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What is a party?

Viers was an introvert and a preferred loner so he wasn't an expert on the matter. So the party he hosted came to be because he ticked a list: guests, venue, food, and entertainment. All with a touch of luxury and class, that was it.

He invited his inner circle and some newcomers; he prepared Dia’s Biome as a location, a premium one at that. For food, he prepared something more lux than what they usually ate, and an ensemble of eight instruments so there would be some music playing in the background.

All these were prepared and kept smoothly progressing by his capable henchmen, the Pukupukus.

Actually, should I call them ‘men’? Hench-shrooms? Hench-plants? Hench-pukus? Well… Whatever.

Of course, since this was an event, the people element was the most crucial. The three newcomers were quickly introduced to the group and welcomed since they were guests brought by the Big Boss of this place. From there, things took off by themselves.

Too many interactions took place, Ciel, Sakuya, and Yayoi were approached by Paina, Farley, and Jessica, easing them into the group and answering questions that they might have. The underage group asked Boram about his experience at the Academy. Clarissa was pestered by the familiar trio plus Zerri about the new things and the alchemist’s new creations.

Since Viers was in isolation, some members of his group had gone apart because of the path they chose. Some hadn't seen their friends for a long time, like Paina who went to Zetel, Boram and Farley who studied abroad. The long separation created many topics of conversation.

Food and drinks were arranged buffet style, kept at perfect temperature by magic. Viers put out ingredients that were usually reserved for him because of the quality and shared them with his close confidants. Since this was a special occasion and all. His prided Pukupuku chefs showed their skill splendidly, impressing the guests.

Viers himself took a moment to be alone for some time, sitting at the edge of the open venue. After the Emerith Grand Ball, his social battery reserves had been drained. A social animal, he was not. Interacting with people was exhausting. The newly minted Level 4 took this chance to examine something that he received earlier.

It was a purple monster core the size of an apple, the item that Ciel Valentine used to buy Viers’ compliance to the girlfriend-boyfriend play.

A Rank 5 monster core of soul affinity.

Monsters with soul affinity were rare. The core, rarer. A Rank 5 soul core, much more so.

Although Viers had been in seclusion for three years, through Arsène whom he occasionally sent out, he could still influence the outside world. Mostly, about the Arcanum Club.

Through the club, Viers had ways to transform his riches into cultivation resources, something that he wished he could do earlier. Those resources already helped him during his tenuous breakthrough to Level 4.

Most credits belonged to The Hanged Man III, which wasn't here, just like The Hermit.

The Blood Church Vice-Vicar with the witch hat was not invited. Izabella’s association with the dangerous devil cult made Viers treat her with more caution. A lesson he learned from Georgi and Dumuzin, the other devil cult.

Even with the Hanged Man’s mercantile business and connections to the black market, something Viers desired remained out of reach, mostly because of sheer rarity. The Rank 5 monster core in his hand right now belonged to that category.

Soulfear Banshee’s core… And in perfect condition. Yes, this will do nicely.

Monster cores were the most versatile cultivation resources. For Arte creation, Arte casting auxiliary, improvement aid, research, crafting, energy source, and many more.

With this particular core, Viers wished to create a new soul Arte. he usually didn't need to use monster cores to create Arte but for this particular Arte, the end result lacked the necessary impact. For Level 3 and below, the Arte current power worked just fine but was much less effective against Level 4s. Given enough time Viers was sure he could complete it but with the monster core, he was sure of Arte’s potency. His time and resources then could be used for his improvement in other areas.

By this point, only special Artes could have caught Viers’ attention. Envisioning the greatness of his next soul Arte, Viers grinned.

“Thinking something bad again, have you? Come on, this is a party isn't it? Why is the host staying on the sidelines by himself?”

Curses! The social hounds had found him. There was no escaping now. Paina pulled his arm, bringing him to the group of mostly women. He and Boram were so out of place. Faiya, Futon, and the teenager Jessica’s son didn't count.

