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By the time Viers and the group returned to the temporary mansion where Countess Grace and Croix stayed for the duration of the Prix, it was way past midnight. It didn't take long before the other separated into their quarters for some sleep.

It was in those circumstances that Viers knocked on Ciel’s door, inviting for a soirée.

“...Are you serious?” Ciel asked, wearing a robe over her sleepwear.

“You don't have to come, but since you already took a plunge into my life of your own volition, I figured to give you a glimpse.

“Glimpse? To what?”

“My secret. Are you coming?”

Ciel reflected upon Viers’ offer. Usually, she would refuse a very shady invitation such as this, made in the middle of the night no less. Then she realized this was an opportunity to unravel the many layers of mystery surrounding the man in front of her.

“Fine. Where are we going?”

Viers gave her a small plant pot. Just a pot with soil and a seed.

“When you are ready, give the seed water and your Victa. See you there.” Viers stopped closing the door halfway. “There will be other people so you might want to change.”

Ciel was alone in the room once more, holding a plant pot. Standing still.

She placed the pot on top of the table and got ready. She tied her hair, donned her Silver Legion armor, slipped her sword on her belt, and equipped her shield on her left arm.

If she were to hit a dangerous monster lair, she would wear these, her best gear.

Where she would go next, might be more dangerous than that.

Other noble ladies might need servants to get dressed but her experience with the Silver Legion taught her some clothes don't need others’ help to wear. Something that she didn't know until she enrolled with the Silver Legion and stayed in the communal barrack for first recruits. Her family doted on her too much.

After double-checking, she did as Viers said and gave the seed water from the drinking water jug on the table, along with her Victa.

A small plant grew at a visible rate and then a portal appeared beside it, big enough for a person to step through.

Ciel went inside without hesitation, fully on guard.


“There it is!” A woman with black hair said happily. “We’ve arrived!”

Yokatta…” Another woman with black hair sighed in relief.

The two were on the deck of a ship. The sea vessel had seen better days. It had been sailing the seas limping, battered and bruised by the journey. Yet she still delivered the passengers to their destination. The ever-closer lights from the port town at night looked particularly pretty.

The other sailors shared the two women's sentiments. However, unlike the others, the two women came from further east. It reflected on the strange garments they wore.

“By the Kami… I thought we were done for when the last storm hit. Sea monsters, whirlpools, living waves, wind elementals, sirens… Were your previous trips like this before, Sakuya-chan?”

“I only made one trip to the mainland, Yayoi-chan, and no. Not as tumultuous as this. If it was, I would be dead. I was only Level 2 at the time.”

“But this is the second time you come here without telling your parents. Oooh, my auntie is a rebellious woman, how sinful,” Yayoi smirked.

“Can't be helped, little niece. The clan is in the middle of something important. It’s up to us,” Sakuya said.

“What ‘us’? You left on your own without even telling me. But you’re a hundred years too early to pull a fast one on me.”

Yayoi sneaked in on the ship her aunt of the same age boarded.

“It’s dangerous,” Sakuya said her reasoning again for the ninth time they had this discussion.

“Too dangerous for me but not for you, is that it?”

“That’s not-”

“I won't let you have all the fun,” Yayoi grinned. “I wanna see the continent too.”

Sakuya sighed, but she was actually grateful in her heart. A lone journey was lonely.

The ship slowly sailed to the port under the blanket of darkness. It didn't take long until the pair disembarked the ship.

“Regidana…” Sakuya said with melancholy once her feet landed on the ground. “It’s been four years.”

Memories of the Aletro’s Book World trial came rushing back. It was in this very city it happened.

“Finally back, hm? So, somewhere in this vast land your boyfriend and the Matriarch exist. How do you plan on finding them? We’re strangers in a strange land.”

“Tana-” Sakuya paused, stopping herself from saying the infamous name out loud. “That person is not my boyfriend...”

Yayoi felt bad for making Sakuya sad and changed the conversation. “Fine, your sweetheart. Let’s go find a place to stay. Perhaps a change of clothes first? Our kimono draws too much attention.”

