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“What are you planning, dear?”

“Hmn? Are you objecting too?”

Madeline and Craig conversed in private, enjoying tea imported from Latias Kingdom.

“Not at all. I am simply curious. You have the look.”

“Look? What look?” Craig asked.

“You are making the face when you find a treasure,” Madeline smiled.

“My beloved wife, I can't hide anything from you, can I?” Craig chuckled. “It’s true. I’ve found a treasure.”

“Young lad Avel?”

“Mmm,” Craig nodded. “What is your take on him?”

“Shady, vigilant, interesting,” Madeline lifted her finger one by one as she spoke. “Our son is quite fond of this young man.”

“He was very wary of us. As if merely talking with us carries danger.”

“Perhaps he had a bad experience with stronger Pathseekers.”

“Perhaps. He’s also hiding something great.”

“Oh? You probed him?” Madeline raised a brow.

“Nothing quite so direct, no. I only feel his potential. And my gut tells me, this Avel hides his true strength deeply.”

“A Level 2 that young surely has something special.” Madeline agreed with her husband. “So you wanted to rope him in. Won't be an easy task.”

“Money, cultivation resources, Profound Codex, he rejected them all. Either he really didn't need them or he didn't want to have dealings with us. The fact he didn't call me king or Your Majesty shows he didn't like authority hanging above his head. He’s the type that treasures his freedom. Therefore I gave him a house, to bind him to Regidana. Whether he makes use of the house or not is up to him. A house or two isn't anything big anyway”

“What do you mean to do?”

“Nothing. I’ll let him do whatever he wants, extending hospitality now and then. Should he grow into someone great then we benefit from a good relationship. In the meantime, perhaps his existence would be a boon to the city. Goddess knows we need many more competent adventurers.”

Madeline watched Craig’s face for a while then changed the topic. “Alright. What about the wolves? Imagine my surprise when I heard Harry almost got eaten by our hidden forces?”

“The handler was trying something out and lost control. He realized Harry and his friends were implicated and regained control in the end. Franz gave me the report.”

“Even so, Harry was an inch away from death. How could this happen?”

“Our boy stole a disappearing cloak. The lookout in the forest didn't realize someone sneaked in but the noses of the wolves did,” Craig sighed. “Thankfully, nothing happened and I can use the excuse of saving Harry to gift Avel a house. A silver lining.”


“And this is the bathroom. It has been recently refurbished with the latest water magic items. You can...”

Naim dutifully explained the rooms of Viers’ new house but the owner of the building didn't pay much attention to what the butler was saying. His mind was weighing the pluses and negatives of his situation.

As for the house itself, it was a nice two-story building as big as a basketball court with ample garden space. It was a nice house, in a nice district, in one of the most prosperous cities on his side of the continent. It was a really nice house in which Viers had no complaints but he was unable to be enthusiastic about it.

Not before settling his indecisiveness.

“And that concluded the tour. Should you need servants for household work, please feel free to contact me. Would that be all, Mister Avel.”

“Yes. Thank you, mister butler.”

“I shall take my leave then,” the butler bowed. “One more thing, as the Governor said, the house will be free from taxes obligation for three years. I recommend getting citizenship before the term expires.”

“...Citizenship?” That word caught Viers’ interest.

“Indeed. At Regidana, we have a much complex law for our citizens such as legal documents of citizenship. It has many uses, such as a much cheaper tax.”

“...I see. Thank you for your help.”

“It was my pleasure, Mister Avel.”

Viers accompanied Naim until the front yard. After the butler had gone away, Viers turned to look at the house that was now his. His head was full of considerations.

I can pretty much guess what the GK wanted. The thing is, would the advantages outweigh the disadvantages if I make this place my base?

What did Viers mean by ‘base’?

He meant laying some foundation in a place, a base of operations.

After Luxore town’s destruction, Viers' destination was Valkut city. Paina’s mother said to Paina in her deathbed that her father who for some reason abandoned his family was in that city. Paina wanted to see her father for… reasons.

Viers didn't really care or understand what her reasons were but since Paina died and Viers felt she owed her and he needed to get the hells away from Luxore town, Viers journeyed to Valkut city.

