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Viers regarded self-strength very highly. In a world of swords and magic, why shouldn't he strive to be a superhuman?

The cost would be steep, including blood, pain, and death.

There were others that disliked that way of life. Too much suffering, too much destruction. Disregarding others and the world’s well-being for selfish gain.

Viers was aware of this, very much so, but he chose to do this nonetheless.

His transmigration or reincarnation into this fantasy world was fairly recent, a bit less than two years ago. Before that, he was simply a very mediocre white-collar worker, a man going through the motions in life.

To him, his life was freedomless and he was a powerless existence. Prisoned in the cage of society.

When he arrived in this world, he decided to live his life to the fullest. Who didn't want a second chance at life, in a fantasy world to boot? Determined not to live a life as he had on Earth, Viers sought happiness, to enjoy life as a person of this world.

He wanted a life of freedom.

However, he knew freedom without power to back it up was as fragile as a soap bubble. Therefore, Viers sought power so vehemently. The most reliable kind of power, self-strength.

Through power, he would live a good life. Viers believed it so single-mindedly. The mindset he achieved without some dramatic tragedy fell on him. His family didn't get murdered, he didn't get crippled, or experienced any particular dark circumstances.

The idea was just ingrained in Viers’ head because of the uncountable fictional entertainments that Viers consumed.

If he didn't have power, sooner or later tragedies would happen to him.

That was just life.

But if he had power, he could avert such tragedies.

On Earth, tragedies could happen in a heartbeat and change one’s life forever. A car crash and you might die but what if you had a body harder than steel? A bullet might kill your family but what if you could move faster than bullets? A liner ship could sink in frozen cold water after hitting an iceberg and drowning many people but what if you could walk on water? World War III could turn Earth into a radioactive wasteland because of some petty political disagreement but what if you were immune from nuclear blasts and radiation?

On Earth the physics-defying feats were impossible but here, there was magic! Reaching the highest tier of cultivation was his goal now. No matter the cost.

Viers did not know a single example where powerlessness was better than having power.

However, Viers knew that power was a volatile thing. It could destroy the possessor.

But Viers was not worried, he could learn from the failures of his predecessors. From the villains in the Sunday morning cartoons, the antagonists in the comics, the bad guys in the movies, the final bosses in video games, even real-life controversial figures; all of their defeats and demise became the guiding light in Viers’ journey.

If there were still problems that still couldn't be solved after he had done everything right then it was simply because he didn't have enough power yet.

All for a life of quality, hell of a thing… This is my Glorious Purpose!

Viers’ egotistical desire burned even more fiercely than ever.

Since the start of his cultivation journey, Viers had amassed means to strengthen himself, so he could walk further in the Path of Power.

He wished he could say that he earned the power he had through his own efforts but he wasn't blind. The keenness of perception was a requirement for a man to be as genre-savvy as Viers so he knew that luck played a crucial factor in how he reached his current strength.

But what of it? Other MCs especially in xianxia, all had their share of luck. However, unless it was a deus ex machina kind of story, luck was not enough.

Viers made sure he utilized his fortunate opportunities to the fullest, chaining them to the next link of opportunities. By going from one fortunate encounter to another, his cultivation would soar many times faster than normal. That was how the xianxia MCs did it, how an MC with the age of twenty was able to defeat a century-old opponent. Viers simply copied the tried and true formula.

Cultivation wasn't simply about journeying to a dungeon, defeating the dungeon boss, and reaped the reward though, at least not in this world. So after his latest ‘arc’, Viers wanted the time to properly digest his gains and consolidate his power.

Before I set sail to Valkut city, I must reach Level 3. In the past, I stayed clear from the center of civilization. Only visiting rural and desolate areas where strong people rarely exist. I grew pretty fast according to this world’s cultivation standards but so what? If I’m not strong enough when the next disaster happens, I’m dead. In a city, I could cultivate faster. My target is to reach Level 3 in the next six months. Although… It seems this city is not also brewing something.

