers only got his eye on the cream of the crop of these riches.

“A Magic Carpet! A flying magical item! NOICE!”

“What a menacing hammer! Oufff, super heavy too. Hmn… His physical strength is already higher than mine at this point. I can still match his muscle strength if I use Arte though. Should be a nice present for Boram. I’ll call it… the Skull Basher!”

“Windwings Buzzard Heart, this can raise someone’s affinity to wind 4! Shame there isn't something for water affinity 4. Mine is only temporary so I gotta find something to make it permanent else my water will return to affinity 2.”

“Evil Dagger of Broken Promise. You know we Pathseeker often agree to magical promises and binding contracts, right? Like what I had with Freya and Takju? If they have this dagger, they might be able to break the chains. Good stuff! I shall become an even better liar! Benjamin traded this from a devil he summoned from Hell, you know. I’ve seen his memories.”

“Sick-looking full set of soul affinity gear! Blithe Lich Robe? Making me look like Necrophos. Woahhh… You may be a shitty father and person but you got a good fashion sense, Benjamin. I can look even more badass when I wear this!”

“Profound Codex, Self-Serving Degenerate. Make the one who loves you suffer. The more that person loves you, the greater the effect… Good Lord. Suffice to say this will immediately be locked together with the diabolical Codex of Reverend Purity.”

“Ah, the trinkets I looted from the foreign Pathseeker above Level 5. An unknown hairpin, a mysterious pair of earrings, two magical healing pills that can bring someone almost dead back to life. I know, I’ve tried one of them. Wait, wasn't it supposed to be three pills? Shit, they must have taken one. Oh bummer. Last but not least, the woman’s broken spear. Whatever magical artifact it was supposed to be in the past, the enchantment had been broken but it is still sharp beyond comparison. I might be able to repair it in the future. I shall call it the Spear of Leonidas! No, the woman is not named Leonidas. I just know a Fable where a certain demi-god Misthios uses a similar weapon. Gotta respect the Fable, girls.”

“Now, the main dishes, the artifacts I got from the bull. See this pair of sapphires containing incredible profundities? They were actually the bull's eyes. They turned to gemstones after I pried them out. Oh c’mon. It’s no different than skinning a rabbit. What’s cruel about it? It’s the Circle of Life. The important thing is you don't waste what nature has given you. Speaking of waste, the bull’s carcass that I couldn't eat ended up being taken by some random guy. What a shame. Well, I already took that with the most value. The core, the eyes, and this! This silk thing is actually the bull’s tail. Imagine what super artifact I can make with this, bwahahah!”

Viers’ heart felt fulfilled. The side-quest that had been in his quest log for so long had finally been completed and the rewards were not disappointing. Except for one thing.

“Still no soul recovery medicine? Am I underestimating its rarity? Sorry Farley.”

“It’s okay. I’m sure it won't be long until Gwen’s awakening. Please, don't let the mood become gloomy on my account.”

“I appreciate your patience. C’mon girls, I’ll buy all your fav’s food today. Let’s celebrate!”


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