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Regidana, the city of sea breeze, palm trees, and trade ships. Located in the easternmost part of the Coalition. A city of perpetual tropical climate. Undeniably, one of the most prosperous cities on the continent. The city serves as a crucial maritime trade hub from the four cardinal directions and brings goods from abroad to the rest of the Free People Coalition.

The Beckoning Dragon is a structural wonder. From the exquisite work of art of its huge body to the unforgettable brilliant orb clutched on its mouth. The lighthouse was made in the image of a serpentine dragon from the mysterious eastern continent’s mythology. Its undying light guided the sailors on the treacherous seas.

The place is a blending of multiple cultures from far and wide. Tradesmen and visitors from all over the world come here seeking their fortune and destiny. Uncountable exotic goods from the land beyond yonder changed ownership from barters, coins, and services every day.

They say you can find anything in this city, provided you have the capital to obtain it.

Excerpt from the Atlas of Civilizations, written by Bartholomew the Grand Voyager.


The view of the sprawling city on a blue coast was magnificent. There were wide swathes of fields for crops and livestock just outside of the city. Unlike Marakkus, there were no tall walls surrounding the city, giving the impression of openness. As a place touched with multiple cultures, the buildings were often constructed differently from each other, bearing their unique styles from different lands.


Viers watched with a breeze hitting his face and the sounds of seagulls above his head. Clear skies and slowly traveling clouds.

From afar, the most eye-catching was the dragon-shaped lighthouse. It was located on a nearby hill. Its scales were gleaming under the sun like emeralds and the jewel on its mouth sparkled like diamonds.

“Looks like a nice place,” Viers said.

“Is it? Aren't other places more amazing than this, Mister Knight?” The knight-loving boy said.

“Hehehe. Stories of grandeur aren't always true, Harry. Learn to appreciate your home while you still can,” Viers replied.

“I’m just glad we’re back without meeting any other monsters. Mom and Dad will give me an earful after I get back,” the other boy weakly said.

“Same here... Ohhh, why did I accompany you two again? Boys and their adventurers,” the only girl in the group grumbled.

“C’mon Marc, Milly. It’s not an adventure without something unexpected happening!”

Viers chuckled. The trio of kids that he ‘saved’ were -unsurprisingly- from Regidana. Harry the adventurous, Marc the timid, and Milly the cautious. They snuck out from town to a nearby forest to find some ruins. Harry found a record of it in his house and roped Marc and Milly to go together.

“You should know that you three almost got severely hurt. It was a very dangerous thing you three did. Imagine what would happen if I didn't stumble upon you, hmn?”

The three didn't answer and lowered their heads.

“It is a dangerous world out there. Dangerous,” Viers stressed. “Listen to your parents when you get back. Be thankful if they scold you. It means they care for your well-being.”

“Yes Sir-” They trailed their answer.

“Hehe. Well, let us go then. It has been days since I slept under a roof.”

Viers placed the three kids on Brownie while he led the mare on foot. Along the way, Harry asked Viers about all kinds of things. Viers told a few of his adventures. They soon reached the borders of the city.

The street was somewhat nostalgic. Regidana was bigger than Marakkus and with far more people packed inside. It reminded Viers of the metropolises on his Earth. Stone buildings packed together and stalls of shops immediately after the entrance of the city. The scene was of a run-of-the-mill busy market except for one thing.

The races.

Other than humans with different skin colors wearing clothes from far away places, there were many folks Viers only had seen in the work of fiction.

The humanoids that shared characteristics with mammals, the beastfolk.

The robust bipedal lizard-like beings, the saurians.

The winged and feathered tall individuals, the featherkin.

The stout and skilled craftsmen, the dwarves.

And Viers finally elves. The pair were purchasing wares from a shop.

There were also other races as well, such as: halflings, centaurs, etc. Harry and Marc said they had seen insectoids in the city a few months ago. Out of ten people in the streets, five were human while the other five belonged to different races.

“So you’re telling me Regidana’s public order is better than other cities?” Viers said skeptically. The kids asked Viers about the outside world and Viers asked the opposite. There was much he could learn from the locals.

“That’s what my father always said, Mister Avel. He led a trading caravan to other cities,” Marc said.

“I find it hard to believe. This place is very diverse and very populous. Foreign customs, loads of merchants aiming for profits, underworld dealings… I’m willing to bet that there are many more people-related disputes here,” Viers challenged.

