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“O ho ho ho, what a curious young man,” the bearded man who looked like a middle-aged wealthy shopkeeper rather than a governor-plus-king said. “You have done me a great service. What would be the fitting reward, I wonder.”

“I just happened to be nearby, sir. The wolf retreated on its own. If it attacked, I would be shredded meat right now.”

In Viers’ version of the story, he was following a trail of a tri-eyed wolf monster then saw Harry and the two other kids get chased by a different tri-eyed wolf. He didn't talk about the wolves that were hiding like chameleons or the fact that he glimpsed two mysterious figures at a distance.

Humility is a virtue. Viers didn't want others to know his true capabilities.

“Dear, how about we postpone this until tomorrow? A more fitting occasion, no?” Madeline, the GK’s wife said, completely disregarding Viers’ refusal.

“Ah, how forgetful of me. You’re right, love. Young Avel, look forward to your reward tomorrow. Meanwhile, please allow me to extend my hospitality. Naim, prepare the guest room for our guest.”

“Mister Governor, it really is not nece-”

But the GK and his wife wouldn't take no for an answer. Harry was happy and said he would be visiting later for more stories. Naim, a butler, asked Viers to follow him to his room with a professional attitude. Franz took his leave, saying he still had paperwork to do.

Left with no choice, Viers couldn't only follow. What else could he do, run away? Other than the rudeness of it, he wouldn't succeed.

Even a butler here is a Level 4.

The GK lived in a palace befitting a king. The design was similar to European architecture. Viers walked a long way following Naim the butler, passing by servants and securities until he opened a room.

It was the most luxurious room Viers had ever been, a far cry from the raggedy road inn he sometimes stayed in when not camping out. Viers felt so out of place visiting the five stars hotel equivalent of this world.

“The governor will call you around tomorrow noon, dear guest. Until then, please enjoy your stay. Ring the bell on that table and someone will come to satisfy your every need. Feel free to use everything in this room as if it is your own. Is there anything else?”

“...It is fine. Give my thanks to Harry’s parents.”

In Viers’ precious little stay at the hotels in old Earth, he’d snagged things such as towels, blankets, and soaps. He now wondered if he should do the same here. As he observed around the room as big as a basketball court, his hands started to itch. Most of the things in this room looked very, very nice and the Thousand Treasure Casket on his pocket seemed to be screaming to be used.

Nah Viers… Don't be so petty.

Just as soon as he thought that Viers heard a knock. A maid brought Viers beverages.

What exquisite teacups! Would the GK mind if I nabbed one of them?

In the end, Viers’ self-control won and he curbed his impulse of taking anything.

I’m not gonna slight a Level 5 over teacups. What the hell was I thinking?

A different maid excused herself inside the room and she offered to wash Viers’ clothes. Viers looked at himself in the body-sized mirror in the room. How long has it been since he washed his cape and armor again?

Did I stink?

“Please do,” Viers stepped into the bath after giving the maid his laundry. Viers kept his face hidden from the maid, only removing his cover when he bathed.

After he was clean and refreshed, Viers sat on the bed in Sam Porter Bridges’ pose after a hard day of portering. Unfortunately, there was no baby in a tube nor floating caterpillars as snacks.

Well, here I am. In Regidana, in the GK’s palace… What should I do now?

“Nice place. Oooh, what is that?”

“Incredible painting… I think I’ve seen the artist’s other work before.”

“Viers, the bed looks as soft as Bakuntel Sheep’s wool. Can you replicate it here?”

The girls in his head enthusiastically enjoyed the new environment. Viers sprawled on the bed, rolling left and right a few times, hugging the pillows a few times, then recreated the same bed in the White Flowers Meadow inside his soulspace for the girls. The bed was big enough for three girls to fit, even if one of them had the lower body of a snake.

From the voices, Viers knew they enjoyed it.

Viers then started thinking about his current circumstances, his short-term goals in this city, and what were his future actions.

Viers cultivated, entertained the visiting Harry, ate dinner, and slept.


