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“That is not an offer. That is a threat,” the red-haired beauty said, holding back a scowl.

“Think of it in any way you wish,” Viers tilted his head slightly. “Before my offer, I’ll ask you a question. Is Blood Exarch Ursula dead?”

Izabella didn't answer but Viers saw her expression waver. Loss and guilt but also hope. It was all the clue that Viers needed.

“I see, then after you leave this house you’ll try to get in touch with the Blood Church to clarify the status of the woman you love like a sister.”

“Ah!” Izabella was shocked. She didn't think Viers would know so much, including her personal relationship.

“H-how? Are you a spy? No, more importantly, who are you working for? One of the other six?”

“Incorrect. I don't worship any of the seven devils but enough of that. That is not why we're having this conversation. I want to make a deal.”

“...What kind of deal?”

Izabella’s back was drenched. Her position in this discussion was horribly disadvantageous. Ambushed into this meeting, the other party understood her personality, and she was surrounded by the mysterious presence. Three of them. She could feel the three were standing just right behind her seat. Invisible to the eye.

“Simple. First, I want you to borrow your cult’s extensive information network. Second, you tell me about the Blood Church’s movements. Secretly.”

Izabella’s face blanked out for a second while she parsed the information before she dawned with realization. Her expression turned blue.

“You want me to be your spy.”

“I prefer the term informant,” Viers grinned. Although, Izabella couldn't see it because of the mask.

“If I refuse?” Izabella said then a light gasp escaped her lips. Her neck felt the kiss of metal.

Three knives were on her throat, silently. Izabella watched the man in front of her this whole time and he didn't do any movement, let alone using his Victa. Izabella had been observing him very intently and she still didn't feel any Arte was in use.

Just like earlier, is Avel moving objects with his thoughts? How? That is not an ability a Level 2 could have!

“Then I’m saddened to say our fleeting association has come to an end. I shan't tolerate loose ends,” Viers’ tone was very even as if he was saying something trivial and not about life or death.

He… is not joking.

“...I will do it, khhh.” Izabella bit her lips, sounding defeated.

“Very good,” Viers still maintained his calm and composed pose. The knives no longer posed on Izabella’s throat. “There’s no need for concern. I won't ask you to dig up dangerous information or lead your fellow cultist to a trap, no. Just go about your days normally. You do your thing and I do mine, giving me news once in a while.”

For now, Viers left some words unsaid.

“Then we will enter a pact immediately. Take my hand and don't resist.”

Izabella could only agree. She took Viers’ extended right hand with her own. The very gesture of a handshake.

Arte - Soul Pact!

Izabella felt her body shivered while in fact, it was her soul. At this stage, she still lacked the awareness of her soul. Izabella saw a contract inside her mind.

“If you agree then give it your consent,” Viers said.

Magical oaths were nothing new, Viers had known many variations of it in Earth’s fiction. In this world, there were similar things. Viers learned the Arte by soul-searching a few of the guys that he killed. Viers modified their version and created the soul version of it, Soul Pact Arte.

But was his version better? Arguable. Viers simply wanted to deal in the field he was familiar with.

Viers had a transient thought about making the Arte kiss-based but he scrapped the idea since he might have to enter a contract with another male species. Viers simply wasn't attracted to males. He was an old-fashioned straight man.

Izabella read the contract slowly and thoroughly, word by word. It was mostly similar to the compulsion he forced on Takju with a few additions. She must not harm Viers in any capacity, maintaining their ‘affair’ a secret, Izabella couldn't tell lies to him but she could choose to remain silent unless the information was critical, an agreement of not exploiting any loopholes, and breaking the vow meant death.

Izabella was surprised, apart from the detail about certain death, the contract was quite lenient. She wasn't forced to do anything dangerous.

“Hyaaah!?” She suddenly cried.


“N-nothing. I just felt a chill on my nape all of a sudden,” Izabella returned to reading the contract with full concentration.

While Viers kept a stoic front, he praised Farley for her independent approach. She played the role pretty well.

After checking the clauses five times, Izabella signed the contract inside her head.

Viers and Izabella felt the binding between them immediately. Like a stone thrown into a pond of their soul before the ripples ceased and everything went back into tranquility.

Viers made the contract loose on purpose. It was more like a ceasefire agreement than blackmail. He could make a strict contract no different than slavery but Viers wasn't aiming for short-term benefits.

