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“At last.”

Irkun said with emotions as his cohort finally reached the deepest place of the Tomb. The days leading here were certainly not a walk in the park.

It was a giant hall hundreds of meters wide, filled with sinister energy. Wickedness seemed to seep into the very stones of this place. However, two things were different. The holy feeling they gave was the very opposite of this place.

The first was a big sphere of light, floating in the center of the hall between two obelisks. It was like looking at the sun itself, only the light was far gentler. Runes and mystic markings floated and pulsed around the miniature sun.

The other was a white-golden spectral knight, decked with full armor. His golden eyes opened once Irkun’s group entered the hall. His armor was battered and broken in many places, as if it had gone through a hundred battles. He didn't wear any helmet so his face was in clear view. The knight was a man in his prime but the expression he had was the very opposite. He seemed ancient and archaic.

“Turn back, intruders. You’ll find only evil and corruption in this place.”

“Evil and corruption are exactly what we seek,” Haghen strutted in with big steps.

“By my eternal oath, as long as my existence remains, the seal will stay shut. Begone, followers of evil!” The knight brandished his sword and valiantly attacked Haghen.

Haghen laughed and knocked the sword out of the knight’s hand and defeated him in one blow. Despite the ancient knight’s defiance, he had no speck of strength inside him.

The spectral knight struggled to get up as if he was an old man on his last breath. While he was on the ground, Haghen stepped on his chest.

“How does it feel Grand Templar Eaton, hero of the Eighth Crusade, to be reduced into a powerless, impotent ghost.”

“You have no idea what you are meddling with. The fragment of the Demon King must never be released. Even after being sealed for two thousand years by the greatest holy seal of the Estellian Church, its corruption still spread,” the ghostly knight spoke solemnly.

“The Demon King’s power will serve Goddess Yasterah,” Haghen replied.

“Your endeavor is useless. The seal will not be broken even by the power of Level 5.”

“Khukuku, ah yes, the obelisks. And you left the part where it will kill even Level 5 Pathseeker if touched without the Pope’s permission. The seal is truly a marvelous creation but the world developed after two millennia. We’ve found a way, by using overlapping formation, Level 2s array masters can begin to slowly deconstruct the seal. Your role ends here, Templar, sinks into the darkness and despair,” Haghen smugly said.

Eaton found no lies in Haghen’s face and sighed with the weight of two thousand years.

“...And so ends my long vigil. I failed, in the end. However, young cultists, let this old man remind you,” Eaton met Haghen’s eyes that were looking down on him with one last defiance. “Those who are sworn to uphold the Light, never stand alone.”

The spectral form scattered into motes of light starting from his lower body. Before he disappeared completely, he still smiled with a heart lit by hope.

Unpleasant, Haghen felt. Truly an unpleasant sight, because the half corporeal smoke spoke with complete surety… and it worried him. Haghen directed his son to hurry.

As Irkun and the group of enchanters prepared to tackle the last obstacle of this place, the more martial-oriented Pathseekers strengthened the defenses of this place for there would be a great battle here. It didn't take long for them to be interrupted. A pair of women arrived with a group of enchanters, fighters, and captured adventurers.

Irkun’s face turned ugly. Izabella’s arrival was far too early. He thought he was ahead of Izabella by at least six hours.

Is it because of that bitch Ursula? Irkun grimly thought.

“Well, well-” Blood Exarch Ursula just opened her mouth but the swiftly forming spatial crack cut her words short.

“Battle formations!”

Blood Exarch Haghen and Ursula shouted in uniform. Monsters that dwelled in the space between dimensions ravenously pouring out like a broken dam.


Viers was currently at the gate of Markkus city and surrounded by at least three Level 3s. Thanks to the recent death of the Governor-King, security was very tight. The guards demanded Viers take off his helmet to confirm his identity.

How absurd. If I’m the killer, why am I trying to get into the city using the main gate in broad daylight?

“Very well officer,” Viers slowly pulled the helmet above his head.

The confirmation startled Boram. He’d never seen his master’s face. Curiosity made him peek sideways.



A couple of the guards grunted uncomfortably when they saw the unhidden face. Nasty burn marks covered most of Viers’ face, not only that, there were horrendous scars over the burn. One of his ears was cut off and he had no nose.

