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But not all of Viers’ projects were progressing smoothly.

“Aaaahhh!” Clarissa held her head in pain.

“Clarissa, no!”

“Don't force yourself!”

Paina and Farley aided the fallen lamia princess who had lost consciousness.

“...She bit more than she could chew,” Viers examined her worriedly. He then plucked out a few monster souls, mixed them up with his Victa, and created a floating jelly-like substance on his hand. He pressed his hand on Clarissa’s chest, just below her neck.

“Gasp...” Clarissa soon opened her eyes again.

“Are you okay?”

“How are you feeling?”

The other two girls asked with worried faces.

“I’m okay. Just dived too deep, that’s all.”

Viers knew she only acted tough.

Excavating Arte from the Lamia Queen’s fragmented memories was not without danger. It was like searching for a sunken treasure among thousands of shipwrecks in stormy seas.

Clarissa could be swallowed by the streams of memories and lose her mind. To put it in analogy, during her earlier dive, her diving suit had a tear and the water came in. She almost drowned.

Viers knew this because he also experienced something similar with his soul searching.

But the difference between Clarissa and Viers was the owner of memories Clarissa tapped into was at least Level 5, possibly above.

Since Clarissa currently had the spec of Viers -Level 2- that meant she was diving in far more dangerous waters.

Although Vier healed her, Clarissa had not fully recovered, she looked tired and pale.

“I’m almost there, just... a bit... more.”

She said to Viers as if the fault was hers.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you. The fault is mine”

At Viers’ behest, Clarissa was searching for anti-divination Artes, preferably getting results as soon as possible. He didn't know how much she pushed herself until now.

Clarissa was a soldier. She was raised as one. If a superior told her to charge and take the hill, she would do it to the best of her ability, even with the risk of personal harm.

“I’ll make sure you have this Arte when it is time to leave this place,” Clarissa made a forceful smile.

“...Yes, that is preferable.”

“Viers!” Paina screamed.

“But-” Viers cut her off.

“But I don't want you to get hurt. I can deal with some pervert spying on me for some time but I can't deal with losing you.”

As if chastising a child, Viers patted Clarissa’s hair.

“Get some rest, princess. No more reckless diving. You are more important,” he said while smiling.

Clarissa was asleep for three days after that.

I played Frostpunk so I know how to balance hope and discontent of others while achieving results. What can I say, I don't want to be executed as a despot.

His alternative energy project had also met with a snag. No matter how much he tried, he could not turn souls into fuel yet, his mastery over souls was lacking.

Damn. Guess it’s still theoretical at this moment. Perhaps when I’m Level 3 or 4 things would be different? So this is how it feels to be limited by technology in my time…


“You’ve got to be kidding me. You have 26 siblings?” Viers was astonished.

“Perhaps that is too many compared to humans? Well, my father has been alive for a long time, and has multiple wives.” The horse-faced beastfolk looked a bit shy. “Perhaps that number has doubled now. I haven't been in touch with them for almost two decades.”

“Wait a minute… How old are you?”

“Should be 76 this year.”

Viers drinking tea at Shlomo’s house, it was one of Viers’ daily routines. They traded stories of their travels. The friendship between them was growing stronger. Most of the monsters in the ‘safe pass’ had become cured meat, only the big bad Rank 2 monster was left. Viers was almost healed and Shlomo was concocting a brew that would further weaken the monster.

“So you are old enough to be my grandpa, Shlomo. Guess I shouldn't be surprised you can do anything.”

According to his knowledge, Shlomo was skilled in trading, building, gardening, farming, cooking, sculpting, and traveling. He had knowledge befitting his age, which he shared readily with Viers. He was no slouch in battle and also dabbled in enchantment.

But perhaps because of his age, he was also prone to play it safe and take the wait-and-see approach. His lack of progress with the villagers before Viers came was the proof.

“The villagers seemed to have accepted you as one of their own. What are your plans now?”

“When the path to the next town is cleared, I figured it might be time to send letters to my family. Perhaps some of them would be willing to move to this place.”

“...While three or four beastfolks won't be drawing too much attention, it would be different if tens or hundreds of them live in the same place. It wouldn't escape the eyes of the authorities… You’ll need power or permission for that.” Viers heavy heartedly spoke his concern.

The Coalition is still a human dominant country after all.

“I know, friend Avel. I’ll approach matters carefully and one step at a time.”

“...I see. I have enjoyed our time together, friend. I’ll miss our conversations.”

