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Viers ate the cherry-sized fruit from the mystical dancing plant. A taste of grape spread throughout his mouth and he swallowed it with great relish.

He could feel life, a potent life force was spreading all over his body. From the core of his stomach to the tips of his fingers. His life span had been replenished greatly.


Combined with all the monsters he had eaten since he arrived at Pecan Village, Viers now had about 40 years of life span in his tank. He’d come a long way since his old age crisis a few weeks ago.

The only injury he still had was his left hand that hadn't finished regenerating. With the ample life force at his disposal, Viers could hasten it. It would be fully grown by tomorrow if he so wished but Viers didn't do so. It would consume more life span in exchange for recovery speed and Viers had no need to rush.


Freya beheaded Viers with one clean stroke.


The beheaded Viers dissolved into streams of data and a new Viers respawned in his place, grunting hurtfully.

“Shit!” He cursed while touching his neck. “Again!”

Viers was holding a spear using one hand, he battled Freya in earnest. They were atop a chequered arena, the floor was empty squares with yellow edges. It was as if the two were fighting on a floating platform in space.

The Grid, the place where Viers battled Sigma’s system.

Viers had usurped the foolish otherworlder’s system and salvaged some of its features. Ultimately, he managed to make a virtual simulation from the splintered and incomplete system.

The projection of Freya had the real one’s power, speed, and techniques embedded in it. At least, to the degree of what Viers witnessed and experienced.

Since Viers didn't have to worry about Victa in this place, he battled without holding back. All of his skills and Artes were unleashed.

And she still wiped the floor with him.

Freya dodged his thrust with minimal movement and pierced his heart with her rapier. Viers was defeated for the 19th time.

It’s been a week since I started a virtual battle with her, 19 losses out of 19 matches… She is an opponent worthy to be included in the Darks Souls series. Of course, a design alteration is first in order. She should be made more Duke's Dear Freja-ish… or Witch of Hemwick rather than Crossbreed Priscilla.

Viers opened his eyes and returned to the real world. The sun was shining and the sky was particularly blue. Viers was sitting cross-legged on the grass nearby his field.

A scarecrow stood in the middle of the vegetable field. The crops looked big and healthy, despite the odd color. Beware of Cock, was written on a plaque that the chicken-headed scarecrow wore on its neck.

You know what Jin buddy? As much as I respect you and your life’s choices –and I certainly see the appeal of it– I feel I must travel the world and experience… more things before I put down my sword and took up a hoe as you did. However, after I was tired of the blood and death, you showed me how I should spend my retirement days. Cheers.

Viers raised his waterskin to the scarecrow before drinking from it.

The virtual reality idea came to him while he was bathing in the river and a crab pinched his toe. Even he didn't know how that idea came to be. Naturally, the crab became his dinner that night.

“Awright. Time to harvest the navy blue turnips. I wonder how they taste?”

Viers rolled up his sleeves and walked briskly to the field.


Viers was looking at the vast landscape of the Biome in front of him. There were hills, mountains, lakes, rivers, and plains… a virgin land of tremendous potential.

Dia was sitting cross-legged on the grass not far from him. Her eyes were closed and she was in deep concentration.

A Biome was a place coveted by every faction in the world. An environment with rich mana and resources. People usually raided or even invaded Biomes to take and plunder. Which country or man didn't want to possess a mystical land?

Viers was the master of the master of this place. Dia became his familiar, willingly. He could extinguish her life if he wanted to. If he told Dia to transfer the ownership of the Biome to him then she would do so.

But he had no intention of doing such a thing. Viers had no intention of doing any ill to Dia, she had already thrown her lot with Viers thus they were on the same side. Family.

Clarissa told him a strange thing, that this Biome was different from the other Biomes. Dia was connected to the Biome more tightly than normal. In a sense, every plant in this place was a part of her. Like cells in human bodies. That was why this Biome did not generate animals or monsters in the first place. Plant monsters were a thing, that none of the trees had turned into monsters were enough to warrant investigation.

