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The higher a cultivator in the cultivation stage, usually meant they had extra, more novel means of dealing with others. Viers was no stranger to this, xianxia and xuanhuan taught him much.

A Level 3 could do what a Level 2 couldn’t and so on.

While Viers truly hoped the world would not throw Level 4s or 5s at his face since he was still Level 2 like a balanced, progressive story chart, he had taken measures just in case he stumbled upon one.

The source of information was a former Level 5 lamia residing in his mind. Clarissa told him high-level Pathseekers would start dabbling in soul and a Level 4 could place a soul mark on someone.

From there, Viers already knew what he had to do. He couldn't outrun superior Level 3s yet, let alone Level 4s but he could do something in case he got captured and marked.

Despite the lack of use in combat, Viers’ soul affinity was stronger than his water affinity. His ability to use souls was far above the standard of his Level.

Before he got marked by Homen, Viers was wearing a metaphorical suit above his soul. It was a suit made of the human soul, one among many in his possession. When the mark landed on his soul, it actually landed on that other soul.

If Homen was a soul Pathseeker then he might notice but he wasn't so he didn't notice such a subtle thing.

Viers wasn't able to lift a finger in front of him and the storage ring was taken but he was able to wriggle out from the Level 4’s grasp. After sufficient time had passed, Viers planted the marked soul to a tree, only then he returned to the city.

Another debt that needs to be settled before I leave the city, Viers thought with a sharp expression.

A good person might forgive and let go but he was a bad person. Giving the other cheek was not in his programming.


Day 7 - Morning.

Viers watched Boram as he fought a yellow iguana the size of a bike. He dodged the acid spit of the monster by moving as if he was skating on ice. Using the Arte Boram’s speed and maneuverability had risen by a notch.

Hmn, it looks like he has a lot of practice with that Groundslider Arte, Viers mused. Good to see the Arte from that monster core is of use.

“Haaaah!” Boram landed a slap to the iguana's face using his hammer, making use of the momentum of his sliding. While it was stunned, Boram used the opening to prepare a strong Arte. He stood still for three seconds, stones the size of marbles floating from the ground.

“Arte - Stone Barrage!”

Tens of small stones hit the monster with the speed and power of a shotgun. Boram aimed the Arte at its head. The head was torn apart by the high-speed bullets in a show of blood and gore.

Viers made his presence known by clapping his hands. He managed to push the Arte I taught him to a satisfactory level. He couldn't do that three days ago. I hoped to name the Arte Shotgun since I took the concept of a shotgun but that’s too otherworldly.

“Master,” Boram bowed.

Despite his dirty and miserable appearance, he looked stronger than before. He seemed tempered.

He’s grown a bit. More used to battle and blood, more decisiveness, and his Artes are quite polished too. But his Victa has become quite low, finally spent after all those training.

“Good job, that’s a good look in your eyes. I can see you’ve not wasted your time here,” Viers patted his head. Boram was 12 years old but his physique was still that of a 10 years old child. “Let’s go home and get plenty of rest, you’ve earned it.”

Boram held his smile back so his face didn't become a goofy smiling face.

“Master, I have got a lot of monster cores for you,” Boram took out a sack with a dozen cores of the monsters he fought the past three days.

“Nice,” Viers gave a thumbs up. “I've got presents for you too.”

Before they go, while Boram carved the monster for its core. As always with the monster he killed, his master did something to the carcass although Boram didn't know what.


Boram was sleeping comfortably on the bed while Viers was looking at the situation in the Adventurer’s Guild. He sat alone with a beverage on the table. The guild was still busy despite it being nearing dusk. More people were registering to enter the Biome now that the situation had improved. No one wanted to miss the hype train.

“Can you drink that with that helmet on?” An adventurer asked him.


“Callahan,” he sighed. “But you know what, call me whatever you like.”

Viers softly chuckled. “How are you, Cay?”

“Sigh, I wish the big people upstairs acted sooner,” Callahan took the empty chair on his table.

Viers chatted with the friendly adventurer about what had been happening since they last spoke. He complained about the injustice of robbery his group suffered, although the one who robbed him wasn't Viers.

I asked around and no one has seen Izabella or Alan lately… Adventurers with their safety guaranteed would begin delving in earnest again. If the Biome is truly some sort of plot, it won't be long until it moves to the next stage.

