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Viers was contemplating his familiar’s future.

Was Dia a monster or not?

He asked that question to the girls and they answered.

Dia, or rather, dryads, were not monsters therefore they belong to the other race category. Just like beastfolks, lamias, orcs, elves, and so on.

The reason was simple, monsters had monster cores.

Dryads are categorized as monsters in other fictions but it seems not in this world. Okay then.

At any rate, she was not a monster so she could cultivate.

Her physical strength was substantial, she was durable too. Her skin had the toughness of a mana-infused tree. If she wanted to, she could tear a lion apart with her bare hands.

She had other abilities too but that was mostly because she had a Biome at her back. Dia wasn't a Pathseeker, because she didn't walk the Path of Power.

As Viers’ familiar, that must change.

When Viers asked, Dia wasn’t against the idea, she was eager to be able to help Viers. Although, she admitted she doesn't remember what her previous self’s Path of Power was. She only vaguely recalled some detail, it needed soil and light.

Since Viers and the girls also didn't know a cultivation method that was suitable for her, they couldn't teach her how.

The Humans Path of Power was called Intio Magisterix.

Thanks to his beastfolk friend, Viers knew the beastfolk’s Path of Power was called Custora Branding.

Clarissa said the one for her race was called Eametia Inniah.

So with her permission, Viers soul-searched her. Although the person herself didn’t remember, her soul would.

The search was hard. It was delicate work and Viers didn't want to hurt Dia. Not to mention he was searching the memories of Dia’s previous self, not Dia herself.

After a week of tiring work, he succeeded. Beneath the hazy consciousness, Viers managed to pick up some basic information. It was called Sun’s Gift and Earth’s Bounty.

She must bathe in the light of the sun, absorb nutritious organic compounds, and have plenty of water.

It is actually frickin’ photosynthesis!

Viers had the urge to scream to the sky.

Naturally, it wasn’t the usual photosynthesis. She couldn't become a Level 5 simply by putting roots anywhere. A mana-rich environment was required.

Was that why her previous self ate men? For sustenance? Heh, Viers snickered.

Having the knowledge of three Path of Power -four if he included the monster’s one- Viers realized the similarity between them. All of them had the concept of absorbing power, especially mana.

Makes sense, I suppose. To become stronger, you have to gain power from somewhere. It’s about energy… How can an ordinary human become able to generate a fire blast from their hands? How can one have super strength? How can a wingless creature fly?

Magic? Sure. But even magic has to originate from somewhere.

Viers felt he now understood the principles of this world a little better.

Anywho… This Biome is the perfect place for her to train.


Having a place to call one’s own was a fine thing.

I always thought it won’t be an easy thing to have, especially for a wanderer like me. But life really is full of surprises.

Dia had made a tree house according to Viers’ direction.

The structure was made with a tree as the base. The house had a few rooms separated by walls of naturally growing wood and a second floor. The overall space was quite small but it was more than adequate for Viers’ needs.

“Do you like it, kin?”

“Hehe. Yes. Wood bends to your will. Very impressive, Dia.”

Viers playfully pushed her nose, to which she replied with a giggle. Unless she was in front of other people, her skin returned to her original green color. She said it was less stuffy that way.

The inside was filled with some furniture, mostly made of wood. There was a bed of fluffy cotton in case he needed to crash. Although, Viers reckoned he wouldn't be staying here much. He mainly needed a place to store some things.

Without an inventory item, bringing heavy or valuable items was a chore. So he decided to leave some in Dia’s Biome, the most secure place at his disposal.

The mysterious grimoire, Comet Shard, Scripture of Purity, were left in the Biome. They were too valuable and the Comet Shard was a pain to bring in a long journey, too heavy.

And one more thing, the elf token he got from the unfortunate man. It survived because he had the token in his pocket.

He put them all in a container very similar to a pirate’s treasure chest.

He decided to bring only the necessary magic items for the journey. The moon pendant, Power Treads, Dragonweave Gloves, and two locked inventory rings. They were small and not conspicuous.

After putting his things in order, Viers walked outside the house. He took a deep breath, the air was filled with the scent of earth and greeneries.

He observed the large swath of paradise where he built his first home.

I could make a country here. Under my rule, it can be a haven for all races to live without discrimination…

Viers imagined a grand city, humans, beastfolk, elves, dwarves, all were living harmoniously. A place of progress and beauty where he stood at the top.

But I must be strong enough before such a thing is possible. I have no delusion that peace is possible without someone or something enforcing it.

The sad truth of the world. Where there were people, there would be conflicts. And although Viers couldn't say for the other races, he knew the human heart very well. Their greed was insatiable.

If he carelessly opened his door to others, it wouldn’t be wise. Killing someone then taking their property was a very normal occurrence in this world. War, invasion, theft, plunder, all was a normal occurrence in this world where power speaks the loudest.

That is why I cannot tell Shlomo about this place.

Shlomo wished for a place of peace for his people. Viers could give it to him.

