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Day 11 - Morning.

Thanks to the carrot and stick offered yesterday, Level 2 adventurers that luckily escaped the jaws of death, willingly jumped into the maw once more like braindead zombies.

Not all of the adventurers were willing, some decisively quit as adventurers yesterday but the majority of them joined the crusade of rescuing their lost brethren, with grandiose accolades from the guild master.

The rescue party was 100 people strong after various organizations sent their Level 2s. Enchanted equipment and utility items were given to them before they embark into the Biome like angels of salvation.

A group of Level 1 adventurers watched the rescue force walk outside the city while the city folks threw flowers on the street, praying for their safe return along with the stranded people with an unknown fate.

“...Thank the goddess we didn't continue Biome delving.”

“Damn right. Through a strange work of fate, we being robbed thrice ended up saving our lives.”

“The Goddess works in mysterious ways.”

“If you put it that way, perhaps that thief is an angel sent by the Radiant Lady?”

The lady of fortune smiled upon the Rising Fortune adventurer group.


“Good day to you all,” Viers said with a smile. “Introductions are in order. I’m Avel of javia and this is Boram, my companion. Boram, greet our fellow party members.”


Viers and Boram joined Ago’s group at the city gate. The rendezvous point before they all embark.

“...You sound pretty chipper. Happy to escape the drafting are you?” Ago asked.

“Are you not the same? Do you prefer joining them?” Viers pointed a finger to the other adventurers walking to the entrance of the Biome.

“I don't like you, tinhead. You’re an opportunist. People like that will cut and run, leaving their comrades behind when things go south. You and your slave better not become our deadweight,” one of two Ago’s party members said. Viers had enough observation skills that the other person and Ago also shared the sentiment.

“Well, I shall have to remedy that won't I? Come on gents, we have an adventure ahead of us. The Firehands Troll will not kill itself.”

Viers took the initiative to put their baggage to the back of his steed Brownie and walked by leading the horse.


“It's breaking!” An array master shouted.

Yet another array formation was broken by Irkun’s entourage. The wall of force that barred his path broke like a pane of glass.

The captured adventurers really speed things up, Irkun thought.

The Blood Church’s ploy to trap the adventurer had worked like a charm. Since this was the Blood Church’s plan for the start, the human resources were divided equally between him and Izabella, much to Irkun’s chagrin.

At the moment, Irkun’s progress was better among the two. The reason was Irkun chose the brute force option since he had more men and resources. He could afford to throw more bodies into the obstacles in his path. Izabella didn't have as many men as Irkun and so chose to take the long way if she and her group found a deadly obstacle. Irkun’s casualties were higher but what does he care?

The ground shook and the walls vibrated. Dust and small pebbles fell from the ceiling. The men were looking at their surroundings with their guard up. The earthquake ceased after a few seconds.

Another tremor. We should be close to the main objective, Irkun clenched his fist.

“Lord Irkun, incoming!”

Irkun didn't need to be informed because the creature was coming from straight ahead and they were in a corridor, not many alternatives where a threat could come from. The threat in question, however, was still beyond their means.

A hydra with black and green scales was coming at them with ravenous intent. Already some people got their body chomped by the monster’s many mouths simply because they were the closest to the beast.

“Rank 4 monster!”

“Fuck!” Irkun cursed. He had hoped they would not meet a strong monster this early.

Thankfully, he had reinforcement.

Blades of light impaled the hydra’s heads and long necks, followed by a blinding light blast.

“Back, you foul creature.”

Before Irkun’s eyes could recover from the spots, his father’s voice brought calm and stability back to his mind.

The uncowed hiss reply from the beast showed the hydra’s intent.


Haghen didn't want to give battle but he was forced to, lest his son and the expedition were put at risk.

Irkun and his group, in this place by free will or otherwise, promptly leave the area before the battle between Level 4s could begin. Their organs would liquefy if they were hit by a stray minor shockwave.

After some time, the work resumed. Irkun and Haghen conversed while the array masters were attempting to solve a room filled with very potent corrosive acid.

“There are some setbacks but overall, things are proceeding smoothly,” Irkun said.

“That is true but never let your guard down until the end, son.”

A crying adventurer had her life force sucked dry until she shriveled into skin and bones. Thanks to that energy, the array masters had made the crack on the array bigger.