“Sir, I must ask you one more time. Are you sure you want to meet the governor wearing ‘that’?” Naim the butler had a few beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

“This is who I am, mister butler. An adventurer that walks on the mud and fights monsters.”

“Sir, everyone else is wearing formal attire. It would be more fitting for the occasion. Please change into the garb we deliver to your room,” Naim persuaded.

“And what occasion is that? You won't tell me.”

“The Governor specifically asked me to not tell you,” Naim sighed. “If you’re adamant, mister Avel, very well. Don't say I didn't warn you. Please come with me.”

Wearing his adventurer garb that had been cleaned, Viers walked the corridors of the palace.

The both of them stopped in front of a big closed door, the width was only two meters it was more than five meters tall. Viers could hear the faint voices of the GK from inside. The voice had the characteristic of something that sounded in a big room.

The big door slowly moved open accompanied by the scraping sound of humongous objects moving. Two people from where Viers was standing pulled the door open, finally giving Viers a vision of the interior.

It was a hall, a truly luxurious and majestic hall. This particular place was the apex of extravagance. Many eyes darted towards Viers who stood in the middle of the opened gate.

“And now we come to the last of this month's award ceremony. Presenting, Adventurer Avel of Javia.”

The master of ceremonies’ voice rang loud and clear.

Ah… so that’s how it is, Viers finally realized.

The fifty other people in the room, mostly human, watched in confusion as Viers walked straight without fear. Gasps of surprised and covered whispers were exchanged, as if a goat had been invited to a dinner gala.

Wearing a dark green cloak above his leather armor, the helmeted Level 2 trod the red carpet in the middle of the hall where the governor waited at the end. On the podium, there were two thrones. Craig sat on the highest and Madeline’s throne was a step lower.

The Governor King didn't wear a crown but there was a jeweled scepter on his hand. He sat on the throne wearing a kingly garment under a long red cloak with white fur on the edges. To Viers, the round-bellied man resembled Santa Claus now.

There was a man who stood closest to the pair of rulers. A man with thick sideburns wearing polished ornate armor with the eastern dragon sigil, the emblem of the Regisea’s house. Even Harry’s standing position was inferior to this man.

Viers stopped walking a few steps away from the Governor King and after two seconds of silence, he spoke.

“Good afternoon, lord governor,” he bowed lightly.

Farley, who was well-versed in the manners of nobility, told him that he should kneel to one knee before addressing the GK but Viers didn't.

The audience gasped anew. The man wearing the ornate armor blazed with fury.

“Scoundrel! You show up here wearing boorish clothes, covering your face like a thief and you dare speak to the king that way? KNEEL!”

Viers was hit by the pressure of his aura and took a step back. It felt like somebody just punched the whole surface of his body. The man tried to make Viers kneel but Viers held on.

“Ho ho ho, that’s enough, Marlin. He didn't do anything wrong,” Craig spoke.

The pressure resided and Viers straightened his back anew, looking at the seated GK.

“Apologies for the treatment of my brother, young Avel.”

“It is nothing, lord governor,” Viers replied using double entendre.

Craig and Madeline watched Viers with a glint of amusement. The Court of King Craig was a bit unusual today.

“Out of curiosity, would you mind telling us why you show up here wearing that attire? Did no one send a fitting outfit to your room?”

Naim the butler was sweating bullets, afraid he would be blamed.

“A nice set of clothes was delivered to my room this morning, governor, I simply chose to meet you without using it.”

“And why is that?”

“Because I’m simply an adventurer. Nothing more, nothing less. I’m not an important person like the people in this room. I present myself to you as it is. Different clothes will not change what I am inside.”

There was silence in the hall. It was as if the air had become lead and started crushing Viers. But Viers’ back was as straight as a pole, not letting the atmosphere get to him.

The man with the most power in this city brought his hand together and clapped.

His spouse also clapped albeit more elegantly.

Only then the audience followed, with Harry contributing the largest. Only the GK’s brother remained unmoved.

