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“The bathroom is that way. Clean yourself up first before touring the house. There are no servants here so it's just us. Ah-ah-ah, where are you going, kitty?” Viers grabbed Chacha by the neck. The cat tried to wander around but Viers caught her first. “No way I’m gonna allow you to bring ticks into my less-than-a-day-old home.”

Viers pushed the struggling cat to the one responsible.

“Clean her up. Thoroughly. Not one inch of her body should be without scrubbing. Get me?”

“Yes, Master. Come on Chacha. It’s bath time.”

The giant, the kid, and the cat went towards the bathroom. Viers grinned below his helmet.


Viers was doing a lot of reading lately. With his body still recovering from the battle with Alan, he needed to rest his body.

His reading materials were not books of scrolls but memories. Memories of other people, accessed by soul search. Truthfully, it was more akin to ‘watching’ than ‘reading’. But whether it was reading or watching, all was knowledge.

With how often he searched the souls inside his soul Prison, Viers gained much, such as the information about Regidana and its surroundings.

So this port has been around since before the Coalition was formed, since the time of the Coriz Empire… neat. Ah, this is interesting. Every few years, around three to five years, there will be an attack by the sea-dwelling monsters. A beast tide, but fish version. Sounds interesting… Well, this guy is quite knowledgeable about the city, including the Wildland areas nearby. You got a sister who lives here, huh? Welp, tough luck. You’re dead now.

Because a certain girl inside his head might consider it unethical and make a fuss about it, Viers generally kept his soul-searching activities a secret.

The recent arrival was heavy reading for Viers’ standard. Many of them were Level 3, Alan first and foremost. Reading their memories proved to be difficult for the lower leveled Viers. Still, through repeated attempts, Viers got almost a complete idea about what happened in Marakkus.

Demon King’s left eye…

Viers got a feeling it would be important in the future but Viers didn't want anything to do with it at this time so he moved the matter to the back of his head.

“Master, we’re done.”

“Long bath you all have there. Feeling better I hope?” Viers replied to his apprentice’s question.

“The hot water is nice. And the bathroom is wide too! Ehehe.”

“Refreshing. Thank you for your hospitality, young Avel.”


Takju’s form-changing technique made him look like an average human now, not a three-meter tall tower of muscle. They all wore a fresh set of clothes. The black cat was in Boram’s arms. Her not-fully-dry appearance and scowling face looked very amusing.

“Alright gang. Let's have dinner. I’m curious to taste the local delicacy. Takju, if you’re sure our disguise can't be breached then you can come. No hard feelings, just precaution.”

“Your caution is warranted,” Takju who was now only a head taller than Viers replied understandingly. “Unless a Level 5 examine me directly, I’m certain people won't know I’m a wanted giant.”

“Okay then. Dinner time! Oh, bring the cat. We can't let the poor girl starve, can we?”

Viers led the gang out of the house. He didn't forget to give Brownie an ample amount of food and water in the stable. They walked under a red sunset sky while sightseeing the streets. Because the high-class district they were in was too, well, too high class for them, Viers’ group walked quite a distance to the middle-class area and picked a restaurant there. The people looked less stuck up here, thus more tolerable for Viers’ standards.

Viers ate the seafood paella and had a coconut for the drink, the whole fruit. Boram and Takju ate heartily. Their background did not allow them to eat such luxurious food.

Viers didn't wear his helmet while eating, of course. But his face was still covered with face wrapping to hide his hideous and scarred face.

Regidana was a melting pot of cultures and races. The mingling of many races could be clearly seen in the restaurant. In a place such as this, many topics of conversation were exchanged. One, in particular, caught Viers’ attention. About two tables across, they were talking about the things in Marakkus city.

There are no Level 5 in Marakkus currently. The GK, his son, and his grandson all died. The church spread the word about a plot to unseal a dangerous demon but the Silver Legion prevented it. Things were very chaotic there… I expected as much. Not that it has anything to do with me. I’ve washed my hands clean of the matter.

Chacha was also listening. She ate her food less enthusiastically afterward.

“Master, what are our plans tomorrow?” Boram asked after finishing his meal. His food was different from Viers. “Questing?”

“Naw… There’s much to do in this city. But that’s my job. As for you, becoming Level 2 is your current priority. No questing before that.”

Viers took a sip from the hollowed coconut fruit to drink the water inside.

Money’s not a problem for now and my schedule is full.

“What about you?” Viers asked Takju. “Not to be rude or anything but I’m not certain how long you’ll be in the clear. Unlike us, you’ve been under the grip of a Level 5 for years. Who knows what kind of mystic methods they have to find you. The family might be busy with their internal troubles currently but it won't last long. They don't want to lose such strong personnel. The sooner you leave, the better.”