They asked him about the Emerith Grand Ball. In response, Viers showed the vision of the Ball earlier this evening from his perspective. It was like a projector.

“Ah, it’s Viers Vision,” Farley pointed out.

“Oh, I missed this,” Clarissa smiled.

“I admit I’m curious. What’s he up to this time?” Paina added.

The three girls that once lived inside his soul space suddenly got a sense of nostalgia. During that time, Viers often showed this thing to them so they could see what was happening in the outside world. In the early days, Viers didn't have the Victa to waste to materialize them outside of his soul for everyday conveniences.

The video was edited. The important parts were still there but the boring parts were removed. Just like the all cutscenes video of games in Y-Tube that Viers for one reason or another, didn't play but still wanted to know the story.

While most of the group had their eyes glued to the floating screen, Viers’ hope of getting more quiet time was dashed when Ciel sat next to him.

“Nice place you got here,” the blonde beauty said. She was wearing nice, comfortable blue and black clothes. “Happy to be back.”

Ciel had been here once. After she and Paina and Farley repelled a clone of Georgi during the Valkut debacle. She rested here until her injuries healed before she and Viers separated.

“Glad you like it, Miss Valenton.”

“Valentine. Hi Dia,” Ciel waved at the small girl the size of a pixie on top of Viers’ shoulder. The dryad waved back with a smile then Ciel’s attention went back to Viers.

“Great Biome by the way.”

“Thanks. We developed it with care,” Viers said. “Getting along with everyone?”

“Well enough,” Ciel saw the screen, which showed Croix. “I never took you for the vassal type. Would you be so kind as to share the reason for your action?”

“I figured to lend the young prince a hand. He seems decent enough.”

Ciel studied Viers’ face, quite seriously.

“Viers, what’s your opinion about Prince Croix? Will he be a good king?”

Viers picked up Ciel’s concern. Why wouldn't she be? Croix or one of his siblings would be the next king and she was a concerned citizen.

“I can tell you he has a good heart. As for what kind of king he will be, I cannot say.”

Ciel hummed. Its meaning? Viers had no idea.

“Your friends are impressive,” she then said. “A force to be reckoned with. You can probably take over a Latias Barony if you are so inclined. Should I be concerned?”

Viers smiled. “Ever the legionary. Wondering if we’re doing bad things?”

The Viers Vision already passed the timestamp where Boram won his duel and Viers slapped himself. However, the part where he gave Boram harsh but necessary life advice, was cut. Such secrets shouldn't be so easily shared. Secrets were precious precisely because they were hard to get.

“The world is messy enough as it is. The Human Dominion’s relative peace is paid in blood. Sometimes I wonder if the Church is the only people wanting to keep the world from breaking.”

“Makes you think the political situation in Latias laughable? When you and your Silver Legion friends were fighting to keep the peace, the nobles held lavish balls and feasts without a care in the world?”

“Frustrated,” Ciel corrected. “But yes. Out in the west, the demon threat is rising. I was there last year, with many of my comrades, fighting a Lord and his army.”

“Quick question,” Viers interjected. “A Demon Lord? Is it another term for Demon King?”

“What? No. Demon Lord is different from Demon King. Lord is weaker since Demon King is a continent-wide threat, but still dangerous. Why?” Ciel asked.

“Just asking for clarification. I had a few run-ins with sealed Demon King body parts. The seals are clearly the Church’s doing. People seem to seek these remains.”

“See what I mean?” Ciel massaged her temple. “Is it so hard for people to understand to leave the Demon King alone? Don't revive ancient beings of great power that want to destroy the world? Is it too much to ask?”

“I pity you. Your work seems to never end.”

The temptation of power was too great. These body parts of the Demon King, scattered and sealed, were not powerless. They whispered to the minds of lesser men to seek them out. People being people, there were always those who took the bait.

