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Day 10 - Morning.

The show was in motion, Viers now armed himself with knowledge of the enemy.

It was morning in the real world but night in the White Flower Meadows. Viers felt it might be good to change the brightness of the sky in his soul space sometimes. Especially since there were people living there.

“Now’s the time, tell me about this Blood Church,” Viers spoke to Farley, the cult expert in their ranks.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles, thus spoke Sun Zhu.

“The Cult of Yasterah or the Blood Church, is an organization with similar structure with the Estellian Church, only they worshiped the devil Yasterah instead of the goddess Estelle. While the good church’s objective is to safeguard the realm and preach virtue to the masses, the evil church’s tenets were more depraved. Pursuit of pleasure, selfishness, and desire.”

Hearing Farley’s exposition made Viers raise an eyebrow.

“Principles that I can relate with.”

“I’m sure you can,” Paina grumbled.

“These ideas resonate well with the powerful and the mighty, bringing many believers from well-off backgrounds. The Blood Church doesn't usually use force to further their own ends, they prefer subterfuge and plots. They thrived in the upper societies because of noble houses and their intrigues.”

“So they’re plotters, not fighters?” Viers asked.

“They do have powerful combatants in their ranks, only seldom seen. Their Level 4s are called Blood Exarchs and their Level 5s are called Blood Vicars. Their current Blood Pope -the de facto leader- is said to be the son of Yasterah herself.”

“Oh? Yasterah is a woman? I thought all seven devils are males.”

“So did I.”

Paina followed Clarissa’s comment.

“Well, the people from the good church don't exactly tell much details about the devils to the ordinary folk. Only that they’re terrible and vile. Frightened them so they be more pious to the lady of light and savior.” Viers said nonchalantly. “So, blood this, blood that. I assume they’re all about blood Artes and techniques? Are they blood fanatics that drink the blood of their enemies while screaming blood for the blood goddess?”

Farley shook her head. “Actually, no. Yasterah is actually not a… blood goddess -as Lord Viers put it- but more of a fertility goddess. The Blood Church’s proficiency in blood affinity is one of the best in the realm but their true expertise is about bloodlines and progenies.”

“Hoh...” Viers made an O with his mouth. His interest was piqued.

“The Blood Church is famous for their… debauchery.” Farley looked troubled by the topic, similar to Paina and Clarissa. Viers simply turned his face into stone.

“Some say it is the way they walk the Path of Power. They have many Profound Codices that centralised in… intimate acts. Some might bring benefits to both parties while some simply use the other as fuel for their own growth. It is said that they regularly conduct org-”

“I believe we all get your point. Thank you, Farley.”

Viers interjected before the delicate topic went further. Farley sighed in relief after saying thank you, Paina looked downward with a red face, and Clarissa tried to avoid eye contact by looking to the side.

So it is an evil sect with dual cultivation techniques as the core. I get it.

“About bloodlines, I’m not too clear about the matter but having strong bloodlines is undoubtedly beneficial. It is known that they could implant a bloodline to another. An earth Pathseeker with the bloodline of a Tremorfoot Elephant? I wouldn't think of becoming his enemy.”

“So bloodlines are about having the blood of a strong monster?” Paina asked.

“Not necessarily. You can also have the bloodline of demons, other powerful races, or even your ancestor, if you're lucky to be a descendant of an exceptional individual. The most common way of gaining a bloodline is by injecting monster blood into your body but it is also looked down upon because the subject becomes more similar to the beastfolk. And using demon blood is very dangerous so it is not common practice. The more frequent use of the BC’s bloodline expertise is unlocking your hidden potential.”

The other three were listening to Farley's lecture intently.

“Great houses with deep backgrounds usually originate from a powerful progenitor, a Level 4 or 5. These people often have special quirks such as can generate special fire or have an extra sense or can make a connection with special magical beasts. The progenitor’s ability might not pass down to their child or become less and less common as the line went further down. The BC often approached the lesser heir of a house then awakened their power, raising the prospect of the heir. After the heir became the patriarch of that old and powerful house, the BC reaped the benefits.”

“Quite the scheme on their part. So these people like to play the long game, huh.” Viers scratched his chin. It wasn't necessary since he was a mere projection in the realm of consciousness. He only did it for the feels.

“But even that is not the greatest lure they have. The Blood Church’s main attraction to some people is that they can make your child a prodigy.”

“Mmm? Please elaborate,” Clarissa was very confused.

“As you know, affinity is fixed from the day you are born. People with the affinity of 1 will never become a Level 2 Pathseeker unless they raise their affinity first. The Blood Church has ways to make your child come to the world with high affinity… for a suitable price of course.”