“What about the Estellian? Have they picked up our trail?”

“Lim is surprisingly able to keep this under wraps. Not bad for a church’s turncoat.”

“So no Silver Legion is coming our way yet. Yasterah guided our way,” Irkun made a prayer’s gesture.

“Yasterah guided our way,” Haghen mirrored.

“What about grandfather, is he…” Irkun said worriedly.

“All is well. He’s dead.”

That was the greatest news he had heard all of his life.

“Father, I think it is time to open your prized century-aged wine from Zetel.”

“All in due time, son.”


Day 11 - Evening.

“To Avel of Javia, adventurer extraordinaire,” Ago raised his waterskin filled with wine.

“Damn right he is,” Freddy, Ago’s companion, did the same.

“You’re too kind, too kind. I couldn't have done it without all of you. The Arte that tore a hole to the troll’s chest was very well done,” Viers said.

This morning, he was treated like a black-bellied rat. In the evening they were buddy-buddy with each other, trading praises and pats in the back.

“No no no, wrong. You do it like this. Watch your footing and grip. Don't think of your small stature as a weakness, kid. You’ve more raw power than two grown men. Incorporate that into your hammer swings.”

“Yes, mister Jeff. Like this?”

“Now you’re getting it. Man, you’re talented… and almost a Level 2 at that age. No wonder Avel picked you.”

“He he he. It was thanks to Master.”

A bit away from the fireside, Ago’s friend taught Boram tips and tricks of using a two-handed weapon since he was using the same weapon himself.

Viers couldn't claim this was the result of his charm, no. It was thanks to Farley. The social expert greased the wheels so the friendship wagon moved smoothly for the group. The advice and responses from Farley were very helpful.

There was also the matter of how effective Viers’ role in taking the Rank 2 Firehands Troll down. It needed mention that Viers had already dropped his fighting strength to half.

It dropped a core, which can bestow the Flame Pillar Arte if consumed by a fire Pathseeker. It was useless to Viers and Boram so Viers did not contest it. When they found a small treasure hoard thanks to Viers and spit it four ways, the gratitude of Ago's group to Viers multiplied.

“By the way, Marakkus city confuses me. I confess I haven't seen much of the place. For being reputed to be the city of blackguards, I find mostly almost decent people there.”

“Bwahaha! Almost, so not yet decent?” Ago guffawed.

“How many times have you seen truly decent people, instead of people putting a pretense of decency? I and yourself included.”

“...I’ll give you that. We adventurers are mostly a decent bunch, I suppose. The ones I know anyway,” Ago munched a salted jerky. “The poor, the sick, and the hungry in the slums have it tough. Hard to be decent people in a place like that and not enough people care about them. Many took to crime. The merchants squeeze money out of their customers like making fruit juice. Boram is fortunate to have a master not abusing him but not all slaves are that fortunate. Loan sharks and gangs hounding the populace in the outer districts. And the most thirsty bloodsuckers of all, are the rich and powerful. They acted as if it was their godsdamn given right step on our heads.”

The last was spoken with enough spite to let Viers know it was Ago’s real thought.

“We in the middle class have some measure of normalcy. If you want to experience real unpleasantness, either go up or go down the status ladder,” Freddy said.

“Mmm… I’ll keep that in mind.”


Day 12 - Morning.

Viers and Ago’s group went their separate ways. Ago, Freddy and Jeff would stay at a nearby village for a few days to lay low. They were all worried to get drafted to the Biome if they returned too early.

Viers also of the same mind but he had unfinished business in Marakkus so he needed foot on the ground, so to speak.

Viers sent Boram to gather information in the city while he waited outside the city walls. If the guild still wanted to shove him in the Biome, Viers wouldn't return just yet.

After a few hours, his apprentice returned.

“Master, no one came out from the Biome again yesterday. The guild has decided the Biome is too dangerous and barred all entry. You should be able to return safely now.”

“Oh, great. Terrible for all that involved, of course. What a stupid idea… sending more people in,” Viers scoffed.

The absence of the Level 3 Alan and Izabella made Viers doubt the reality of the Level 2 limit in the Biome. The mere suspicion of Blood Church’s Level 3s prowling in the Biome made Viers avoid the place like a radioactive earth.

“There’s more. Word on the street is that the Governor-King is dead.”

A Level 5 is dead?? Holy Shieeet.


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