Viers wanted adventure and the destination matters not. Since one of his companions wanted to go to Valkut city, why not go there? He would be adventuring to get stronger anyway.

The distance between Luxore town to Valkut city was similar to going from Australia's west coast to the east coast. Half a year’s worth of traveling and Viers was finally only one step away from Valkut city.

From Regidana, I can take a ship north and directly reach Valkut. If I go by land from Regidana, there’s still a long way to go. It would mean more adventures that way though. Hopping from town to town, city to city, one quest to another… but no. It is better if I reach my destination faster.

Why? The reason linked with why Viers wanted to make a base. Viers had become the master of a Biome master, he planned to make use of the power that came with that status to the fullest.

Is it time to plant the seed?

Through his familiar, Viers had access to a stable pocket dimension. Before Viers left Pecan Village, he already hatched a plan. A grand plan with Dia’s Biome at the core!

Dia’s Biome did not exist in the material plane. To go there, one would need a dimensional entrance, a Rift. As a master of the Biome, Dia had the ability to create that Rift. At this time, there was only one entrance, at Pecan Village. Dia couldn't make a new Rift wherever she wished, especially not to a place far away she’d never seen before. That was where Viers came into play.

After consulting with Clarissa that his theory was plausible, the gears in Viers’ head were turning like an industrial machine. At Viers’ behest, Dia made Viers a seed. A special seed that Viers could plant. After it grew sufficiently, it would allow Dia to lock on to the plant’s location and make a new Rift.

From the newly created Rift, Viers could reach the Biome and he could go through a different Rift to a different place.

Viers ambitiously wanted to create a teleportation network that encompassed the whole continent with Dia’s Biome as the hub!

This world is vast and I want to experience them all. Teleportation would make going from place to place very convenient.

“This is… incredible!”

“Lord Viers’ idea never ceases to amaze me.”

“How in the Nine Heavens can you be so lucky? A Biome master that can do this just fell onto your lap?”

When Viers shared his plan to his fellow Viers Corporation members for the first time, the girls were amazed. Teleportation was a thing in the current age, Farley knew the Estellian Church had the capability, so did the Cult of Dumuzin, but they achieved it through different methods from Viers.

Not everyone had a Biome master as their ally and not all Biome masters could do this. Dia’s ability to make an ‘antenna’ for pinpoint Rift creation from afar was unique. The seed was part of Dia’s body. The plant that would grow from the seed was basically the dryad’s clone. That was why Dia could make Rifts despite their distances so far apart.

But Viers couldn't just plant the seed willy-nilly. The Gate Plant -as Viers decided to call it- needed to be nurtured and protected. Planting it in the wilderness would attract monsters -it was magical after all- and what would happen if a strong Pathseeker found it? Best case scenario the Gate Plant would simply be taken, turned into potion ingredients. Worst case scenario would be he or she realized the function of the plant, a gateway to a Biome and invaded it.

No, Viers needed a secure environment for the seed. Thus, he needed a ‘base’.

One of the reasons he went to Marakkus was to establish this base.

While a city chock-full of criminals seemed to be the contrary of a safe place at first glance but Viers thought the opposite. Viers planned to crush or subdue a gang or two, by blackmailing, threatening, kidnapping, or outright killing people to create his first fledgling underworld organization. A small one, of course. Just enough for his purposes and without drawing the eye of the big shots since he was just a Level 2.

The famous black market of the sin city -among other things- would also serve as a channel for him to flow the resources from Dia’s Biome to the outside world, discreetly.

Alas, it didn't come to be. His plan at Marakkus city colossally sank to the bottom of the ocean like Titanic. But Viers still needed to plant a teleportation point in this area so Regidana port city became his second choice.

After careful consideration, Viers made up his mind.

Well, perhaps this is for the best. Regidana is famous for its commerce and the city looks well-governed, making a base here might be better.

Viers’ eyes glinted with savage intent.

If it doesn't work out, I can always find another place. That’s what my strength is for. I pity the ones who became my enemy.


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