Not only talentless teenage Idlers who weren't able to become Pathseekers were prone to Demon King’s whisper. The likes of old Level 5s at the end of their lifespan sought the remains to prolong their life or to use them to have a chance of breaking through to the next Level.

“Yet still we do it. Because we must,” Ciel looked Viers in the eye with iron determination. Viers could respect that. A few seconds later, Ciel backed away slowly, a bit crestfallen.

“While I was fighting for the world, my family only seemed to think about who they should pick for my spouse. It is… frustrating.”

The group watched as the Ciel on the screen introduced Viers as her boyfriend. Gasps of surprise and looks were thrown at the pair sitting beside each other. Ciel smiled awkwardly and looked another way with a bit of red on her cheeks.

The gaze from Clarissa and Sakuya were intense.

“So, you have seen the world and saw through the confines of your birth. Now you wish to be able to do more for a nobler pursuit, do I get it right?” Viers furthered the conversation.

Ciel didn't reply.

“Croix is similar to you in this. You two are wise. Also, I can help you in your goal.”

“Oh? What do you want in return?”

“It's a win-win relationship,” Viers said. “I’ll tell you more after this party.”

On the screen, the Emerith Grand Ball episode was rolling credits, while Viers and Ciel danced embodying the word romantic. For this scene, Viers used a different angle, showing the two of them and the audience, not the first-person POV. He really highlighted the moment to eleven.

The real Ciel looked at her own expression on the screen; she was like a maiden enchanted with love. Her face reddened even more. Did she really look like that earlier? No way! …Must be a trick of the light.

Clarissa approached Viers and Ciel.

Viers added the ‘dun dun duuun!!!’ sound effect in his mind.

“Ask me for a dance,” Clarissa said.


“You want me to dance with you?” Viers clarified.

“No, I want you to ask me for a dance.”

Clarissa’s eyes convey her intent as clear as a scream to the face. Viers felt the tiniest bit of dread from that steely gaze. She wouldn't take no for an answer.

There was only one thing Viers could do.

“Miss Valenton, apologies. I have things I have to do. Enjoy your evening.”

With a flash of light, Viers changed into a black tailcoat tuxedo with a black butterfly bow tie. His hair, gelled and combed. His shoes, black shine.

“My lady, would you grant me the honor of dancing with you?” Viers said with courtesy and charm cranked to the max, lowering his head.

Clarissa also changed her clothes to a red ball gown of the highest quality. Her old clothing burned before they transformed.

Like Katniss Everdeen. Although, Clarissa never saw that movie.

Clarissa offered her hand and Viers took it befitting of a gentleman.

The two went to the space in front of the ensemble of eight Pukupukus, holding four kinds of musical instruments. They played those like pros thanks to Viers copying Paina and other musicians' skills to them.

As he walked hand in hand, he used his Imaginary Domain ability to transform the surroundings to a vast, warm-lit ballroom, different from the Emerith Ball but as great. That got Viers plus points from Clarissa and the other women. Naturally, the Domain was harmless, just a little bit of make-up for appearances.

He whispered the song he wanted the Pukupukus to play and then, he danced with Clarissa. The lamia didn't have a problem dancing because she had feet. Viers was leading but the steps of the dance also didn't seem to pose any problem to her.

Now they were truly Beauty and the Beast.

Kirei…” Yayoi softly said.

“...I’m next,” Sakuya showed her spirit.

“M-me next,” Luca gathered her courage.

“You?” Farley asked, holding Faiya and Futon so they wouldn't fly around and interrupt Clarissa’s moment.

“I can't dance,” Paina smiled.

“I will teach you,” Farley offered.

“...Don't laugh when I step on your toes,” Paina replied.

Boram simply enjoyed the moment while drinking mango juice or its equivalent in this world.

Jessica watched beside her son, seemingly remembering fond memories.

Dia tried to mimic the dancing moves on top of Zerri’s head.

Ciel was… looking.

A peaceful night.