Sakuya placed a hand on her bosom. A white card given to her by Tanael was tucked under the fabric. Four years had passed, a year past her plan. During this period, not a single word from Tanael. Had she gone too long?

Does he still remember me?

Sakuya shook her head. She was on the continent now, no longer separated by seas. She just had to seek him out.

…A man of Tanael-sama’s stature has surely accomplished great things. For starters, I’ll follow the rumors.

It wasn't a bad plan, but futile. If the two women went to a tavern and asked for Tanael, they would indeed hear rumors about him. Nothing good of course, since the cities of the Free People Coalition still felt the after-effect of soul criminals that Tanael had a hand in raising.

Only, they wouldn't know the location of Tanael himself. He had hidden himself deeply from the masses, not to mention he hadn't been seen for three years. Some hopefuls thought he was already dead. Pathseeker life was dangerous, evil pathseeker, even more so.

Thankfully, Sakuya and Yayoi didn't need to go through that.

“Miss Sakaki Sakuya, I presume?”

Sakuya and Yayoi were approached as soon as the two walked out of the harbor by two robed figures.

“Who’s asking?” Sakuya went on guard, as did Yayoi.

“We came on behalf of…”

The figure showed a white card, just like the one Sakuya had. Even though it was just a plain white card, Sakuya felt Tanael’s card had something special about it that ordinary things didn't have. That was confirmation that the mysterious figure’s white card was given by Tanael, the same as her.

“He invited you to his home and sent us to lead the way. Of course, you are not obligated to accept. You’re free to choose.”

The person stored her white card back in one of the pockets on her robe. It was just a glimpse but Sakuya was sure the white card had drawings on it.

“Well, that was fast,” Yayoi got the context by seeing Sakuya’s reaction.

“He remembers…” Sakuya had both hands covering her mouth and her eyes tearing up.

“Alright auntie, stop with the waterworks. You haven't even seen him yet,” Yayoi offered a handkerchief.

“Tanael-sama, is he well?” Sakuya used the handkerchief.

“Very well,” the other figure said. “Perhaps too well. Hell, even if he’s beaten until the edge of his life, he bounced back. You accept the invitation then?”

Sakuya nods.

“Then follow us. We’ll use a special method to go where he is,” the mysterious figure one then seems to look at Yayoi. “You, however, are unexpected.”

“Come on, don't tell me I'm not invited.” Yayoi scoffed.

“Y-Yayoi-chan is-” Sakuya tried to interject.

“He said it's fine,” the mysterious figure two said. “However, only if she would agree to sign an agreement to never share the details of her experience there.”

“Not a problem,” Yayoi smiled. “I’m a girl that can keep a secret.”

Sakuya was so glad Yayoi could come.

“One more thing, Miss Sakuya. Once we arrive, you must not address him as Tanael. Both of you. Make sure you do not let it slip either.”

“Okay, but why?” Sakuya was confused.

“Because there will be other people there that don't know he is Tanael. If they know he and Tanael are the same person, there will be… fallout.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” the other robbed figure commented.

“I understand,” Sakuya said.

“Shall we?”

“We’re going outside of the city, right? Can I ask for a little detour? There’s a place nearby that I’d like to visit.”

The mysterious figures stopped.

“War’s grave?”

Sakuya showed her surprise. “You knew?”

“You might not know us, Miss Sakuya, but we knew you. It’s my hope for us to be closer after tonight, perhaps we might call each other as friends.”

“I’d be glad to.”

“The hill over there…?” Mysterious figure two muttered. “We have to run there or it will take too much time. Is that agreeable?”

“Thank you,” Sakuya replied.

“Running? Since you know about us then you must know we shinobi are agile runners. Can you keep up?” Yayoi teased. Since they were all Level 3, she wanted to have a look at the capabilities of the people of the mainland.

“A lively one, aren't you?” Mysterious figure two seemed to be smiling under her hood. “Glad you still have energy to spare after crossing the ocean.”

“Then let us be on our way,” mysterious figure one said and at the next blink, the four disappeared. A nearby passerby thought he had seen ghosts.

