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Okay.  yes I know....I probably shouldnt have draw this and it took me 3 frikkin days whereas normally it'd be a 10-12 hour job...my concentration is shot because of teh Covid thing.  I have no sense of smell/taste today, but the headache is mostly gone (its been around for 3-4 days) so it let me finish this up.

It felt wrong letting the year end with no shine update.  I'll be buggered if Covid messes up my 2 year on time perfect upload streak for the Shine comic.  Im not letting Covid be the combo-breaker.  Screw you covid.


If you spot any spelling mistakes or glaring errors...um this page isnt the best for teh Covid reason above LOL

Hope your new years eve celebrations are full of fun and happy things. Me...Im just probably gonna stay up for the bells but likelyer is im gonna be zonked out before 10 HAHAHA.

Anyway thanks ever so much for sticking around this year.  Its been a tricky one but its been a pleasure working for you all here.  My comics are only possible because of Patreon so you're all very much an important part of my life, and I very appreciate you guys being here. 

Anyway...have the last shine page of 2021.


Happy new year.



Call me ‘bitch’ was the New Year story twist I was hoping for.


That's cool that they are both taking it slowly. Can't wait to see the next page, and get well soon.


The bit between xmas and new years day is the only time you can be naughty really, so swearing is allowed for the next 4 hours until it ticks over to jan the 1st and Santa starts watching you all over again


I hope recovery is quick and smooth, and that you have a lovely new year! Thanks for everything you do!


Hope yous feel better real soon!! <3 (RestRestRest!) I think this page is a nice pause to end the year, defining more of their relationship, which it seems is being set up to explore more in the coming pages :) Excited to see what next year brings! Happy New Years to All! ^.^


I have always found it strange and presumptuous when littles given someone a personal title uninvited or when others address me as their cub. Those are earned through trust and discussion not simply taken.


honestly this is one of those things that was always in the back of my mind when this part of the story began and I do like how they've at least taken that (pardon the pun) first baby step


I really like this, it’s a good way to address things ❤️😇


those titles are way better than a daddy anyway :) but also i see the problem - and I can't say i am not doing the same tbh but i try my best to get better with such things






On another note. I still haven't figured out how to stand out in the crowd. Littles are a dime a dozen and can be super annoying to sort through for quality. So I wind up neglecting my own little needs due to the sheer amount of work that goes into finding a nice CG. I've filled the CG role for lots of littles that I found to be irresistibly cute. But still, I'm hoping to get some insight into the topic. Well done squiggy. Now go to bed!!!


That's really cute I'm glad that you felt good enough for you to put this up but please get rest and take care of yourself. Have your Daddy give you a bottle, change your diapie, and put you back to bed. You need your rest.


What a great treat to come home to on New Years Eve!!!! Oh my gosh you seriously should be resting but thank you thank you thank you!!!! <3 This page means a lot to me because seriously communication is like key and every one really does seem to skip that step!


Please rest and hopefully get better soon.


I’m sooooo tickled because I’m Auntie Em to my niece! *giggles*


I remember that one site Star logged on, everyone wanted her to be their mommy