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A commoner with no status, no title and no reputation, a slight step above animals for some of the nobles even, scored a duke’s daughter. Furthermore, she was a ten out of ten girl. Physically speaking, Avel was a five, and those were the scores rounded up.

Now, as the two were dancing romantically whilst gazing at each other’s eyes with longing affection. They danced as if they were the only two people in the world.

There was a reason why the Beauty and the Beast story was a timeless classic.

Just as Viers intended.


Boram was looking at the dancing pair with amazement. Seeing his Master dancing with such a pretty girl somehow made him proud.

“Boram.” Someone called.


“Remember me?” A young man asked.

“Squire? Eugene!” Boram said with surprise in his voice.

“Hahaha, I’m glad you still remember me.”

The young man was Eugene. He was one of the nine people who survived the events of Book World’s final stage. Boram had a pretty good relationship with the man and not only because they were both on Team White. He used the alias Squire back then.

That was almost four years ago.

“Look at you. How you’ve grown,” Eugene said. “You were so short. Managed to overcome the side effects of your early awakening, did you? I’m happy for you.”

“Yeah. How are you here? Wait, scratch that. I recall you are originally from Latias. Not a squire anymore, I see,” Boram deduced from the other man’s clothing.

“Fate has been kind to me. I’m a knight serving House Valentine now. My latest assignment is to be a guard of the wayward young mistress who has recently returned home,” Eugene looked at the dancing Avel and Ciel. “Imagine my surprise when seeing the two of you here… I’ve always suspected your master is not an ordinary man. How extraordinary indeed to have caught the eye of the young mistress.”

“Ehehe.” Boram was happier hearing his master get praised rather than himself. “Where’s your horse? You never went anywhere without him.”

“And you are right. Baster is at the stable. Unfortunately, he’s not a dragon so I can't bring him to the ballroom, hahaha.”

Boram and Eugene, two friends who unexpectedly bumped into each other, began catching up.


Avel and Ciel stood out, in their highlight, they even grabbed more attention compared to the princes and princesses. With the self-slapping incident from before, Avel’s position as Croix's vassal was known. This in turn brought attention to Croix and other considerations, such as: would the only daughter of the Valentine Duchy also side with the prince with the red dragon?

Having multiple wives and concubines was pretty normal for the nobility class, especially those who were rich and powerful. Not many could be more rich and powerful than the Duke of Valentine. However, the current duke was famously loyal to his wife, refusing to take other women.

While that was well and good, another issue emerged, about descendants.

Normally, people with a similar position to Ciel's father would be having lots of children already. However, the duke and duchess were not blessed with many, but one. Perhaps the Goddess altered quantity for quality. The daughter’s excellence and potential already showed from an early age.

That made Ciel Valentine the only heir of an old and powerful House. It had been more than twenty years and that state of affairs hadn’t changed. As the possibility of a son born into the Valentine House grew dimmer each year, the value of the hand of Ciel inversely grew brighter.

Theus Mercea was one of such people who were aiming for that hand. For Theus, it was more personal than others. As the two were both progeny of ducal houses, they were familiar with one another.

Now, the woman of Theus’ dreams was in the embrace of another man. Love was such a funny thing. It could become the source of strength to move heaven and earth, but it could also become the origin of cavernous despair and hate.

“Yo, Theus.”

Theus turned to his caller. It was Stratos.

“Had enough dancing with your beloved?” Theus asked.

“For now. Seems things aren't going so well with you and your beloved, hm?” Stratos naturally looked at the Avel and Ciel. His own dance with Princess Celestine would long remain as a precious memory.

On the other hand, Theus wasn't able to dance with the young lady of House Valentine. And then, she was taken by another man.

Stratos was aware of the existence of Ciel but this was the first time the young man saw her directly. She was a beauty comparable to Celestine. Fortunately, his heart had already belonged to the former, else he feared he might waver. He couldn't imagine what his best friend was going through right now.

“This will not stand,” Theus said in a small voice.

Ciel Valentine, a pearl of the realm, was being sullied by a thing that emerged from a cesspit. For her own good, the filth must be cleansed. Each moment he endured was torture. His heart ached and demanded justice.

“And how will you do that?” Stratos asked.

“Whatever it takes,” Theus resolutely said.

“Isn't that too extreme?”

“Think Stratos, wouldn't you do the same if it’s Celestine there? If your love is genuine, that is.”


“Exactly. Those that don't have the balls to do whatever it takes means their love is half-assed.”


“Oh my, Lady Valentine’s debut seems to have created a flowerstorm,” Celestine spoke with a voice that felt like silk.

“Stratos and his best friend are plotting something,” Solany informed.

“Men and their plots.” Celestine chuckled, then she saw Solany’s way of looking at the commoner that Ciel chose as a partner for an intimate dance.

“Are you curious about him too?”

“Yes, but not in the way you think, my lady. He-”

Solany transmitted the rest using telepathy. She suspected the man, who was Prince Croix’s vassal, was the man who made her former fiance disappear. She didn't have conclusive evidence since there were too many ways a Pathseeker could erase their trails or lay deceptions, but her intuition said so.

“I wouldn't discount your intuition, dear Solany. Prince Croix’s team seems to become more interesting. But enough of that for tonight. Take my hand, Solany.”


“I wouldn't end this night without a dance with you.”

The matter of Avel and her hateful former fiance was summarily gone from Solany’s mind. She did as the princess asked and went to the dancefloor together. Her heart was filled with happiness and fulfillment.

Yet she must control what would be shown on the surface. Avel and Ciel’s display of affection was almost scandalous but at least they were man and woman.

The case was different between her and Celestine. Their dance shall be an act of two good friends and must not go beyond that. The expectations of society demanded it. Furthermore, she would rather die than be a tarnish to the princess’ reputation, not when she must be perfect, not at this crucial time when she fought for the throne.