But he didn't do so.

His gains would be meager and the risks were sky-high.

Viers wasn’t the type of person that moved because of his emotion.

I’ll miss this place.


After she met big brother Avel her life had changed. The days that were filled with grey loneliness became colorful. Others treated her like a monster in human skin but not him.

He was kind, he was smart, he could do magic, he could do anything.

They played together until she was tired, his stories were interesting, he turned scary monsters into tasty food for her and her parents.

Big brother Avel was Luca’s hero.

Not too long along ago, a new day meant a new unpleasantness. Hungry, cold, loneliness, scorn, insult. Her mood was always dreary.

Big brother Avel was a gust of wind that chased away the clouds and brought a clear blue sky.

Every day was fun. She was happy. Her parents were happy too, she could tell. From the hum of her mother when she was sewing, to the smile on her father’s face when he was baking clay. Even Mister Horse had his fair share of happiness. He always enjoyed the conversation he had with brother Avel, Ojoko told her so.

And then Dia also came and lived with them, the house became a little cramped but the fun doubled.

She couldn’t recall the last time she played with a girl her age. Dia was so easily impressed so Luca showed her a lot of things.

Every time she saw Dia’s amazed face, Luca felt the pride of a big sister. Big bro Avel told her that Dia might be older than her by a lot but that was not possible. Luca was convinced big bro was just teasing her.

But the fun was not to last.

Big bro Avel and Mister Horse defeated the monster blocking the safe pass. That night, there was a celebration. It was fun, just like the first bar-be-kyu big bro organized. The whole village was there, thanking big bro and Mister Horse like the saviors they are. It seemed the villagers would be able to travel farther now and there might be new people visiting the village. Luca didn’t really understand but that was good, right?

Shame Dia must hide and couldn’t participate, big bro Avel told Luca and her parents to keep Dia’s existence a secret. Luca was a good girl so she did. And since she was Dia’s big sister, she brought her a souvenir. Huhuhu, Luca’s brilliant idea moved Dia so much that she shed a tear.

After the party was over, big bro told Luca and Dia that he would leave. Mom and Dad were there too, watching.

She knew it would happen sooner or later but just one more day, just one more day later, she always hoped.

The thing was, the three of them would be separated from one another.

The village was no longer isolated and Dia’s existence was too sensitive so big bro Avel decided she must be hidden and her magic space closed. Meanwhile, Dia would be starting her journey as a Pathseeker and training inside the place with magical plants.

Luca horrifically realized she would be left behind!

Dia’s expression was like hers, they both didn’t want to be separated from each other and from big bro Avel.

They both cried, she and Dia. Luca feared the days before she met big bro Avel would return.

“Come on, girls. It’s just two or three months. Dia, it would just be like a nap to you. Grow roots, bask in the giant sunflower’s light, and sleep. Luca, your place is here, your parents are here… Have you decided if you want to be a Pathseeker or not?”

Big bro Avel had been teaching her a lot about Pathseekers, mostly the bad parts. About how tiring, painful, and dangerous it was. She suspected he wanted to dissuade her to become a Pathseeker.

But big brother Avel is a Pathseeker and Dia was becoming one. If she didn’t, then would she still be able to be with them? So Luca only had one answer.

“Yes. I want to be a Pathseeker.”

Big bro Avel replied after making a half-smile half-frown.

“So be it. But humans mustn’t start training to become Pathseeker before the age of fifteen. It is too dangerous. I’ve explained this to you multiple times. Even I am not an exception. Keep practicing the basics I taught you then, diligently. It would be your foundation… Awww don’t cry, you little flowers. We still have a week. Let’s make the most of it.”

A week went past in the blink of an eye. Big bro was so handsome that day, wearing the new garb Mom made for him. It was early in the morning, the sun had not yet come out. Only her family and Dia were there to bid him goodbye.

“This is it then. Please take care of Shlomo, he drank so much alcohol yesterday night I’m afraid he will have quite the hangover.”

Big bro Avel had become a bit slimmer. Shame, Luca liked using his stomach as a pillow.

“Leave it to us. Mister Avel, Godspeed on your journey. Thank you, is not enough for what you’ve done.”

“It has been the most joyful time. Please do visit us again when it is possible.”

Arim and Susan said their farewell.

“I will. Dia, don’t be afraid. We might be temporarily apart but we’re not disconnected.” He tapped his finger on Dia’s chest. “I feel you. Can you feel me?”

“Yes. I’m not afraid. Be careful, kin.” Dia was holding back her tears.

Finally, big brother turned to her.

“Well, little duck. Do you remember what you are?”

“…I’m a swan.”

“Do you believe it?”

“…I do.”

“I look forward to your growth then, lady swan. Farewell.”

Big brother Avel walked to the distance, the four of us kept watching. After he was some distance away, he turned around and gave a big wave one last time.

He saw Luca smiling despite the tears on her face. It was a strong smile. A smile that looked forward to a brighter tomorrow.


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