Having an insider in one of the seven devils cults should prove useful.

“Contract signed,” Viers said in a satisfied manner.

“...Viers, not Cain. Is that your real name?” Izabella asked.

The disadvantage of my Soul Pact is that I must use my real name or the binding will not be as strong. Can't be helped. If she tells anyone she would die anyway.

“You can call me Viers if you like, although you might spontaneously die if someone overheard,” Viers cocked his head to the door where Takju left.

Izabella snapped her head in that direction and sighed in relief after she didn't die.

Actually, Viers’ Soul Pact didn't work like that but Viers didn't need to tell her that. But since Izabella didn't know what kind of oath Arte was used on her, she didn't doubt Viers’ words.

“I-uh, I’ll keep calling you Avel then,” she looked slightly more relaxed since her life was no longer on the line. If Viers wanted to kill her, why would he make her sign a magic contract?

“I’ll take my leave if that is alright,” she wanted to leave as soon as possible. There was still inexplicably uncomfortableness in this room.

“Not quite, Miss Thyris. First, take a look at this,” Viers conjured something beside him.

“A-Alan!?” Izabella promptly stood in surprise when he saw the transparent human shape.

Alan was hanging in the air as if he was a puppet supported by strings. He wasn't conscious. Viers showed Alan wearing the same garment that he wore when battling Viers.

“He’s your friend, correct? One of the few people that still support you after your house’s fall from grace.”

“What did you do to him?” The woman was turning fiery. All fear had turned into anger.

“Careful now. It would be a shame for you to lose your life so soon.”

“What. Did. You. Do?”

She was still very agitated. Realizing that a long-winded explanation was not the best approach, Viers changed the order of the discussion.

“I want you to bring him back to life.”

Her angry face turned to slight confusion, then a blank as she processed what she’d heard, and returned to confusion once more.


“This is Alan’s soul, completely intact. I want you to find ways to create a body so I can put his soul back inside. Aren't you a well-connected person? Ask your devil-worshiping friends.”

“What happened to his original body?!” Izabella spat out.

“I believe it is no longer functional,” Viers replied.


“Silence!” Viers was imposing control. He let loose his aura and rose to his feet.

“I can defeat a half-dead woman like you with my eyes closed. Your injury is far from healed and you want to fight me? This guy couldn't finish the job and you think a heavily injured enchantment specialist without enchantment poses any threat to me? You’re inside my territory now. Tread... lightly.”

Izabella didn't answer but she stared straight into Viers' eyes with a hate that could set things on fire. Impressive, considering her eyes were already wet with tears.

“It is you guys who drew first blood, not me,” Viers replied without sympathy. “If you want your friend back, find a proper body so I can shove his soul back into a container. Be grateful you still have a chance to get him back. You are excused,” Viers dismissed Alan and Izabella.

The scene was very unusual, a Level 2 was talking down to a Level 3. Izabella stood unmoving for a while before turning to the door.

“Oh, I forgot something. If I die, he dies too. Best of luck to you, Miss Izabella Thyris.”

Izabella stopped at the half-opened door to listen to Viers’ last jab before stepping out completely, passing by Takju who was standing guard. She wiped her teary face with her sleeves and kept walking into the dark night.

As for Viers, he sat back down on the sofa. Taking a sip on the now cold tea.

“Young Avel-”

“All is well. There’s no need for concern. Go back to sleep… both of you.”

Boram who had woken up during the last heated part also went down. He tried to be stealthy but Viers easily found out.

“Then I bid you goodnight, young Avel.”


After Takju and Boram went back upstairs, Viers was now alone, but only for the untrained eyes. Including Viers, there were four people in the living room.

“Thank you for your cooperation, girls. The negotiation is a success,” Viers spoke first.

“Was there a need for us to be here? You just asked us to move objects and stand menacingly,” Clarissa asked.

“Theatricality and deception are powerful agents,” Viers simply replied.

“She treasures him. I believe she will strive to save Alan to her utmost. Impressive as always, Lord Viers,” Farley said.

“Sigh, I understand why we’re doing this but I can't help but pity Izabella. Poor girl,” Paina looked outside of the window with a complicated gaze.

Viers wasn't without sympathy but he didn't let his heart dictate his actions like a hero with the heart of gold.

“These are simply consequences of the Blood Church’s action in Marakkus. Messing with me is not a sane thing to do. Izabella got off lightly, in my opinion.”


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