“Marvelous, young Avel. I applaud your trueness to yourself. Are you sure you’re not a knight?” Craig smiled.

“Positive, sir. I’ve never been to Latias. I’ve never been knighted.”

“Won't you remove your helmet? I would like to see the face of my son’s savior.”

“My face under this metal bucket is hideously scarred, milord. I shall spare you from a gruesome spectacle. Forgive me for rejecting your wish,” Viers bowed again, respectfully but not servilely.

“That is a shame indeed. Well, this has been a great opener. Let us continue the proceedings. Young Avel, do you know what this is about?”

“A reward ceremony, I heard the master of ceremonies’ announcement earlier.”

“Oh, you know about the position of the master of ceremonies? How unusual for a ‘mere’ adventurer,” Madeline teased.

Urk… shot myself in the foot there. Riposte!

“...I read it in a book, milady.”

“Every month, there is a reward ceremony for my vassals who have done meritable deeds. Since you saved my son from danger, you’ve earned the right to be here,” Craig explained. “Now, about your reward, would three thousand mana crystals be satisfactory?”

The GK offered a great sum. Some of the other vassals became green with envy. Their reward was not as great.

“It is a generous sum, milord. But I’m afraid that much money is wasted on me. It is better to use it to feed the less fortunate in your city.”

Money? I have more than enough, thankyouverymuch.

“Hou… very well,” Craig wasn't a tiny bit upset. “How about this, I can offer you a station in the Regisea household. You’ll have a steady income and a stable job.”

Naturally, Vers refused this too.

This is basically vassalage. Is this really a reward?

After the second refusal, the Governor offered Viers a great variety of rewards. A girl slave, a pet monster, works of art, magic items, discounts to all the shops in Regidana, etc. but Viers kept refusing. He stopped a bit for thinking then the GK offered cultivation resources, then dangled supreme Artes, finally, a Profound Codex. Each one was more precious than the last.

When the Profound Codex was offered, the gallery finally couldn't hold it anymore and disturbed the session, talking among themselves, some even protested. Never before a Profound Codex came out as a reward in the monthly reward ceremony. Marlin, the GK’s brother, swept the hall with his pressure again to return the order.

“You put me in a difficult position, lad. Rejecting all my gifts,” Craig massaged his temple with his fingers.

“Sir, your goodwill has been made loud and clear. The sentiment is more than enough for a small figure like me.”

“Not rewarding you is unacceptable, young Avel. Meritorious deeds shall be rewarded lavishly, that is Regisea house’s way of doing things. Look at the men and women standing in this hall right now. That is how these people with talent came under my service. If saving the life of my son doesn't get you a generous prize, where can I put my face in front of my men?” Craig explained to shed some light on his circumstances.

A meritocracy system and this display of generosity witnessed by many eyes. Running a city certainly isn't a one man job, even if he’s a Level 5. If I am a job seeker, I might apply here. But I’m a CEO y’know. CEO of Viers Corporation! I have no intentions of entering somebody else’s company. Viers Corporation shall be Amazon or Google level global organization, I swear it!

“How about this then… Adventurer Avel, how do you find this city, Regidana?”

“I’ve traveled to many towns and cities, milord. Regidana is famous for its prosperity and beauty. Now that I’ve seen them with my own eyes, I see that the rumors are not unfounded.”

“Very good,” Craig hummed in understanding. “Then I shall bestow you with a house that you can call your own. A place to return to from your adventures. An abode to shed your fatigue away from your travels. Naim, give him a class 3 residence in the central district. Tax-free for three years!”

The audience broke into a great clamor.

“I shall arrange it, my lord,” the butler bowed.

“Sir, such a grand gift is too much for me!” Viers insisted.

“The matter is closed! I’m in a fine mood today. Ahh, another great day in Regidana. Bru ha ha!”

Craig rose on his feet and left with a merry laugh. Madeline smiled kindly at Viers.

“Welcome to Regidana,” she sweetly said.


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