“Ah. It is time then?” Shlomo said while looking at Viers’ left hand, it was no longer covered in cloth. He sensed the time of his friend to leave was near.

“Yes. Tomorrow, we shall slay the path blocking baboon monster.”

Viers said with confidence, he was itching for a fight.


In the Prime Material Realm, there were multiple ways for monsters to come to be.

From natural birth between two monsters, or evolved from normal animals and plants, or migrating from other realms such as Biomes, or spontaneously spawned from nature.

Other than the first, the rest usually only happened in a mana-rich environment.

But there were always exceptions to everything.

According to Shlomo, the Rank 2 Root-limbs Baboon just emerged one day, blocking the path.

“It is a slothful monster isn't it?” Viers spoke to Shlomo next to him. They both wore full battle gear. Although, Viers’ gear was not much compared to the other guy.

“When the Baboon dug in, it spread its roots deep into the earth, making it immobile but gaining amazing regeneration and defense. It is very territorial so it attacks everything that gets close.”

This area really has a lot of nature-themed monsters. Perhaps Dia’s Biome has something to do with it?

The duo looked at the 5 meters tall baboon monster. Its four limbs were made of roots and were absorbing nutrients from the earth. Shrubs and foliages grew on its back. The baboon was covered with grey fur and it was very thick on its chin area, making it look like a sleeping bearded monkey.

Path-blocking monster… Snorlax is much cuter than you.

“Shall we?” Viers tapped his spear to his shoulder.

“Let’s.” Shlomo threw five pots made of clay filled with purple liquid to the ground beneath the baboon monster.

Viers smelled a foul odor and heard sizzling corrosive sounds from the concoction dissolving the roots.


The baboon woke with a fury. Its roots snapped and it charged at Viers and Shlomo like a rabid dog.

The original plan was that Shlomo would handle the defense while Viers would attack. Shlomo had prepared detailed strategies for battling the Rank 2 Root-limbs Baboon but frankly, Viers didn't think they would need that much strategizing.

The reason was simple, he was strong.

“Okay girls. Let's do it.”

Viers held the spear in a reverse grip, ready to throw it like a javelin.

Arte — Combat Overture.

Paina started playing her flute, raising Viers’ overall strength. Victa was pulsing gallantly around Viers’ body.

Arte — Water Enchantment - Pierce.

Farley buffed Viers’ weapon, raising its penetrating power. Magical blue lines appeared on the surface of the spear.

Arte — Water Drill.

Viers added his own Arte to the mix. The spear was now cloaked with spiraling water.

The three put their full strength on their Artes. Viers was like a lit keg ready to blow. The power Viers was ready to unleash was so palpable, Shlomo unconsciously took a step back.

I knew he was strong from the start and didn't use all of his power when we hunted monsters together but I never thought the power he was hiding was so massive. He is no less powerful than those gifted children in the tribes!

It was no wonder Shlomo would think so. Viers was currently using three Artes at once, courtesy of Paina and Farley. It was more than simply the sum of the Artes individually, they were synergizing with each other.

And each of those Artes were yet again amplified by Viers’ Aspect.

Horizon: 73.43%!

Using his right foot at the bracing pillar, Viers threw his mighty spear like Poseidon throwing his trident.

None of the Artes were particularly high-level or special, but the three of them made those elementary Artes into a legitimate life-extinguishing weapon.


Realizing the danger of the water spear of death, the baboon pounded the ground with both of its hands. A thick wall of earth covered with roots rose from the ground.

The spear pierced the baboon’s shield as if it was made of paper.


Unnaturally agile despite its size, the baboon managed to twist its body slightly.

The spear hit its right arm and obliterated the arm alongside half of its torso. The spear continued its path until it disappeared into the trees.


The baboon monster hit the ground like a fallen elephant.

Shlomo opened his horse mouth in awe.

“...Avel, you-”

“It ain't over yet.”

Viers saw the baboon’s bones, flesh, muscle fibers, all regenerating at a speed visible to the naked eye. Its regeneration was far more potent than his own.

Well, it seems my current strength wasn't enough to one-hit a Rank 2 monster.

“Let’s go, Shlomo! Arte — Waterfall Strike!” Viers jumped a few meters high. His right fist was covered with water and he punched the baboon’s head as he went down.

Hehe. I must show him that this old man still has some tricks up his sleeves.

The horse beastfolk joined the battle.


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