“Apologies for the look. My pretty boy days are over,” Viers said with an even tone.

“Ehem,” the officer cleared his throat. “Yes, all clear. Carry on.” He didn't even check the list of wanted posters in his hand.

“Good day, gentlemen,” Viers put his helmet back on and led Brownie and Boram inside the city. After tens of paces in, he spoke to his apprentice.

“This is the result of one who didn't have enough power. Train hard Boram, before you suffer the fate of those who lack the power to repel calamity.”

“...Yes, Master,” he said with more intent than before.

“You did it to yourself, Viers,” Clarissa said in his head.

“But all the words I say are true. I’m still weak so this is the price I have to pay so people will not recognize my criminal face. The face-changing Arte of yours won't be ready for a long time so this is the only solution I have left.”

Viers mutilated his own face shortly after leaving Luca’s village. With the abnormally strong Freya and a Level 5 chasing him, Viers didn't think it was too extreme.

Besides, it's not permanent. I can heal it later with my healing factor. I’ve checked… If I paint my skin white and cut off my other ear, I reckon I can cosplay as Voldermort, hehehe…

For now, crisis averted. No subplot about me dealing with identity leak or capture. Onward to whatever the main plot is in Marakkus arc.


Lim Crumens was a clever man, at least that was his opinion. Through years of maneuvering, he now held the position of a Bishop of the Estellian Church and a Blood Exarch of the Blood Church. His loyalty was to the latter.

The Blood Vicar charged him to keep the church’s bright-clothed killers in the dark while the children released the sealed Demon King. He’d done a good job, or so he prematurely assumed.

The sudden sight of tens of silver armored legionaries with two Level 4s at the helm arriving in the church in the middle of Marakkus city unannounced signaled that shit was about to hit the fan.

One was a petite young woman with dark hair with a conflicted expression while the other was a stern-looking man wearing grey-colored robes.

“Vestal Mita, Ash Priest Shay… leading two companies of the Silver Legion. Friends, this is a pleasant surprise. What brings you to Marakkus?”

“Fudging the teleportation formation in the church is not enough, traitor. There are others, hidden even to the local leaders. The Radiant Lady sees all and Cardinal Judith is a very attentive woman,” Ash Priest Shay spoke. “Surrender peacefully or we will use deadly force. This is your only warning.”

“Lim, please. We don't want to fight you. We still think of you as a friend,” Vestal Mita pleaded.

“Oh, doll, that’s sweet. It was fun while it lasted. A bit stuffy with the sermons and masses and whatnot but still fun. I’ll pull my punches if we meet on the battlefield.”

Lim’s figure faded like a mirage. The man had accumulated enough tricks from both churches to be able to flee even from the gaze of two veterans of the Silver Legion.

“Damnit, Lim… why?” The Ash Priest muttered with a painful tone but the Level 4 steadied his bearings in the next second.

“Alright, some of you have not yet been debriefed because of the emergency deployment. I’m Shay and this is Mita. We will be in charge for the time being. There’s a red alert in the HQ and we’re here to find out why. At least one devil cult is definitely involved so stay alert and move as a group. Cardinal Judith treated this situation important enough she sent Holy Inquisitor Malcolm to take command. The Holy Inquisitor is a Level 5 and when he gets here in six hours, we better have concrete information for him by then. I’ll now give you your assignments...”

Shay and Mita led 100 legionaries, 50 Level 2s and 50 Level 3s. The age bracket was very wide. Some were in their forties while others in their teenage years.

One among the group was a young girl about 16 years old with short raven hair with a red rose hairpin on her head. Her hands were trembling a bit.

“Calm down, new girl. We’re with you,” an older girl next to her said.

“Nervous on your first mission?” A Level 3 boy whispered.

“...Yeah,” the young girl said. “The devil cult’s presence also worries me.”

“Oh yeah, you said your friend died fighting a cultist then your hometown is destroyed by some cultist plot. I suppose you must be dying for reveng- Ouch! What gives, June?”

“You lack delicacy, Conn.” The other girl said. “Rose, where did you say you come from again?”

“...Luxore town.”


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