Originally, Viers was chasing a wolf monster with three eyes. He tracked it using a piece of its soul that Viers gouged and turned into a photo. When he got surrounded by the wolf’s friends, they retreated on their own.

Is this the so-called plot armor? Might be, but I’m not gonna depend on it. Actually, it's probably something to do with the kids, Harry in particular. He’s the son of a Level 5 after all. Might not be a good idea for harming the son of a living nuclear weapon.

He caught a silhouette of two people before they disappeared so maybe they were the ones that controlled the wolves.

After Viers got left alone in his new home, Viers pulled the photo of the wolf’s ass and sensed its location. Turns out, the wolf was somewhere inside the city.

Is there someone breeding a bunch of Rank 3 monsters inside Regidana city? How the hell do they do that?

Viers was having a headache.

Everywhere I go, there’s an event… Am I in Detective Conan or something? Wherever the kid detective goes, there’s a corpse! The anime and manga have already passed the 1000 mark. How many bodies are behind his trail by now? He must be cursed, cursed I tell ya!

Viers shook his head.

Anyway, it can't be helped. It’s not like any other place is completely safe. There’s no safe place for the weak in this world and I’m still weak. I just need to be smart about it, not drawing any troubles that I can't solve. For my continued livelihood, I must be as strong as possible, as fast as possible.

Why was Viers in a hurry to raise his cultivation Level? Why didn't he spend his days leisurely? Didn't his Horizon would eventually solve all of his problems?

My enemies are coming.

Viers lived dangerously, killing monsters and -frequently enough- humans. That had consequences.

The Church, those busybodies… The Cults, those devil-worshiping radicals. I’ve tussled with Dumuzin, Yasterah, and Banbenxi followers. According to the trend, will I become enemies with all seven? Last should be the cryptic warning I got from the spirit bull about pursuers from far away. These people should be coming in the next two or three years. Level 5s at the very least, possibly stronger.

With such a threat looming above his head, Viers didn't dare to be complacent.

Hmph. There are gains and there are risks. Anyway, there’s much to do here at Regidana.

Viers had to travel far because he had relations with Luxore town’s destruction. Although he got caught by Freya, he’d managed to getaway. Regidana was very distant from Luxore so there was no problem if Viers stayed for a couple of months.

Viers wanted to find a soul cure for the fourth resident in his head, Farley’s sister Gwen. He couldn't just pay lip service to Farley, couldn't he? She’d help her in no small amount.

Viers also needed to find how to make flesh and blood bodies. He had four girls waiting in line. Viers had no idea how he accomplished that but he’d better get started. He owed them. Viers wasn't a good person but he still recognized debt when he saw one.

I doubt I can truly succeed in six months so the reunion of Paina with her dad will be conducted with the daughter in ghost mode. A bit amusing.

If he could, he also hoped to solve the matter of his water affinity. Currently, he was at affinity 4 but originally he was only affinity 2. According to Farley, the boost should last for another two years but the sooner he’d done his homework, the better.

My soul department could use improvement either. In an effort to hide I’m a dual affinity Pathseeker, I seldom use my soul magic in front of other people but I shouldn't be neglecting to develop my soul. I’ve already got a few ideas. With my Soul Prison almost at full capacity, I should… make use of them. It's time to upgrade my soul, baby!

Viers opened his eyes, watching the blue sea in the distance. He was standing on the rooftop of his new home, winds flapping his dark green cloak, arms crossed. He’d scried his apprentice and Takju, telling them about this place earlier that day. They had come as expected: a kid, a giant, and a cat. Viers had been waiting for a while on the roof, just so he could look cool. He'd even managed to organize his to-do list thanks to the long wait.

When they reached the front yard, Viers gave them his greeting as the master of the house.

“Welcome, dear guests, to my new house!” Viers said loudly, looking down on them from above.


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