There was peace that evening. The thieves plagued the adventurers no more. The taverns were filled with merry laughter.

Viers also didn't act. He knew the risk was too much even for him. He didn't act but he didn’t do nothing. Viers sharpened his blades while he waited for his next opportunity.


Day 8.

Viers let his feet take him to the high class districts in the central part of the city, it was like another world there. Well maintained white cobblestone streets, mansions with luxurious gardens, enchanted carriages pulled by magical creatures, expensively dressed men and women, hells, Viers even saw a dog wearing enchanted gem collar walked by its owner. The collar had more magic than all of Viers’ adventurer gear.

Other than expanding his Horizon, Viers had another purpose here.

So that’s his house…

Homen’s house was a pretty thing. The very picture of wealth and class. Comparing the palace-like house with his room in the inn was akin to comparing a lame crow to an eagle. The security was too tight for Viers to sneak in so he stopped at reconnaissance.

An opportunity will come. If not, I’ll come back after I'm strong enough.

Viers returned to the inn and spent the rest of the afternoon training. The training was purely physical since he sensed he would need a healthy amount of Victa stockpile for the coming days. After the robbing-spree, Viers’ Victa fell quite a bit.

One thing of note was a special Arte he and Farley were developing. It was very complex and hard to pull off, even with two people constructing it. On the upside, it would be a very powerful Arte worthy to be called a finishing move, if they could invoke it.

Viers was constructing his most powerful water Arte to date.

It’s close to completion, I just need a bit more time… I hope it's ready by the time I fight the boss fight in this arc, Viers was certain he would fight at least a formidable enemy before his adventure at Marakkus ended.

In the evening, Viers went to the guild again to scout and gather information.

“Avel! Alone again I see,” Callahan approached him. His face was beaming with a touch of red. His smile seemed plastered to his face.

“Someone’s in a good mood. How’s your day, Cameron?”

“In the Biome, I found this pendant that makes me feel happy-happy,” he showed Viers.

“...Are you sure that’s safe?”

“Ehh, safer than drugs,” Callahan took it off and his condition returned to normal. “Oh yeah, congratulations on your rank up to Obsidian. I haven't got the chance to say it yet.”

“Mmm, thanks.”

“I’d buy you a drink but you never drink,” Callahan saw another untouched mug in front of Viers.

“It's fine, I drink liquid through my skin.”

“...Dude, you’re wearing armor from head to toe. Why do you keep ordering drinks that you’re not gonna drink?”

“Why indeed,” Viers replied amusingly.

“...Are you really human under all that armor?”

“What do you think?”


The sound of a fist hitting a wooden desk turned both of their heads.

“Ago, I heard you almost butt heads with him?”

“Not anymore,” Viers leaned backward.

Since Ago was complaining quite loudly, Viers and Callahan picked up the topic easily.

“So he got to accomplish mandatory quests, huh? What bad timing. Now he can't go into the Biome tomorrow or even a few days after that depending on the task. All that benefits fall into another's hands. In his shoes, I would be upset too,” Callahan sympathized.

“Oh yeah, the guild gives unreasonable quests to adventurers from time to time. I haven't got the honor of being chosen for such glorious tasks,” Viers replied sarcastically.

“Well, Obsidian rank started to bear that burden. If you're lucky, mandatory quests won't fall on you more than once a year. I got mine last month, lucky it's not overly difficult. Fungus outbreak near a town. Refusing mandatory quests would incur heavy penalties though, your guild membership might even get revoked.”

“The woe of corporate slaves,” Viers said.

“I don't know what that means exactly but I can guess,” Callahan laughed. “See you around, Avel.”

“You plan to go to the new Biome again tomorrow?” Viers asked.

“You betcha.”

“...You looked tired. Perhaps you should take a few days off.”

“Are you kidding? Now’s not the time to take a break. Who knows how much longer this gold rush will last.”

“I see… Well, be careful out there,” Viers waved his hand.

“You too buddy. Let's eat together tomorrow. The restaurant on the fourth street has a spiced steak that you simply must try. It’s my favorite.”

“...If I’m not busy, sure.”

Viers watched as Callahan left the guild like a drunk man. He had put the happy necklace on again.

Well, there goes another flag.


Day 9 - Evening.

From the 116 adventurers that went in that morning, not a single one of them came out.


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