“Perhaps when the previous dryad died, she became the plants of this place. One of those plants possessed more of her than usual and became Dia.” Clarissa thought of a possibility.

At any rate, Viers naturally had plans to develop this place into prime real estate. A seat of power for him and his allies.

Cultivating here is very beneficial and that is only the first merit. I could sell the already abundant products of this place for a great sum of funds. Planting rare and precious herbs that are hard to grow is an option too. Introducing and raising animals and monsters to this place should be beneficial in the long run, as long as I’m careful. Also, a safe haven to run and hide if I was pursued. A great defensible fortress, Dia is very strong in this place… I could even raise armies here. Holy hell, what a home.

Viers had envisioned a grand dream for this place.

“I did it! Kin, I did it!”

Dia proudly showed Viers a seed in her hands.

“Good girl. I’m so very glad I met you.” Viers patted her head.


Dia too felt very blessed to meet Viers, the one who saved her from the despairing grip of utter loneliness.

Before he left the Biome, Viers unfurled the cloth covering his left hand. His left hand had fully grown back. Viers clenched and unclenched it a few times then his lips curled upwards.

I have fully recovered and gained many harvests. My power grows but I can’t become the strongest only by staying in this place... It’s about time for me to depart.


The three treasures of Reverend Purity.

Scripture of Purity Profound Codex, Dragonweave Gloves, and the Comet Shard.

Viers tested the gloves for their durability. Despite him putting them through the wringer, there wasn't a tear on the pair of gloves.

Cool. It should be able to stop swords and bullets then. Chainmail is better but beggars can't be choosers.

As for the Comet Shard, Viers smashed it to craggy rock and the rock gave.

This in itself is a blunt weapon. If I haven't found a smith to make a weapon from it, I’ll smash the next rock-headed fool with a suicide wish with this. Muahahahah!

Viers was the type to eat his favorite food last so he left the Profound Codex for the finale.

Giddy, Viers opened the scroll.

As he read, his smiling face froze.

To summarize, Scripture of Purity was a Level 5 Codex, A Profound Codex that could bring the practitioner to Level 5. The benefits of practicing this Codex were very tempting, it tripled the Victa generation of the practitioner. To practice this Profound Codex one must be a virgin, male and female alike. As they continued practicing the Scripture of Purity, they would gradually lose all carnal desires and sexual intent, thus maintaining their purity forevermore.

It took all Viers had to not burn the Codex on the spot.

This… This is a heretical scripture. It must not spread and plague the masses. It is an insult to the natural order of things. Men and women must be joined to have children!

Viers had an ugly expression, as if he was suddenly drafted to participate in D-Day.

I shall not let this stand. Think of the children! What would happen if there are no next generation of kids in this world? Humanity would end!

Viers shuddered if such a Profound Codex was unleashed into the world, especially to the Estellian Church. Would it spread like a global pandemic? Certainly he wasn't the only one in the world to seek power, was he? What if those men and women were desperate enough to practice the Codex’s nefarious way?

The church would definitely weaponize this Codex and spread it far and wide in the name of purity and whatnot. I don't care if the men become infertile but the women must not catch this disease!

Whatever could Viers mean?

That is my intent. I definitely do not have any ulterior motives.

He lied.

Hmph! Instead of a dual cultivation technique, I found this? Is this the workings of Fate too? So I cannot have se-

Viers left that trail of thought unfinished.

Ahem! It falls to me to take custody of such vile, sinful, apocalyptic scripture. Perhaps some good things could be extracted from the bowels of such dark creation but until then, no matter what, this scripture must remain hidden from the good honest fellows of the world.

Viers resolved himself to save the whole generation after him. No matter how heavy the burden.

“So, Viers, what does it say?” Clarissa asked.

“The contents of that unholy scripture shall never see the light of day. It is enough for me alone to bear its burden.” Viers spoke with the resolve of a martyr.

“Ehhh? Don't be so petty. Tell us,” Paina teased.

“NO! This is not something for girls like you three to see. It will corrupt you!”

“...More than you?” Clarissa challenged his claim.


And so Viers Isuel became the eternal guardian of the Scripture of Purity.


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