Just the dance, just this moment, was enough.


The ball didn't revolve around Ciel alone. After her dance with an exotic animal was over, the night continued. Ciel and Avel themselves felt one dance was enough. It wasn't about length, but intensity and their one round conveyed enough to get gossipers talking.

“Pleased to meet you, Prince Croix. Forgive me for not greeting you sooner,” Ciel did a curtsy.

“You’re too courteous, Lady Valentine,” Croix bowed back. He might be a prince but it was only a title. Some other princes might think it was enough to get cocky but not Croix. Because of his upbringing and lessons from a priest of the Estellian Church, he could see the world more clearly, including his own position.

“I must confess I didn't know you and Mister Avel were in such a good relationship.”

“Darling, you didn't tell them about me? How awful,” Ciel made a face at Viers next to him, to which he replied with a coarse grunt. “Make sense, actually. He does have a bad habit of hiding things, like squirrels hiding acorns, fufu. I find it cute.”

Ciel pushed her finger at Viers’ cheek. Squirrels and acorns? More like skeletons and closets. But whatever, Viers thought. He signed up for this, fake boyfriend and vassal both, now he got to play the part.

Then viers got a realization.

…Holy shit. I’m being a rental boyfriend? Kareshi, Okarishimasu?

Realizing the similarities with a manga that he liked, Viers found it amusing.

The series was pretty good until making the movie arc… Been quite slow since then.

Meanwhile, Croix and Ciel were making small talk.

“Prince, I have a request, sudden and presumptuous it might be, may I enter your team for the Grand Prix?” Ciel asked.

Croix didn't expect Ciel’s request.

“W-What brought this on?”

“I would like to be at my boyfriend’s side even for a moment longer. We’ve been separated for too long. If I don't take this chance, who knows when the opportunity will come again? Fate seems keen on seeing us separated, you see. Of course, I will give my all for the competition. I’m beneath the age limit so what’s left is the team leader’s permission. I hope you’ll permit me, as meager as my strength is.

“Meager,” Croix almost choked. A Level 4 strength is meager? He cast a glance at Viers.

“She should be better than most that you can find,” said Viers. He acknowledged Ciel’s power, but he felt she was getting too flirty with him.

“How mean! Is that all I am to you?” Ciel's shocked face made some boys in their surroundings turn into faithful crusaders, about to demand a duel with Avel to defend the lady’s honor. It was her next action that stopped them.

“But that’s part of what I like about you. So cool…”

The would-be-crusaders suffered heavy mental damage from Ciel's enchanted and bashful cutesy expression. Grunts of pain escaped their lips as if they had been stabbed by a real knife.

Viers had to give it to Ciel, she sure could act.

“If I may ask, my lady,” Alfred came forward, expectant. “Can we take it as the stance of the Valentine Duchy?”

If a duchy openly supported Prince Croix, the older knight would be over the moon.

“Unfortunately, I can only offer my support as an individual, not as a representative of my family. I hope Prince Croix finds me satisfactory,” Ciel said.

“Of course,” Croix offered his hand for a handshake. “Welcome to the team.”

While seeing Ciel shaking Croix’s hand, Alfred was still happy for the sudden boon. Avel and Ciel, two Level 4s. Boram was an extraordinary Level 3. Lastly, the prince with his dragon.

A formidable team.

The throne seems more real now.

“Ciel,” someone called.

“Freya!” Ciel’s face lit up. “It’s been too long!”

“It is. May I have a moment?” Freya said expressionlessly. Ciel didn't mind. Her fellow Silver Legionnaire was just like that.

Ciel left to speak privately after saying goodbye to Croix’s group. Five minutes later, she came back without Freya. There was no oddness in her behavior. Viers didn't ask what they were talking about.

The night went on, as did Viers’ charade, until finally, the ball came to an end.

The guests came, the quests left. By all accounts, Ciel should leave with her family’s cohort. However, she insisted on coming along with Prince Croix’s group carriage, which Viers was.

Also, the Countess of Stormberg, Grace Weiss.

The enchanted carriage’s interior was as vast as a private airplane and very comfortable but with the Level 5 with them, it didn't feel spacious or comfortable enough.

The younger generation didn't dare to make too much noise to not displease the Countess, even the unruly juvenile dragon knew his place in the food chain and was in his behavior. The entire journey to their temporary residence in the Capital was filled with awkward silence. Viers thanked God the destination was only thirty minutes away.

In the middle of the trip, something happened.

Only Ciel and the Countess experienced it.

Time was frozen for all the rest.

“Little lady.”

“Yes, honored Countess?” Ciel respectfully answered.

Other people who cared more about status or peerage might address Ciel with more respect but Grace Weiss wasn't one of them. Ciel wasn't offended and gave the Countess the respect she deserved as a senior and stronger Pathseeker.

“Will your little charade bring trouble to my nephew?”

Ciel picked her answer carefully and answered honestly.

“I’ll do my best it won't,” her voice had a slight tremor despite her best effort.

“See to it you won't. I have not the patience to deal with another troublemaker.”


Viers Isuel: Our protagonist. Does not love Ciel.

Ciel Valentine: Duke’s daughter. Does not love Viers.

Theus Mercea: Another Duke’s son. Does love Ciel.

Stratos Gaelos: Theus’ best bud. Does love Celestine.

Celestine Amethyst Latias: Princess. Does love Stratos(?).

Solany Lucan: Another Duke’s daughter. Does love Celestine.


Novel Addict

Trouble coming soon


"Ciel picked his answer carefully and answered honestly", "The matter of Avel and his hateful former fiance was summarily gone from Solany’s mind", and "She suspected the man, who was Prince Croix’s vassal, was the man who made his former fiance disappear" all need his changed to her