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My friends, GI Joe finally has a face! I got the 2 other guys about 30% in, but they look dull as hell at the moment so I'll leave you with this gentleman for now. 

As I'm looking at these photos it feels like I could add a few more very bright highlights to his face in a similar way like I did on his hands, but I'll leave that for tomorrow. 

The process is kinda interesting, it's Brown Sand as a base coat again, then a heavy wash with Cavalry Brown again, and then instead of lights I proceeded with shadows. But instead of adding Cavalry Brown into the base like I did with Hans I instead used Burnt Umber because I didn't want him to turn too reddish. Highlights were done with the base coat and Flat Flesh mixed in. The final extreme highlight is Basic Skintone, which is very bright. The most crucial part in my opinion are glazes done with pure red color. On his cheeks, ears, lips, in corners of his eyes, on the palm of his hand etc. This really gives the flesh tones nice rich colors. 

But let me tell you, it's a scary process! Hopefully by the time I get to the 3rd head I'll be more comfortable with it. I should also probably hurry up because it's soon gonna be a week since I started painting those fellows! 

Oh and according to your feedback from the last post I'm also going to fix those mistakes like his rank and the missing wooden part on the M1! :) 



Paul Garrity

Martin, if I understand correctly, these three are only your second figures after Hans? Is so, mate, you appear to have figure painting nailed. I get that none of these three are finished yet, but seriously they are excellent. It is my humble opinion that if you stick with figure painting, you will soon be able to hold your own with the masters. It is clear from the images/updates that you are improving all the time. Keep at it mate, you got this figure painting malarky sussed!!😊


Yes indeed, Hans was my first attempt and I was kinda worried these wouldn't hold up to him. The first one probably doesn't (the tank commander) but I think the others are better :) Thanks a lot!

Darren Melia

I would really like to see and know how to do the lines around badges belts etc, i just cant get mine right, please help Uncle!