Fifteen minutes later, the four stopped at a hill overlooking the city. The moons were covered by clouds tonight but all of them seemed to have no difficulty traveling in low-brightness conditions.

“Not bad, not bad,” Yayoi was slightly out of breath.

“You too,” mysterious figure two replied, also slightly out of breath.

Sakuya let her breathing slowly return to normal as she touched the tombstone that had been slightly eroded by the elements.

“Hello, War. This is Famine, or Sakuya, whichever you prefer. I'm sorry I haven't been able to visit.”

Sakuya put her palms together and gave respect to the dead. Yayoi and the other two gave her space and silence.

“...My gratitude for giving me this opportunity,” Sakuya finished her prayer and pretty flowers grew around the grave.

“Oh yeah, you’re a Wood Pathseeker. Feels inaccurate since your kind has mastery over plants rather than strictly wood,” mysterious figure two said. “I bet our next stop feels like paradise for you.”

Mysterious figure one placed a seed on the soil nearby. To Sakuya’s senses, that seed was very extraordinary, like a part of something greater, separated, yet connected. Sakuya would love to examine it more closely.

The robbed woman, Sakuya knew from her voice, watered the seed using the water she created and a plant swiftly grew, the next movement, a magical portal appeared.

“Please follow me,” mysterious figure one entered the portal.

“It’s just a quick hop,” mysterious figure two entered next.

Sakuya and Yayoi were left.


Sakuya entered without waiting for Yayoi to finish her sentence. To her, Tanael was beyond here. What was there to think about?

“...Oh sure, surely nothing will go wrong after following two mysterious women that not at all dressed like they have something to hide and enter a weird portal that we know nothing at all,” Yayoi grumbled. “What could possibly go wrong?”

Despite her reluctance, Yayoi entered too. She didn't want to get left behind alone on a foreign continent.

Yayoi bumped into Sakuya’s back.

“Hey, make room.”

Sakuya didn't answer. The fantastical environment around them that looked straight out of a fairytale didn't matter one bit.

A man was standing about five meters in front of her. He smiled at her.

The face was different, the color of his eyes and hair were different, even his Victa felt different than she remembered. Yet her soul knew.

Konbanwa, Sakaki Sakuya. My face is not as handsome as you remember, unfortunately. That was a fake. Are you disappointed?”

Sakuya shook her head. She ran towards him and hugged him.

“I missed you,” she said with flowing tears from her eyes.

“And I am glad we met again,” Viers gave her a pat on the back twice.

Nearby, Yayoi watched her aunt have her moment. Mysterious figures one and two lowered their hood, revealing they were Farley and Paina. Clarissa, Jessica, Zerri, Boram, the three teens, the familiars, were also nearby.

Another portal appeared on the grassland they were on and Ciel joined them last, wearing full armor.

Meanwhile, Viers and the others were wearing party gowns or semi-formals. Even Dia wore a nice leaf dress. Faiya and Futon had something like a bowtie to make them stylish.

“Err…” With all the eyes on her, Ciel wasn't sure what to say.

“Relax, girl,” Viers said, still being hugged by Sakuya. “Ditch the armor, you won't need it. I don't demand you to wear a ball gown, especially after the Emerith Ball, but at least wear something more comfortable.”

“Viers, what is this?” Ciel asked.

“It's the afterparty. Some of my folks here weren't able to participate in our earlier party, which is a shame. So I hosted one. Also, to introduce them to new members.”



It's not a love-triangle it's a love-directed-graph. Especially if you add Sakuya and maybe Clarissa to the list from last time. Could have guessed that as soon as Viers get's a 'girlfriend' Sakuya would suddenly appear. Can't wait to see. Also all of the secret identity's seem to be kinda on the verge of collapsing. The countess knows that Avel is Taneal and Ciel knows that Avel is Viers and knows about Boram. She could probably figure out he was in the same book-trail as Tanael. Meanwhile I am not quite sure if Boram even knows he has Soul affinity but he wil probably find out at some point and Zerrigan is also walking around the biome with him and wil probably create more xerg at some point. Not that he could not handle it at this point but it would certainly cause chaos.