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Painting faces is officially fun! While the first head on GI Joe took me like... 5 hours to paint, these were smooth sailing compared to that. You know how it goes with first attempts (in this case second after a LONG time)... you're finding out what works and what doesn't, then you spend time fixing errors etc... and when you immediately repeat the process afterwards, you just put all the good stuff you learned on the first one to good use. In this case it was two times in a row! And to give you some lulz and giggles I included a picture with one head finished and the other just base coated (Brown Sand base coat, a heavy wash of Cavalry Brown and two dots of Burnt Umber for eyes). 

Another fun fact is how most of us would expect that hands are a breeze compared to faces and it's just a small thing that takes no more than a few minutes... yeah, WRONG! These are quite intricate and can take more than an hour, that is if you already know the routine from the previous night. 

I also fixed the most obvious errors on Joe, his M1 Garand and his rank (damn, that was a tough one). 

My plan was to finish these gentlemen tonight, but all of a sudden... crash! Exhaustion hit me like a truck and I couldn't focus anymore. So instead of rushing things and possibly ruining the final results (they're not going to be nowhere near perfect anyway) I'll rather start finishing them first thing in the morning! 

Oh, and I'm officially a huge fan of figure painting! 



Paul Garrity

Nailed mate. I love that you are now a fan of figure painting. To me, that means there will be major leaps in your style as you do more. Look forward to future figures. Maybe next some late war Waffen ss camo patterns 😊

John Gray

Hey Martin, can’t recall if you’ve already discussed this, but what building were you going to use in this dio? A commercially available one, or scratch!? Really interested to see the rest of this project progress