“The government deals with crime very seriously and there are laws for everything. Fights are forbidden inside the city, hostile Artes will not be tolerated. There is a division in the city’s administration that specifically regulates or mediates trade-related matters. In addition to the city guards, there are law enforcers to make sure the city is functioning smoothly.”

Milly explained with a measured tone. Among the trio, she was the wariest towards Viers. They did just met him after all. Did she just subtly warn him to not do anything against them? Viers was impressed.

“A lawful city… might be the place for me,” Viers pondered. “So where should I drop you three off?”

“I don't think you should worry, Mister Knight. Our pick-up is here, look.” Harry pointed to a group of people in front of them.

“Milly! Oh you almost gave this old lady a heart attack!”

“Marc, your assignments just doubled this week. Prepare yourself, young man.”

Milly got hugs from her parents while Marc’s face turned blue from his father’s punishment. Other than the parents of those two, there were people in city guard uniform. The leader of the guards stepped forward and talked to harry.

“Young lord.”

“Franz,” Harry greeted back.

“Right this way please. Your parents have been worried sick about you,” Franz turned to Viers. “I can guess what happened but can I ask about the details?”

“Of course.”

While Viers explained his involvement, the kids were saying goodbyes to each other.

“Rank 3 three-eyed wolves, multiple of them you say. It is unsettling how close such a group of monsters are in the vicinity. Two days ago there was a report of similar sightings but only of one wolf. I’ll bump this upstairs. Thank you for your cooperation, sir,” Franz said.

“Just reporting what I saw. Am I done here?”

“Not quite, mister Avel. Harry’s parents would like to meet you. They want to give you rewards.”

“There’s no need for that. I’m just there by chance. There’s no need for a reward.”

“Sir, I’m afraid I must insist,” Franz’s stance was firm.

“...Lead the way,” Viers couldn't refuse the Level 4’s offer.

The city guard prepared a luxurious carriage for Harry and Viers but the kid insisted on staying mounted on Brownie. He wanted to talk more about knights and the outside world with Viers. The guards couldn't force Harry so they all go deeper into the city as is.

Hmm… Harry is a child of a big shot. He dressed like a commoner so he must have sneaked out. I didn't find a clue before.

Odds were, at least one of the trio was a rich kid. At first, Viers wanted to reap some benefits from ‘saving’ their lives but once he saw Harry was important enough to warrant attention from a Level 4, Viers threw the idea away. He didn't want to deal with people stronger than him. Alas, Viers couldn't unmount from the horse he’d saddled.

Franza and a small group of city guards led Viers to the central parts of the city. The nice districts with nice buildings where the elites resided. When it seemed he was making a direct way into the palace-like building in the very center of the city, Viers sweated.

Scratch that. Harry’s is more important than I thought. Did I just meet another scion of a GK? What are the odds? Damnit. Urghhh, I am not ready for this. No, V. Stay positive. I might not meet any Level 4 or 5. In the stories, those strong people usually didn't place any importance to a nameless small fry Level 2 like me… right? Viers tried to find a way out of the situation he found himself in.

A worried, sharply dressed man with a round belly and full beard was waiting in the nicest garden Viers had ever seen, far beyond the garden’s gate. A similarly plump woman with bunned hair and a motherly face stood next to the man. Viers couldn't fathom how strong they were so they must be at least Level 4. They rained down hugs and kisses on Harry as the kid placed his foot on the ground.

“My boy! How many times do I have to tell you? You must be accompanied by guards when leaving the city!” The man harrumphed.

“I didn't go far… the forest is always safe.”

“Except it didn't this time, correct? I’ve heard the report. You met a Rank 3 monster!” The father’s voice was getting firmer.

The fourteen-year-old boy looked like a humbled cat.

“Son,” the mother called. “We don't want to lose you.”

“...Father, Mother, I’m sorry for worrying you,” Harry bowed.

The family moment extended for a bit then their attention turned to the savior of their son.

“And this must be the noble knight Harry told us about. Knight Avel, correct? Welcome to Regidana. I am Craig Regisea and this is my spouse, Madeline.”

“My lord and my lady, I’m afraid you’re all quite mistaken. I’m just an ordinary adventurer,” Viers replied with a polite attitude.


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