“Speak for yourself, Viers,” Clarissa’s voice resounded in his head. “Rather than taking back a slave, the remaining family of the so-called Governor-King might have targeted you. You’re the one who killed the succeeding scion and robbed their treasury.”

“They don't know it’s me,” Viers replied to the lamia. “And even if they do find me, I plan to make use of this city’s security to get some time to grow. No fighting in public, let alone killing. I won't rely on it completely but it gives me a buffer at least. Besides, smart rabbits create three burrows. I also have contingencies.”

Takju also finished his dinner. He ate quite a lot. “Your words are true. I’ll ask about ships going south tomorrow morning.”

“I hope you find a way home, mister Takju.”

“Thank you, young Boram.”

Viers responded by raising his coconut to make a toasting gesture and drank the remaining sweet water.

“Let’s go home, shall we?”


Deep in the night, a figure stepped on the dark hallway. Each footfall silent, each breath noiseless. The figure was moving like a shadow, near unperceivable in the dark. It went down from the second floor to the first floor. The residents should be all asleep now. No better time in the day to act.

“Good evening.”

The soft greeting startled the figure, breaking the perfectly measured stride.

There was a pair of eyes glowing with eerie green light watching the figure from the dark. The speaker was totally covered in darkness save for the eyes.

“Take a seat, please,” the man with green eyes spoke.

“Meow...” the figure replied.

The man chuckled and snapped his fingers. Like magic, the curtains in the living room were no longer covering the windows. Pale moonlight of soft silvery glow fell on the man.

He sat on a one-man fit sofa, legs crossed, both arms were on the armrest before he clasped them together in front of his chest. There was no helmet on his face but it was covered with cloth save for the eyes. His posture radiated absolute control, bathed in the radiance of the moon. The eyes were no longer green, making all who saw doubted if that was an illusion.

Chacha felt a shiver run along her spine and bolted to the kitchen but the door suddenly clumped shut. Viers didn't move, nor there were any signs of Vcta used,

First the curtains and now the door, it was as if Viers was moving things with his mind.

“I know you unlocked a window in the kitchen earlier. Before you leave, I want to have a chat. Please, sit.”

The cat felt something. An unsettling presence. No, not one. One, two, three, she counted. They were looming on her tiny body. Her heart was plunged into a sea of fear.

“You’re shaking. Feeling cold perhaps? I have brewed some tea. Fortunately, the new house’s pantry is not empty.”

The man took a sip after pouring the tea into two cups. He was like a shark playing with its food and the cat knew it.

After seconds of indecision, the cat moved. The black feline transformed into a human woman with long red hair. Despite morphing from an animal shape, she was wearing a black shoulderless dress and an elegant pointy hat. She sat politely across the man, putting the hat on her lap.

“Mister Avel.”

“Miss Izabella. Fancy meeting you here,” Viers jested.

“...How did you know? Since when?” There was trembling in her voice.

“It was an impressive technique,” Viers praised. “But not enough to fool me. From the beginning, miss Izabella, from the very beginning.”

Their greeting wasn't unnoticed. Takju walked into the living room, eyeing the surroundings with wariness. The Level 4’s senses were sharp. His gaze remained on Izabella for a few seconds.

A look of recognition, and something else. Gratitude? Curious.

“Is everything alright, young Avel?” Takju asked.

“Completely,” Viers replied. “Would you mind giving us some privacy?” His tone was firm.

“...I’ll be outside, watching the surroundings.”

“Much appreciated.”

Takju went past the lying room and went out using the main door. With his back on the door, the Level 4 had his eyes on the front yard.

“He didn't seem to resent you,” Viers said. “Not that you have many interactions with him considering he was Irkun’s slave but I figured it was a possibility.”

“...I healed his injury once.”

“I see,” Viers sipped his tea once again, mimicking royalty.

“How much do you know? About Marakkus?” Iz asked.

“Just the outline. Yasterah worshipers sacrificed hundreds of people to free the Demon King’s left eye but the Silver Legion stopped them. A bit of a shame really. All that effort and your cult didn't gain a single thing, only losses.

“What do you want, Avel?” Izabella said with a bit of a hiss. “If you want to kill me then do it!”

There was despair in her eyes, Viers could see it even without using his super sight.

“Kill you? No, I’m not in the habit of wasting lives.”

Viers put his teacup down and resumed his Godfather sitting pose.

“I want to make an offer you can't refuse.”


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