“Hmm,” Viers was contemplating the impact of Farley’s explanation.

“There’s more: rare affinities and dual affinities, the Blood Church can raise your child’s chances of obtaining this. Which parents don't want their child to be born healthy and special?”

“Designer babies...” Viers muttered the term.

The BC sells the promise of a grand future...

“And they also like arranged marriages among their children. To make powerful lineages, so to speak. Many of their long-time members are connected by blood. A random guy from the BC might have a sibling in this prominent organization and a cousin which is the spouse of a powerful grandmaster, you wouldn't know. ”

“Blood is thicker than water. They strengthened their bond by marriage and keeping it in the family? A unique approach…” Paina said.

“Lord Viers, should you clash with the Blood Church, I expect they will use rare elemental Artes. Please be on guard because they might have dual affinities like you.”

“Rare affinities are overrated. The user’s skill is still the most important factor,” Clarissa showed her displeasure. As a fire Pathseeker -a common affinity- she didn't like the premise that rare affinities are better.

“It is as you say,” Farley agreed. “But there are specializations. Magma triumphed over fire in destructiveness and lighting is way above wind in terms of speed. Perhaps a certain family has a mighty signature Arte that can only be used by a descendant of the blood, who knows. The point is, the people from the Blood Church are usually well-connected to other powerful people, have many siblings, and use varied elemental affinities.”

Contrary to Farley’s expectation, Viers wasn't worried.

“Don't worry Farley. I always expect my enemies to be related to some muscle-brained strong old man.”


As he suspected, the people in the Adventurer’s Guild were like chickens with their tails on fire, adventurers and staff alike. The adventurers appeared agitated. Some demanded answers, some were worried about their trapped friends, some simply placed the blame on the guild for allowing the situation to happen.

...He’s not here.

Viers didn't see Callahan among the crowd. A sigh escaped his mouth.


The word was spoken strongly, loudly, and laced with power. Viers and the others looked to the second floor, where a man in his fifties stood proudly. He irradiated the power of a Level 4.

“I am the guild master, Floyd. In light of the extraordinary incident yesterday, an emergency mandatory quest has been issued.”


Viers didn't like the sound of that.

“Every Level 2 with guild rank of Obsidian and above is required to participate. They will embark on a scouting mission tomorrow into the Biome to find out what happened and rescue our stranded brethren.”

The guild exploded as if someone just threw a bomb in the middle of the crowd. Cries of denial and anger were the most prominent sentiments.

“Your concerns are not without reason. It is ill-advised to send so many people to a place where people of the same Level had encountered mishaps. Unfortunately, we are left with no choice. Only Level 2 Pathseekers and below can go into the Biome. If I could I would have already sent Level 3s and 4s but I cannot. As always in a rescue operation, time is of the essence. The longer we wait, the more likely those adventurers will be lost for good.”

“So you send us to our deaths instead!?” Someone shouted the thought many of them shared.

Most of the adventurers eligible to enter the Biome had already done so. Only about twenty Level 2 adventurers left. From the lost adventurers group, two thirds of that number belonged to Level 1s. The guild master must be thinking drafting Level 1s would be too dangerous.

“The guild does not think of you all as expendables. There will be reinforcements from the city guards and other organizations. This has been discussed and planned to great length yesterday. We will equip the rescue party with various magic tools and weapons. Not only that, there will be great rewards waiting for you upon your return. These are the examples.”

The guild master showed the crowd a list of treasures and benefits that made many adventurers’ reason eclipsed by greed.

“Honor and glory for those who participate. Those that did not shall have their adventurer’s license revoked and shall not be permitted to become adventurer again permanently. Men! More than a hundred lives are counting on you. Tell me, are you going to abandon your brothers and sisters, only saving your own hides?”

“No,” the crowd replied.

The whole fake righteous speech made Viers sick. The stupid adventurers that got roped in also made him sick. He couldn't care less about the mandatory quest. If this was the past Viers, he would have let his guild license revoked but he didn't want to exchange identity again and to restart from Glass rank for the fourth time.

So he must get clever.

While the adventurers were still sorting their heads in order, Viers already took action. He approached one of them and put his hand on his shoulder. The man turned around.

“Ago, my dear friend. I heard you already have a mandatory quest, yes? I’m an Obsidian now, see the proof?” Viers showed his guild tag. “Now for the favor you owe me, I want to join you and your group’s mandatory quest. The guild cannot force adventurers into a mandatory quest if they are already on a mandatory quest.”



Hm... Probably transfer last part to next chapter? So "The man turned around." will be last sentence in this one. I think it will better build suspension. But you choose, of course